港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 N3 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
18:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
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食評 (17)
📍尖沙咀赫德道8A號Mondrian Hong Kong39樓 ✨#Carna By Dario Cecchini @Carna By Dario Cecchini 💰~HKD $5000 / 4人 (Dinner + 有飲酒) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~公司嘅project終於完工嚕,所以老闆決定請我哋team食飯慶功🥳咁啱我一直都bookmark左呢間傳說中「世界第一屠夫」嘅扒房🤤所以我哋一行4人就決定左去位於尖沙咀Mondrian Hong Kong嘅「Carna By Dario Cecchini」食慶功宴。 餐廳位於酒店嘅頂樓,喺酒店大門隔離係有一條垂直電梯上去,期間可以觀賞尖沙咀嘅景色,上到去餐廳嘅staff會立刻來招待我哋,而入口處已經有welcome drink & snacks 俾客人。我哋嘅位置係正窗邊,啱啱好可以飽覽維港嘅夜景🌃 想讚一讚餐廳嘅侍應,由我地上到去餐廳嘅一刻開始,都非常有禮熱情地招待,每一道菜都會細心介紹,order食物同酒個陣,佢哋都會好有耐心地介紹同俾意見,係服務上完全無野可以挑剔💯~~~~~~~~~~~~食物介紹~~~~~~~~~~~~🤩Prosciutto Toscano 24 Months ($268 HKD) Ham食落好香,但又唔會太油膩同太鹹,再配上餐廳自家醃製嘅蜂蜜酸瓜,十分有風味。 🤩Chianti Tartare ($298 HKD) 餐廳staff會推架車仔到客人餐桌前,即席製作他他,期間亦會不停講解。今次係我第一次食牛肉他他,好有驚喜。首先,食落非常新鮮,一啲腥味都無,同時肉質軟嫩得來唔會太肥膩,製作時見到staff並無落好多嘅調味料,都係少許嘅香料,鹽,橄欖油同大蒜等等,所以牛肉本身嘅鮮味好突出。 🤩Burrata E Pomodoro Cimelio ($248 HKD) Burrata cheese喺我每次食意大利菜都必叫嘅一款前菜。呢到嘅Burrata cheese非常清新,唔會太鹹同膩,非常開胃。 🤩Bistecca Alla Fiorentina 🥩($1980 HKD) 來到世界第一屠夫嘅扒房,點少得主角牛扒,難得慶功宴,我地一於就叫最貴嗰款porterhouse。同頭先嘅他他一樣,staff都會係推住架車仔來到桌前,即席為我地切塊牛扒,而切之先,餐廳會好細心地先展示整塊未切的牛排同埋幫我地合照。 45日乾式熟成嘅澳洲黑安格斯porterhouse,食落肉味濃郁。我地order左五成熟,個熟度都控制得恰到好處。餐廳除左鹽之外仲另外提供了五種醬汁選擇,包括Béarnaise、綠胡椒、Chimichurri、松露醬和紅酒醬,不過我覺得淨係落鹽已經好足夠。 🤩Polpo alla Griglia🐙 ($348 HKD) 呢份係我暫時食過最軟嫩嘅八爪魚,一啲都唔會韌,而且味道鮮甜,調味唔會過重覆蓋咗八爪魚嘅鮮味,另外伴碟嘅蔬菜口味清甜,同八爪魚搭配一齊食,味道層次豐富。 🤩Tiramisù di Casa ($208 HKD) 最後點少得正宗嘅意大利Tiramisu,份量非常大,足夠我哋四個人分享,雖然好大個,但味道一樣出色,唔會甜到漏,亦唔會好膩。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🥩🇮🇹非常高質嘅意大利扒房 💯滿分嘅服務 👍絕對會encore再試埋其他食物 💰價錢唔平但值得 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-05-25
0 瀏覽
我從來唔寫食評,今日嬲到係餐廳即埸寫差唔多兩個月前 book 枱食生日 brunch, 食飯兩日前餐廳 send message 黎 confirm booking, 當時入面連 booking 名都寫錯,已經唔多高興。食飯當日到餐廳竟然話無 book 到枱!因為集團有 38-39 樓兩間餐廳,明明係打電話去 book 39 樓而且講明食 brunch (38 樓係無 brunch 食) 現埸 staff 竟然話 book 左 38 樓😡 同個 staff 投訴完先求其係 39 樓安排張枱俾我,如果我要 walk in 洗乜兩個月前 book? Service 差到爆,唔洗旨意再嚟Terrible experience and never come again 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-05-04
1075 瀏覽
I booked this restaurant to celebrate my husband's birthday. Originally, I reserved a table for 6:30, but I arrived at the restaurant alone at 6:00. Immediately, the staff reminded me that I had to vacate the table in two hours. So, I asked the staff if I should be seated now since I booked the table for 6:30 and my husband hadn't arrived yet. I would have been totally fine with waiting at the bar until my reservation time. By the way, the restaurant was not busy at 6pm😅. Constantly reminding me of the two-hour time limit from booking, booking confirmation, and at the restaurant didn't leave a good impression at all. It's not the service one would expect from a five-star hotel restaurant (at least not based on my previous experience in Hong Kong). In the end they seated me in a nearly empty restaurant.Once I sat down, I ordered a still water. When my husband arrived at 6:15, the waiter again asked him if he wanted still or sparkling. I gestured to my glass of still water as I didn’t understand why he asked again, to which he added, “Do you both want the same?” Then he explained the water was free flow, but no one mentioned to us earlier, and the waiters