餐廳: Dazzling Cafe (The ONE)
優惠: 於此國泰夥伴餐廳用餐賺里 !
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2014-08-01 7872 瀏覽
Came here with boyfriend and his sister. We first attempted to try this was on a weekend and I waited one hour for a ticket and four hours later still didn't get a table so gave up. This time we came on a weekday. Immediately got a number at 2 pm and got a table at 4:30. 2 1/2 hours!!! But I really wanted to try this as my friends who tried this in Taipei said it was really good. And my coworker tried it and said it was really good. But my past experiences with honey toast and food in a big brea
Came here with boyfriend and his sister. We first attempted to try this was on a weekend and I waited one hour for a ticket and four hours later still didn't get a table so gave up. This time we came on a weekday. Immediately got a number at 2 pm and got a table at 4:30. 2 1/2 hours!!! But I really wanted to try this as my friends who tried this in Taipei said it was really good. And my coworker tried it and said it was really good. But my past experiences with honey toast and food in a big bread have always given me the same reaction. First excitement at this big loaf of bread with stuff in it! Then as I eat away, I always end up regretting I ordered it as it becomes one soggy mess. Finally, I leave it unfinished.

I expected to have the same experience but I still wanted to try. But surprisingly, it was really good! And we finished it all!! Wow!!

The decor was cute with bunny ear chairs. It's really girlie. Like Coffee Alley, the staff all speak Mandarin. They also require each person to order a drink. Menu is in Chinese and English. Staff all speak Mandarin no matter what language you speak. So, keep speaking your language as they'll understand what you say even if you have no clue what they are saying.

We ordered, fruit tea and Caribbean smoothie for drinks. Party in Your Mouth honey toast and chocolate waffles with added $15 for mochi filling. All crispy texture.

Caribbean smoothie was huge. So huge the fruit kept falling off. Tip: really squash your ice or the syrup doesn't get mixed properly.

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Fruit tea was refreshing peach tea with fruit added. I think Coffee Alley fruit tea is better but this was still pretty good.

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We ordered Party In Your Mouth honey toast because come on! Party in your mouth! It was basically a macaron, vanilla ice cream, strawberries, currants, pistachio, custard and strawberry syrup.

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We weren't sure how to attack it until a demo was done. You slice one wall down, divide up the mini slices of toast, smother some ice cream and custard, place a fruit on top and eat.

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It was crispy. Not soggy. Yummy! Everything was the right amount.

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Chocolate waffle was beautiful to look at. It was crispy on outside! Then we noticed where was our mochi addition?? We asked the waitress who inspected it very carefully. Brought a slice back to the kitchen to determine if they really forgot the mochi. After a while, they confirmed there was mochi was forgotten and they made another one immediately. So we had two waffles!!

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The addition of mochi was very different. We peeled the waffle apart and saw stringy strands. It was chewy. A lot better with the mochi!

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Would return again! If there isn't that long a wait.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
90 分鐘 (堂食)
$120 (下午茶)