港鐵銅鑼灣站 A 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
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食評 (4)
銀坐いわ的次線。魚生質素很好。其他食物中挺。午市可以一試。Decent Sushi by Ginza Iwa.Generally good lunch sets.Cooked food requires some fine tuning.Worth a try if you are in the area. I understand that this is another line of sushi dokoro operated by Ginza Iwa. This is a mid-ranged sushi place compared to Ginza Iwa.Tucked away in a commercial building in CWB, the whole design and vibes of the place was similar to Imamura at CWB (& other Japanese restaurants in the same building.)We got a seat immediately as there was practically no one there, no doubt because it was quite new when we visited.The lunch sets were in Japanese, Chinese and English. It's self-explanatory:I ordered a "Shogun Sushi Set" ($198 plus 10%).It had 11 pieces of sushi. The chu toro, uni and scallops sushis were very good. The chu toro in particular had excellent umami. It's similar to the one I had at Ginza Iwa. The ikura (salmon roes) and grilled anago were pretty good too. Grilling the anago really brought out the aroma of it. The meat of the anago was crispy on the outside and tender inside. The white-bodied fish, salmon, sweet shrimp and negi toro were not spectacular but decent enough.All the sushis were served at the right temperature, neither too cold to destroy the umani nor too warm to destroy the texture. The wasabi inside each sushi was just right as well, unlike the famous sushi dokoro Imamura, which used too much wasabi.All in all, I was happy with the quality of the sushi.The set came together with a bowl of white miso soup with chopped spring onions. This should be made of  sweet miso from the middle part of Japan. The steamed egg, i.e. chawanmushi, with imitation crab stick and fish cake, was also decent.The set was not filling enough for me so I ordered soba. HK$58 Sarashina soba. It had a high soba content, so the soba was chewier - albeit drier than usual. Those were also slightly reddish. It was similar to those served at Gonpachi. Of course, Kurotaki is the only soba specialist in Hong Kong for the time being. Nevertheless, I think the soba here was not spectacular but decent. Bakudan seafood: A dish with yamaimo, onsen tamago, chopped hamachi, uni soy sauce and dried daikon. HK$88 for four pieces of Nori. It was surprisingly filling. Instead of following their recommended way of eating, namely putting everything on the nori, I just tore up the nori and mixed it into one bowl. Worth a try. My friends ordered "lady set", negi toro don , sashimi set and chirashi sushi set. The rice of the chirashi sushi were too soggy. The soba in soup was also too soggy according to my friend. She was not too happy with it. The tempura that came with the lady set was too oily (I tried it). The rest were fine. They were generally happy with their sets. To conclude:All in all, the sashimi at Sushi Shogun were good but the rest, in particular the tempura and chirashi sushi, still required some fine tuning.Very friendly service. Reasonable price.Definitely worth a try if you are in the area. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-12-24
1094 瀏覽
