2023-11-02 456 瀏覽
漁場台風將午餐和晚餐菜單重新整理的做法, 比一般的來的更有心思, 而且不只是將湯底味道轉換, 而是將做法完全改變, 由早上的沾麵變成晚上的拉麵, 也令我很想從午餐吃到晚餐, 看看湯頭和拉麵的口感有什麼不同. 漁場台風就是主打魚介系列的麵食, 除了一般的魚介外, 也點了沙甸魚風味的豬骨拉麵. 這樣說吧, 其實只要用魚類來熬製湯汁也算是魚介, 所以我吃的只是處理魚介的食材不同裏. 無論麵和叉燒這裏的處理也是完全沒有問題, 最欣賞的湯頭是沒有因為由沾麵變成拉麵而變得淡然起來, 在沒有死鹹的情況下, 一入口的鮮味澎湃, 然後就是黏嘴的濃稠及豬骨香味的餘韻, 層次豐富, 而且價錢比一般的便宜, 難怪未到晚餐時間四點多已經人潮如湧.The approach taken by the Fisherman's Typhoon to reorganize the lunch and dinner menus is more thoughtful than usual. It's not just about changing the flavor of the soup base, but comple
漁場台風將午餐和晚餐菜單重新整理的做法, 比一般的來的更有心思, 而且不只是將湯底味道轉換, 而是將做法完全改變, 由早上的沾麵變成晚上的拉麵, 也令我很想從午餐吃到晚餐, 看看湯頭和拉麵的口感有什麼不同. 漁場台風就是主打魚介系列的麵食, 除了一般的魚介外, 也點了沙甸魚風味的豬骨拉麵. 這樣說吧, 其實只要用魚類來熬製湯汁也算是魚介, 所以我吃的只是處理魚介的食材不同裏. 無論麵和叉燒這裏的處理也是完全沒有問題, 最欣賞的湯頭是沒有因為由沾麵變成拉麵而變得淡然起來, 在沒有死鹹的情況下, 一入口的鮮味澎湃, 然後就是黏嘴的濃稠及豬骨香味的餘韻, 層次豐富, 而且價錢比一般的便宜, 難怪未到晚餐時間四點多已經人潮如湧.

The approach taken by the Fisherman's Typhoon to reorganize the lunch and dinner menus is more thoughtful than usual. It's not just about changing the flavor of the soup base, but completely transforming the preparation method. For example, the dipping noodles in the morning are transformed into ramen in the evening. This makes me want to have lunch and continue into dinner, just to see how the broth and the texture of the noodles differ. Fisherman's Typhoon specializes in seafood-based noodle dishes, and in addition to the typical seafood options, they also offer a pork bone ramen with a sandfish flavor. In a way, using fish to make the broth can still be considered a seafood dish, so the only difference in what I ate was the type of seafood used in the ingredients. Both the noodles and the char siu (barbecued pork) were prepared perfectly, and what I appreciated the most was that the broth didn't lose its richness despite the change from dipping noodles to ramen. It had a burst of freshness when I took the first sip, followed by a thick and sticky texture and the lingering aroma of pork bone. The layers of flavors were rich, and the price was cheaper than usual, which is why there was already a crowd of people before the dinner hour, around 4 o'clock.
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