2011-07-08 34 瀏覽
Japan tonkatsu is really something difficult to make. If cooked in a wrong way, it’s just a piece of greasy and chewy meat. Therefore, I am always a little hesitated to order tonkatsu dishes in Japanese restaurant in Hong Kong. After all, Tonkatus is high in fat and cholesterol; and if the dish is going get my arteries blocked, it better tastes damn good! The only place that I had good tonkatsu in Hong Kong is “Tonkichi Tonkatsu Seafood” located in World Trade Center. But this place is really ov
Japan tonkatsu is really something difficult to make. If cooked in a wrong way, it’s just a piece of greasy and chewy meat. Therefore, I am always a little hesitated to order tonkatsu dishes in Japanese restaurant in Hong Kong. After all, Tonkatus is high in fat and cholesterol; and if the dish is going get my arteries blocked, it better tastes damn good!

The only place that I had good tonkatsu in Hong Kong is “Tonkichi Tonkatsu Seafood” located in World Trade Center. But this place is really overprized. Unless I am really craving for a good piece of pork cutlet (which is rare), I would not choose to visit Tonkichi.

That is why I was super excited about Saboten coming to Hong Kong. Saboten is one of the most famous tonkatsu brands in Japan. And from what I heard, this restaurant is reasonably priced. Therefore, when my friend asked me to have our next dinner gathering in Saboten, I was totally thrilled to try this new restaurant out.

Turned out my experience in Saboten in Hong Kong is just so-so.

I knew before going there that this restaurant doesn’t accept reservation, but I really didn’t expect that the waiting time would be that long. You pretty much have to expect an hour of waiting just to get a table.

I personally don’t mind the wait, as long as their food is good enough to justify it. But turns out, their food is just alright. Their tonkatsu does have a crispy outer layer, which is one of the difficult things to control when making tonkatsu. However, I don’t think the quality of meat they are using is the best type. It lacks flavor and texture.

What I enjoyed most is the free cabbage that they served before your main dish arrived. The finely chopped cabbage is so fresh that it washes away the greasiness of the deep fried cutlet.

Although slightly disappointed, I still think that Saboten is worth trying. Just remember to go there really early and start queuing up.
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