also didn’t take any initiative to introduce the menu, and we had to flag one down to ask about their signature dishes. As they served the bread, they forgot to provide the bread plate, and halfway through our mains they realised and finally brought us one. (I just feel that lack of training for the staff or just bad management, the staff was actually friendly).The main courses were neither outstanding nor terrible, it’s just nothing to write home about. The signature porterhouse was properly cooked but it didn’t have that “mind blowing” taste that a customer would anticipate. Especially if they know the name that bears the restaurant’s name - Dario Cecchini, the world famous butcher made famous by Netflix’s Chef’s Table. To make things even more confusing, many of their steaks are not even from Italy, they’re from Australia and Japan. There are certainly better options in the city for authentic Florentine steak.For dessert we ordered Tiramisu, I mentioned it was a birthday dinner during reservation and provided my husband’s name expecting it to appear on the dessert plate, they forgot about that too and just wrote “Happy Birthday” instead.At around 8:15, we hadn’t finished our wine nor did we ask for the bill, they approached us with the bill and said “if you don’t mind” (in retrospect I kind of did 😂). I understand you want us to stick to our 2 hour time limit, but why rush us to leave when your restaurant was not full. (Is it because of the free flow water 🤣🤣🤣?)The restaurant isn’t cheap either, we spent HKD$35xx for 2.We will not go back again, there are many better alternatives within the city.Book咗呢間餐廳同老公慶祝生日,本身book咗枱6:30,但我自己一個人6:00早到去咗餐廳攞枱,職員即刻提醒我兩個鐘要交枱,所以我問職員咁我而家應唔應該入座?因為我book枱係6:30而我老公亦未到。如果你哋餐廳滿座,叫我去酒吧坐陣先,我覺得冇問題,其實餐廳6:00都未有人,不停俾人提住兩個鐘還枱感覺唔太好,唔係一間五星級酒店餐廳應有服務(至少我之前去嗰啲未試過係咁)。最後佢都係比我入去坐,首先叫咗枝still water,坐一陣6.15左右老公到咗,侍應就問我老公想飲still or sparkling,我就同佢講我已經嗌咗一支still water ,跟住佢話”你哋要一樣?”之後先解釋原來啲水係free flow,一路都冇人講過,亦都冇人主動介紹Menu,要我哋主動去搵人問佢哋嘅signature,serve 麵包唔記得俾麵包碟,之後中途發現先俾返我哋。(其實所有侍應都有善,可能只係training唔夠or bad management) Main course porterhouse steak 好普通。食物冇一樣係好食到令你會想再去呢間餐廳,亦都冇一樣嘢係好難食。最後叫Tiramisu dessert,因為book枱嗰時有講生日,亦都有同佢哋講要寫名,但最後係冇咗個名嘅。大約8:15左右,我哋未叫埋單,酒都未飲完,主動攞張單俾我哋埋單😂 你要我遵守兩個鐘頭規矩冇問題,但你哋餐廳唔full,點解要咁趕客呢? (唔通係因為啲免費水?🤣🤣🤣)兩個人今晚消費係HK$35xx 唔會再去,有好多更好選擇 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-04-29
985 瀏覽
員工服務十分體貼,有禮,好笑容同親切。他們非常留意客人反應及會作出即時協助。食物有水準,員工亦講解清晰。環境極度舒適,位於高層有部分海景,十分寫意。整體上非常滿意。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-20
1067 瀏覽
I had dinner tonight with 8 friends at this new restaurant steak house and booked the dining room for 8 pax with a minimum spending of $10000. the bill turns out to be around $1250 per person and the minimum spending was kindly waived. i must say the dining experience was great. the restaurant is very nicely decorated and renovated, much attention is paid to the details of everything used and chosen. the food was exceptional. the beef tartar to begin the meal was great, and it was prepared in front of us. we ordered basically the expensive steaks on the menu and they were cooked to medium rare and the beef was tendered and juicy. the desset tiramisu we all shared was fabulous, totally done in the italian way. i will be coming again for mothers day and i look forward to it. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)