馬泰餐廳位於奧海城二期,在店舖的右面,你可以看到印巴藉的廚師在造薄餅,餐廳以木色為主,光線不是太猛,令人感到舒服。除了印度薄餅,它的秘製咖哩牛腩也是很多食客的必點選擇。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
泊車 詳細介紹
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
印度薄餅 金香炒蟹 泰式牛丸湯河 秘製咖哩牛腩 馬拉盞炒 蝦醬炒飯
食評 (80)
等級2 2011-03-07
228 瀏覽
It is conveniently located near the Broadway Cinema and despite them being short on staff we were in and out in time for our film.It took longer for someone to greet us and take our request for a table than waiting for one once that happened. There were not enough waiters to serve food from the trays brought out by the kitchen staff and we even had to help ourselves when the tray was too full. The tea refills were also not frequent enough, but we were seated next to the bar so we could flag down someone easily enough.I was thrilled to see Ice Coconut Milk ($23) on the menu, but the waiters were so stressed and moody that I did not dare ask any details about the ingredients, which was a mistake: it was extremely sweet with loads of added sugar. It tasted great, don't get me wrong, but I was looking for something plainer.If we had had more time I would have ordered one of the whole fish, but since we had a film to see I opted for the following, which arrived in random order (as soon as it was ready):Chicken tender and juicy. Sauce bland and watery: not good at all.This tasted great all around.I cannot really judge squid, but it seemed fine.w/ garlic chip & pepper. These were a little bland. We took the leftovers home and the next day they tasted great, so I'm not sure what to make of it. Perhaps I'd had too many similar dishes.The veg was OK as well, though the salty fish ended up being more of an afterthought.All of the "grilled" items were very greasy and had probably been fried instead of grilled, which I really did NOT like. 繼續閱讀
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上趟是單刀赴會一個人吃碗馬來喇沙當午餐。今次仍是下午時份來吃,但身邊卻多了太太及小友一起來參與....小朋友年紀太小,當然不能吃甚麼咖喱或沙嗲了,他只能吃帶來的飯仔及餅乾而已。我們兩個大人,吃的自不然是在餐牌上午市套餐的選擇了....沒有試過這裡的馬來式咖喱,要了份秘制咖喱牛腩飯。帶微甜及椰香的味道,辣度是您與我都可接受的程度;質地甚稠之餘入口惹味非常,是非常不錯的水準。用來拌甚麼都甚可口;薯仔夠"粉"夠淰,吸盡了咖喱精華的它,可能比牛腩本身更吸引;說回那些牛腩,帶點微韌,但又不至於全然咬不動,水平非常普通,要下大量的咖喱汁來伴吃才有看頭....青咖喱烤雞扒伴油鬆餅相比起來就要遜色一點 ---- 青咖喱給人感覺有點稀如水的,辣度温温吞吞,與龍城裡泰菜小店弄的差了不止一班;雞扒雖很細心的已被切成一件件,但吃起來只覺嚡口了些,不過本身醃得倒是夠味。算是扯了個平手....油鬆餅由馬來師傅即席表演搓弄而成。入口熱辣辣,餅身油份不多,吃落自然不膩;用手輕易將之撕成一片片來醮咖喱汁吃,一流享受也...叫了杯紅荳椰汁冰當成甜食看待。由於下了很多椰汁與糖漿關係,味是甜得攞人命;若不是有大量碎冰將之溝淡,恐怕喝後血糖便要急促標升了;紅荳煲得不夠淰,不夠軟身,可以不吃....價錢不算太貴的星馬泰菜館,可以一試的.... 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-01-19
24 瀏覽
喜歡這裡的馬來拉茶,也覺得這裡的食物質素不差,所以久不久都會前來幫襯。這次吃的午餐,有「柚子沙律」、「泰式海鮮濕炒河」、「越式生牛肉湯河」和自己愛喝的「馬來拉茶」。1)「柚子沙律」酸酸的,既健康,又開胃。2)「泰式海鮮濕炒河」不知是不是因為物價高漲的關係,似乎比以前細碟了,無論河粉和海鮮的份量都好像少了,而且這次的水準有點失準,獻汁太稠,味道方面則還算可以。3)「越式生牛肉湯河」的水準是不錯的,湯比較清鮮,味道比奧海城另外一間打正旗號賣越南菜的「越棧」來得自然,吃後不會有口渴的感覺。4 )「馬來拉茶」是這裡的強項,自己每次來幫襯都會叫來飲,每次都能保持令人滿意的水準,這拉茶濃郁而偏甜的味道正是自己喜歡的味道。趁熱來喝,自己挺喜歡呢! 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2011-01-11
21 瀏覽
3.5 yrs ago we moved back to Hong Kong and started living in Olympic City of Tai Kok Tsui, one of the restaurant we always choose to dine is the Matai which serves a combination of Malaysian and Thai Cuisine, locate in the Olympic Phase II, next to Best Eletronic shop or close the way from Broadway cinema Ticket Booth. After moved away from this area for 5 months we couldn't help but came back to taste food again last night when walking around the area, ordered 肉骨茶,miced pork, Softshell shrimp roll, 咖喱牛腩 and jelly fish and shredded chicken served with sesame sauce. 肉骨茶is more tasty in Matai served with planty short ribs and fried tofu compared to other Malaystian restaurants in town. miced pork could be very spicy, if you can not handle it, better ask for non spicy one. Miced pork usually cooked with a bit of 鱼露,so it carries a smell not favorable to everyone, but taste is good. Very friendly service, but try to be there early, cause the table runs out fast after 7 pm on weekend. 咖喱牛腩配印度油酥饼 is our all time favorite, 牛腩选料极为精细,软筋入口即化,喜爱土豆的人也会喜欢咖喱牛腩里配的土豆,松软之极。Softshell crab roll added mango, yet lack of a good dipping sauce, you can ask for satay sauce instead of what they usually serve, adds a good sweet and salty flavor. Jelly fish and shreded chicken served with sesame sauce is new on the menu, not a typical thai dish, more like Japanese dish due to the dressing, yet, very tasty and refreshing taste, recommended for a good starter. 繼續閱讀
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中環下班,已經9點有多為左近我一點,選擇了奧海城..已經餓了,但還是會左挑右選,最後入左呢間~~最意想不到就係, 食既竟然係馬來西亞同埋越南野..我們點了:1/ 蜜桃煙鴨胸米紙卷: 呢個配搭好match 又fresh. 鴨胸又唔太漏。讚!2/ 泰式咖哩大頭蝦: 咖哩不太spicy, 岩我。蝦都算大隻, 不過鮮味唔太突出..3/ 馬拉咖哩牛腩: 牛腩林身, 馬拉同泰式咖哩, 其實唔係好食到有咩分別4/ 蔥油餅: 有咖哩當然少不了叫蔥油餅做配搭。而且見到"師傅"比心機拉呀拉.. 好似好好玩咁。不過, 好好味的。5/ 通天炒: 即係炒通菜, 有d 油, 有待改善...總的來說, 都是不錯的一餐~ 繼續閱讀
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