這一段時間,感覺真疲憊,每夜回家二話不說便睡著,幾乎整整一個月的星期一至星期五十點前便已經入睡,心力交瘁。其實筆者並不算懶惰,只不過真的很累,所以一直都沒有新文出來。最近看到朋友的相片,深深被他的相片吸引著,剛巧因為要慶祝聖誕節的來臨,筆者就帶著疲倦的身軀去訂位。這間店舖位於銅鑼灣的百樂中心,這個中心筆者其實從沒有去過,但也知道是銅鑼灣之中較多好吃食店的地方。這間食店在其二樓,據說跟誠壽司和銀座IWA不無關係,相信有一定質素,他就是新開業的「壽司將軍」。初時候來這裹還有一點三心兩意,因為不知道這裡的價格,因都是朋友一起吃,吃太貴怕被罵呢,後得知這裹算是中價才放心一點。這間餐廳選擇都吃多,有套餐介乎HKD800-1200左右,如不想點套餐大可以跟筆者一樣分開點。這邊提供一般壽司、刺身、鍋、天婦羅甚至毛蟹和生蠔等,而且選擇很多,單是刺身壽司就有三十多款,不過精打細算的筆者認為單點壽司並不化算,點什錦壽司會好一點,唯一不足就是餐牌上照顧不了素食的朋友們。先來的是一個剛做推介的啤酒小吃 (HKD68),這一小碟合共有八款不同的小吃,有鮟肝、白子、帶子配上三文魚子、吞拿魚、油甘魚、玉子和甜蝦等刺身小吃。最特別當然就是白子,筆者並沒有曾經吃過白子,如果吃之前知道甚麼是白子,筆者可能不會吃,它入口滑溜,然後在口裹邊爆開,感覺蠻有趣。鮟肝是魚的肝臟,筆者對這款小吃一般,感覺較像午餐肉片而不像鵝肝質感,味道普通,或許送酒好一點。帶子配上三文魚子沒有之後的什錦壽司的帶子般大顆,但仍然肥美新鮮。其餘刺身都非常不俗,以價錢來算性價比極高。說是啤酒小吃,當然有一杯啤酒送給食客,可惜筆者戒了酒很久沒有親身去品嚐一下。之後來了一個什錦天婦羅 (Assorted Seasonal Tempura, $168),這個天婦羅份量恰好,種類繁多,有蝦、茄子、南瓜及魚等,這兒做的天婦羅水準來得十分高,是值得推介的。皮炸得很薄而十分脆口,但卻絲毫沒有油膩感及熱氣的感覺,蝦帶有一定鮮味,南瓜非常甘甜,最特別這一回是魚,很少看到日式餐廳會選擇魚來做炸物,既特別又好吃。到了正菜,來了一個將軍-壽司拼盤18件加卷物 (Assorted Shogun Sushi (18 Pieces with Maki Roll), $680),這個拼盤以十八件壽司再配上卷物,而每一個拼盤都會送一碗味噌湯。壽司每款有一件,當中包括有大卜口、中卜口、吞拿魚、油甘魚、帶子、鮪魚、小肌、海膽、牡丹蝦、海鰻、三文魚籽軍艦、蟹膏蟹肉軍艦、玉子、吞拿魚蓉卷物及軍艦。其間發生了一段小插曲,壽司師傅突然發現給多了一份三文魚但少了一份牡丹蝦,可能他覺得只補回一份很難看於是補回兩份牡丹蝦並表示那份多出的三文魚不用取回,這可看出餐廳的專業及對壽司的熱誠。筆者是一個很喜歡吃壽司的食客,這裹的壽司令人大開眼戒,先是大卜口中卜口等吞拿魚壽司新鮮非常而且入口即溶極之美味,值得一提這間店舖跟在日本吃的一樣都是飯較少刺身較多較大的,而且他們的飯做得不鬆散筆者一向筷子功都不太好但都沒有把飯弄得散。最令人期待是帶子壽司,整顆帶子大得可怕而且十分肥美,是筆者其中一份最愛的壽司。各款軍艦中最特別是蟹膏蟹肉軍艦,軍艦一半是蟹膏另一半是蟹肉,就像在吃縮小了的蟹壽司一樣。當然還有筆者大愛海膽軍艦,海膽來得極豐厚而且都滿瀉在壽司表面。唯一覺得軍艦不足之處是在於紫菜不夠脆身,但整體仍然處於高水平。最後來的是牛肉鍋 ($128),職員一直都在看筆者用膳的情況,並不想筆者一邊吃生一邊吃熟,盡顯細心一面,這個牛肉鍋也是筆者近年最欣賞的一個。首先單看配料有不同菇料、豆腐、紅蘿蔔、生菜、粗身的粉絲及蒟蒻,當然還有主角牛肉。一個好吃的牛肉鍋還是要看牛肉湯底,這個湯底真的令人拍案叫絕,使得單是筆者就已喝了三小碗,而牛肉是另上,有一點像中式火鍋一樣,不用弄得太熟,入口順滑,牛肉雖好吃,但各種菇料如草菇更好吃,使得湯底變得超級鮮甜。這個湯也有不足之處,像爐具會否考慮用回電磁爐?因食材都滿滿弄得鍋底的食材有一點燶,但除兩個之外筆者找不到任何缺點。餐廳因剛剛開張,結賬才發現只是約HKD1,100,這裹的確很高質素,質素在於並不是集中在某一部份的食物上,而是不論生的熟的炸的或是煲的都做得很好,相對之前吃的楠料理,這裡更高層次一點,當然價錢也是再高昂一點,但筆者覺得是值得花這個價錢去吃。其實百樂中心經常有很多人排隊上去,但這間小店在八時也不見滿,但相信以這個質素來說很快要訂位排隊。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2014-12-16
614 瀏覽
This sushi restaurant just opened 2 weeks ago and took over the Irori Izakaya. The crowd has not started to form yet but judging from the quality and the price, its rivalries within the neighborhood will be quite worried. The Itacho (sushi chef ) is a japanese and that in itself is a plus in any sushi bar. I went for lunch for the second time within this week. I ordered the Chirashi ( diced seafood)Set Lunch. The price is only HK$128 and a discount is offered during grand opening. Normally this dish is comprised of bits and ends from the cutted sushi. However, the chef prepared the topppings by selecting from various items inside the cold case. These include salmon, scallops,shrimp, tuna, eggs and best of all it is topped up with plenty of ikura (fish roe). The visual itself is already very tantalising and appealing. The fish is fresh and served at the right temperature. Sometimes they are served very cold due to local preference and the fish taste is affected. This set comes with steamed egg custard , noodle and dessert and it is plenty of food. The lunch is definitely a steal. The chef told me they belong to the same group as Sushi Iwa.With a reputable group behind it, this outlet will surely come out ahead. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-11-24
291 瀏覽
自從酒處IRORI轉手後, 轉成IRORI後, 曾幫櫬過一次,但覺得水準下降, 之後就沒有再去。今天往百樂中心午膳時, 收到壽司將軍傳單,派傳單果個話, o岩o岩轉o左名做壽司將軍,有新o既日本人師傅, 又話新張有85折,好啦又試下, 就上2樓。我點了將軍壽司定食($198)最貴呢個, 我朋友就點了女仕定食($148),壽司味道不錯, 中吞拿魚腩油份唔錯, 海膽壽司是用日本海膽,壽司整體都幾好, 不過果兩件碎蔥吞拿魚卷舊飯我覺得太大舊。我朋友個Lady Set好似好多野食, 有刺身三種(油甘魚, 甜蝦, 三文魚),壽司, 碎蔥吞拿魚卷, 天婦羅, 烏冬。份量都夠。食完個Set原來仲有咖啡或雪糕送D定食都係都係百零蚊起。壽司、魚生飯Set比較多, 不過隔離枱個鯖魚Set都幾好,下次試下先。埋單時, 侍應告訴我們, 晚上也有85折。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)