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食評 (5)
等級3 2020-07-07
486 瀏覽
每日喺世貿返工都想試呢間嘅咖啡無奈地 之前剛開店時 無咖啡癮起今日終於去左試cappuccino 咖啡豆味濃 回甘 好耐無飲過cappuccino 咁濃味但咖啡即沖我即飲 熱度都係唔夠熱應該係奶唔夠熱 令到杯咖啡只係暖嘅溫度不過味道無影響 但熱返少少會好D記得起初每朝返工都聞到咖啡豆嘅香味呢到嘅職員係咪無左當初嘅熱誠??小插曲:我覺得現時疫症時期 唔收cash 可以理解但職員態度好差 咩叫"我地唔會收cash "店舖無一張notice貼住話比人知你地只收八達通同信用卡!好彩我剛好有credit card喺身如果無 咪比你地以為我白撞 塊面仲黑D?總括黎講:咖啡好飲 不過唔會再幫襯世貿分店 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-11-26
507 瀏覽
New coffee chain store that seems quite active on their opening ! Decided to give it a shot randomly, which turn out to be a surprise. Yes a good one. The price was fair, $38 is cheaper than other coffee joints. The milk was perfectly made as there were no bubble after the coffee had sit for awhile ! The coffee was on the dark roast nutty side ! The aroma was strong, but I personally liked it ! It’s legit not diluted coffee ! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-11-26
301 瀏覽
A new coffee shop opened near by I decided to give it a try after work. George Coffee has a few branches, most of them located near office work places.This one is in WTC. A shopping center that is oddly very quiet even though it's i the middle of busy Causeway Bay. The shop is very narrow with a few seats on one side. They sell coffee beans on the other and a fridge of sandwiches and cold brew on another side.Menu is in English only. There is no 10% service charge.I was all set for a  coffee when I notice they sold soft serve ice cream! That peaked my interest. Then I noticed they served affogato. Even better! A mix of two of my favorite things. The perfect after work treat. However, I should have heeded the warning bells. When I asked for a mocha affogato, the barista gave me a clueless look back. Perhaps she couldn't understand English? So, I pointed to the menu. She looked at it and said, we don't have it available today. So, I ordered a regular latte and asked when would the ice cream machine be ready as I assumed perhaps it was not working that day. She looked blankly at me and didn't reply. Sheepishly, I sat down to wait for my coffee. But for some reason, she wasn't making it and I saw her poking on her mobile phone. A few minutes later, she told me that the affogato was now suddenly available. I started to worry. Should I stick with the latte I ordered? Or just go with the affogato because if the coffee is bad, at least I'll have ice cream to drown it out. So, I changed to affogato and asked what was the difference. She couldn't answer me again. Was there some sort of communication problem going on? Could she understand me even though I spoke Cantonese? I even tried repeating my question in English in case she didn't speak Cantonese well?Well, I saw her stumble while making the espresso. And then she couldn't find a spoon until she suddenly decided to clean one last minute.And? After all that? The soft serve was nice. Chocolatey but a bit icy in some parts. The espresso was not that great. A bit too acidic for my liking.I don't know. Was she not the usual barista? Was it her first time? Did she ask for directions from someone else or look up online on how to make an affogato? Should I come back and give it another chance? I don't know. I'll have to see if she's not working that day for me to decide. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-09-20
400 瀏覽
世貿中心平時人流比較少,我好喜歡在這裡找間咖啡店坐一下,享受寧靜一刻。得知George Coffee插旗了,自不然幫襯下。店舖在扶手電梯旁,小小的店,乾淨俐落。買了一杯cappuccino, 味道濃厚,咖啡香飄溢,飲後回甘餘韻不錯。咖啡豆品質好。隨了咖啡還有咖啡豆,即沖咖啡可買回家自冲品嚐。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2019-08-12
526 瀏覽
今日係銅鑼灣行街行到攰攰地見到呢間新開既café,作為咖啡愛好者既我當然唔可以放過啦!可能由於新開張的關係,幫襯的人不多,有很多座位選擇,非常適合我呢d害怕多人既人,傾計都唔洗擔心俾人聽到嘛哈哈。我同fd 分別order咗一杯咖啡坐低慢慢歎。 鋪頭裝修以藍色同金色為主,座位既凳有軟墊,比起硬既木凳相對舒適,坐得耐都唔怕腰骨痛,呢點抵讚!等咗大概五分鐘,咖啡就整好了。店員話鋪頭所用既咖啡豆係來自自己既莊園種植同烘焙,真係十分有誠意。估唔到係連鎖既咖啡店都可以飲到有拉花既咖啡,賣相我俾100分。而飲落既味道也不俗,酸苦度適中,奶味香濃,飲得出同其他連鎖咖啡店唔同。雖然價錢有小小貴,但質量同環境都對得住呢個價錢,希望之後都可以keep住呢個水準啦! 繼續閱讀
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