11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
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食評 (73)
等級1 2018-10-17
1046 瀏覽
The best food I have tried in Sai Kung so far.would highly recommend to people who want to try pure halal Italian food.having more option for people for different need. I just want to visit here and shop their business the people here are nice and friendly 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2018-04-02
1522 瀏覽
西貢有咁多好野食,間間都想試,最後決定揀啲市區較少有,同埋比較多正評嘅餐廳!而我同男朋友都愛吃地中海菜式,仲唔係呢間我地叫左一碟主菜,三份前菜。1)係Greek Salad呀!!!! 好耐好耐冇食過Greek salad喇!又好味又清新呀不過如果可以多返少少feta cheese就好喇2)Sardine (one serving) 都係男朋友想叫黎試下,細細條,又燒得幾脆喎。不過不失,冇乜特別3)Octopus and prawns in garlic sauce好大份海鮮呀!八爪魚仔同蝦都係細細粒,係好新鮮好juicy!不過味道偏咸要飲勁多勁多水。但係以新鮮程度來說,係可以一試嘅!4)Lamb Tenderloin我唔食羊架,好怕佢陣「蘇味」。男朋友叫左medium rare。佢話都幾好喎,切個陣仲有少少血汁/肉汁,而且仲幾淋!配埋個sauce係無得頂呀!而我就食side dish,啲菜燒得勁正!個薯蓉好滑,加少少個sauce仲正!(個sauce冇「蘇味」架)Service方面,好親切好有笑容,聽老闆娘講,個menu入面啲中文係佢囡囡整嘅!好叻呀!埋單個陣,佢地會附上homemade semi frozen chocolate作為甜品好有心思呀 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-12-11
1456 瀏覽
Tonight my husband and I have a wonderful dinner here. We had the chicken mushroom cheese pizza set that consisted of a lobster soup, garlic bread, 4 pieces of pizza and salad. The lobster soup had lobster pieces in them, with rich creamy texture.The staff gave us one complimentary lobster soup, since we only ordered one set. We then had the veal shank with mashed potatoes and veggies. The serving size was generous and the veal was very nice. We were quite full by the time we finished the dishes. As we were getting the cheque to leave, the staff surprised us by serving us a complimentary homemade tiramisu served with coconut ice cream. The tiramisu was well made, the cake layers were not soggy. The coconut ice cream had coconut pieces, it was smooth but to too sweet. Overall very good.Overall, the food was really nice, the restaurant environment was cozy and the staff there were very very friendly. Will definitely go back there again. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
邊個話入西貢,一定要食海鮮。包拗頸既妹妹話要試哩間地中海野,就即管一試。有人見到龍蝦湯,要試喎,叫兩碗一試,堅有蝦肉,唔係罐頭可媲美。配埋個自製包包,好味到想叫加湯。最鐘意西湯配面包,超夾。再加一個芝士腸pizza, 完全感受到份試意,d 腸腸多到哩,最緊要係咩,就係芝士瘋狂拉絲。(怕爭食既情況下,冇影到相)再有一個卡邦尼意粉,芝士多到想同廚師講多謝。雖然比較鐘意圓意粉,但扁意粉都係一種唔錯既嘗試黎既。最後哩個牛仔柳,好滑嫩,醬汁又夾,總有開邊薯仔。好味。芝士蛋糕就中上水平,但驚喜就唔夠熱食多。 繼續閱讀
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I particularly recommend lobster soup with garlic bread, pizza and pasta from here as they really use fresh and a lot of ingredients to cook the food. I promise you can never find such tasty lobster soup! Eating along with the garlic bread, you will feel like heaven!What's more, the texture of the pasta is not too hard nor too soft which you cannot experience elsewhere in Hong Kong or not even in Italy.Chef and the people are super nice, they serve you like their friends!! 繼續閱讀
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