2012-05-22 14 瀏覽
Today's a special day. I planned to have a special lunch with my dear as per his birthday is coming soon, but I can't celebrate with him on that day. Daniel's cafe is just a perfect choice.I reserved a table through tablemap and I ordered a special request! Staff of Daniel's cafe called and he said that he would help me prepare a cake and write somethings special for my dear regarding my request.We got there at around 1:35pm and we had a seat at the corner. The environment is very nice and comfo
Today's a special day. I planned to have a special lunch with my dear as per his birthday is coming soon, but I can't celebrate with him on that day. Daniel's cafe is just a perfect choice.

I reserved a table through tablemap and I ordered a special request! Staff of Daniel's cafe called and he said that he would help me prepare a cake and write somethings special for my dear regarding my request.

We got there at around 1:35pm and we had a seat at the corner. The environment is very nice and comfortable. It allows us to have a quiet and relaxing lunch.

We ordered three dishes:
1) Smoked salmon salad (5 Stars out of 5)
- It's fresh and looks nice!
- That sauce's quite appetizing! (A bit salty & sour)
- It contains fresh vegetables & freshly sliced smoked salmon!
- The volume is just enough and not too much!
Smoked Salmon Salad
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2) Tortilla Espanola
- It's hot and delicious!
- It's with scramble eggs, potatoes and some special ingredients!
- That tomato sauce's cooked nicely and it's a very healthy choice!!
- The dish looks very presentable and we can feel that cook is full of passion!
Tortilla Espanola
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3) Pasta with Tomato sauce
- Lastly, although this dish took a long time to be served, it's valuable to wait!
- The tomato sauce with some herbs is so tasty! It's again a healthy choice and that sauce tastes just yummy and not overcooked!
- Pasta's cooked very well and not too hard or too soft!
- It's served with a big bowl
Pasta with tomato sauce
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After tasting these 3 dishes, the staff is so smart to take out the prepared cake! It's a slice of mango cake with words written with chocolate sauce!! Words are nicely written on the plate. My dear felt so surprised and that staff sang the birthday song with me for my dear! Thank you so much, Daniel's cafe!

We are so satisfied and so happy! The environment in the late afternoon is so quiet and relaxing! We definitely will have our lunch/ dinner again!!
題外話/補充資料: Prices are reasonable and all staff are very polite! They serve us very well and with happy mood.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$90 (午餐)
Smoked Salmon Salad
Tortilla Espanola
Pasta with tomato sauce