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格仔餅 鮮搾椰汁 雞蛋仔
食評 (16)
等級2 2012-02-28
238 瀏覽
本身自己鐘意食雞蛋仔多過格仔餅既但呢間格仔餅好食D!不過雞蛋仔都唔差! 外脆內軟格仔餅仲正! 都係外脆內軟 GA食完都唔覺滯我唸會KEEP住去食! 但就係貴左D 雞蛋仔$11, 格仔餅$12 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-12-02
122 瀏覽
難得一天由九龍到新界去 當然要周圍吃東西啦下巴士之後 走到了一條人流很多的街從周圍的店看得出來是一個露天的蔬菜跟肉類市場一路走進去 聞到一陣陣的椰香和蛋香味眼睛一開 就看到一間小小的店 沒有美麗的裝潢沒有舒服的位子 只是一間小小的外賣店賣的只是簡單的《雞蛋仔》香味卻很吸引人呢而且他是現做現賣的 你點了 他才做 所以你要等喔雖然等了差不多10分鐘 但親眼看到一份又大又香又充滿懷舊味道的《雞蛋仔》真的好興奮喔!!熱騰騰的《雞蛋仔》在我手上之後一陣陣的蛋香和椰香 傳到了我的鼻子裡去放到咀裡之後 那個味道 真的好棒!!外面是脆脆的 裡面是軟綿綿的 這種『外脆內軟』的口感 很難再找到了!!每份只要$10, 真的是《價廉物美》!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-05-09
86 瀏覽
This shop makes the best traditional waffle(格仔餅)in town,may be even the best in HK!Before I tried this shop,I did not expect the waffle it made was so so so delicious!!!!The waffle was made after my order.But I think it was definitely worth waiting!!!First,the appearance of the waffle was nice.Clear checked pattern and thick layers!When I started to eat,I was surprised by the crispy texture!!I felt very contented!Inside the waffle,it was spongy,there were right proportion of peanut butter,condensed milk and butter.It was good that it used condensed milk instead of sugar.So,the whole waffle would not be too sweet but tasted really good!In a month,I think I ate 3 times!So I may be addicted to the waffle there.Now when I am typing the review,I want to have one right now because I have not eaten it for almost 3 months!Addiction starts again!It is worth-eating too!Only $10 each!And a student discount at $9!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2010-07-25
54 瀏覽
之前已經想試這間的格仔餅很久了, 今天終於有機會,。餅很脆, 而且很香蛋味, 比利強記的出色.但唯一的不足是醬料不夠多, 不過以這樣的價錢來說,已經不俗了!我還會再來幫襯的! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-06-19
24 瀏覽
之前新開食真係覺得好正 又脆又平 今日行開去再食個雞旦仔 ,,同其他食家講既一樣 真係冇乜蛋味 得個脆字..大不如前 點解開左唔係好耐就變成咁 試左個椰汁,得個甜字囉 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)