Bubbles & Wines is a wine room with a warm atmosphere, just tucked away from Stanley Market. A place where you can enjoy a good glass of wine together with your favourite cheese & charcuterie. Warm hospitality makes you feel "home away from home" 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 18:00
16:00 - 21:30
16:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 18:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯 Apple Pay
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食評 (11)
等級3 2024-01-30
311 瀏覽
This place is a must-visit for food and wine lovers! Evan and Ocean, the owners, ensure you have a delightful experience. The menu offers a variety of delicious snacks and fantastic wine recommendations. The cosy atmosphere feels like home, and it transports you to Europe. Evan, the friendly owner, creates a warm and memorable dining experience. Whether you're a wine connoisseur or want to enjoy a refined evening, this place is perfect for you.- Parma hamIt's thinly sliced and has a rich, savoury flavour- Chicken pate Creamy and satisfying- Camembert (Chili, Honey & Thyme)Combining the creamy cheese with the spicy kick of chilli, the sweetness of honey, and the aromatic thyme creates a perfect harmony of tastes. It's a true delight for the palate. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-10-03
618 瀏覽
放假去赤柱,喺Google map search 到呢間好高評價,諗住去食lunch,12點多到,同老細(我估係)講好難搵,佢話專登選址隱蔽d,唔會太多人,當時店舖只得佢一個,佢好優閑同人傾完偈後先再嚟幫我地落單,食咗三樣嘢:1. mussels --用紅蘿蔔加西芹煮,好新鮮好好食,老板話d mussels係荷蘭嚟,同佢一樣。2. chicken pate --上網見到所以想試,好特別,本來有火箭菜做伴菜,但朋友麻麻,所以轉椰菜。3. goat cheese salad --有椰菜絲加西蘭花加羊芝士,酸酸哋幾開胃,但羊芝士蘇味好重,我哋用嚟送面包就ok。飲品只得酒,我同朋友都唔好,所以只飲水。但食物好食就ok啦!加上service 都好好,成個食嘢過程都好enjoy ,希望下次可以試佢唔同嘅嘢,同埋希望佢有冇酒精嘅飲品啦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2022-07-12
1421 瀏覽
一個星期五嘅夜晚即興黎左赤柱,諗起呢間之前偶爾經過嘅餐廳。入去條路有啲難搵,要喺市集一條巷仔轉入黎,我地都兜左一輪先搵到🤣平日夜晚嘅赤柱好靜,見其他食客都係住附近嘅街坊,不過呢度環境真係好chill,好似去左歐洲咁!小店老闆係西班牙人,鋪頭顧名思義,飲野為主,野食主要係送酒嘅。Veggie dip with crystal bread+ ham個veggie dip同出面食到 嘅唔同,我覺得有啲蕃茄味,好開胃。夾埋啲ham食層次又唔同左。Smoked salmon+ cream cheese肥美嘅煙三文魚,同cream cheese真係絕配。份量比想像中大份,waiter仲主動上多碟包,送酒食一流!野飲我地揀左sparkling wine, 小小甜,呢個天氣飲啱哂。Pork meatball飲幾杯加埋前面啲野食已經半飽,最後食埋個肉丸。同平時意式肉丸有啲唔同,我覺得味道無咁濃同埋口感紥實啲。另外一提:我地今次坐左戶外位,黃昏時段真係比較多蚊!好彩waiter好貼心比左枝蚊怕水我地,如果唔係應該咬到成腳都係。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2021-09-06
1258 瀏覽
Heard about this place through a friend and was looking for somewhere south side. Upon entering you are greeted by a lovely decor which looks comfortable and relaxing and it is! I was very impressed with the wine list, service and very importantly the food. I find in general food in Stanley to be quite low quality and expensive. Not at Bubbles & Wine, well priced and very good food. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2021-07-29
926 瀏覽
We have been dining at Bubbles and Wine since it opened and before it had its license (tough for a place called Bubbles and Wine!). It has been a joy   to experience the evolution of its menu , to be treated like an old friend each time we visit and to have built a relationship with the lovely team that make Bubbles and Wine such a fantastic oasis of warmth, wine and good company in Stanley.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)