港鐵葵興站 D 出口, 步行約11分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:30
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食評 (43)
等級4 2020-11-18
409 瀏覽
係呢邊返工成日會經過呢間西餐廳~ 佢個名同外表都好似好西式好正宗咁~所以決定去試試個lunch~發現lunch原來都幾平,無想像中咁貴~呢日唔係太肚餓,無揀到扒,揀左雞翼同魚柳~Errrrr🤔🤔🤔 雞翼好似係燶左少少??魚柳亦都幾油下。。。。。紫薯蓉係幾好食既。。。不過呢個配搭好似有d另類hahaaa 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2020-10-09
380 瀏覽
今天在這店晚飯,進店時已講明經某apps book兩人晚飯(8折),店員表示明白,但結賬時店員沒有加入折扣,追問多次,店員竟然隨便找個理由說因為我點了一個餐故整張單也不可以折。首先,點餐並不是優惠,第二,其他食物也是單點的,故他所說的借口根本不可能成立。其實同樣情況我已在不同的店進餐多次,只有這餐廳的店員不誠實。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2020-04-19
963 瀏覽
We booked this place through booking app and it seemed like it had good ratings, so we decided to try it out (especially since it had Fois gras!).Arrival was fine.In the end, this place says it is fine dining, but the experience was not. The food took a long time and other tables got their food before us as they came later than us.13:45 arrival13:50 ordered food (3 appetizers, 1 main)14:05 asked the waiter when food will arrive, and were told it will come soon as this is fine dining14:10 crab salad arrived14:15 asked the waiter when other food will arrive14:17 Fois gras arrived undercooked and somewhat burnt on the outside. We sent it back to get the inside fully cooked. 14:20 mussels came out14:22 Fois gras arrived, this time it was burnt, and 90% well-done inside., 14:30 Angus Steak came out - and the piece was similar to what I get at a dai pai dong14:50 got the bill and left The manager just sat there and did not care to ask how everything was. If this was fine dining, the manager would come and talk to us. Instead, he just sat at the table with this computer open next to the cash register, collects money, doesn't speak to the customers OR even apologize to us for the mishaps or wait time. This is just ridiculous. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2020-03-17
802 瀏覽
同小朋友去附近影完面試相,經過覺得環境幾好,就入去醫肚啦!格調成間酒吧咁,有室內同室外座位選擇,店內座位都多,以為佢冇bb椅提供,我地揀左梳化角落坐,點知佢又有,多謝賜我一餐安樂茶飯 加分加分!可能地點關係,星期日都冇乜客,坐位闊落,坐得好舒服,點了兩個餐,一家四口慢慢嘆🥰 食飽飽再加埋杯凍奶茶,同一般茶餐廳好唔同的味道,唔太甜,好解渴,配合埋個早午餐,簡直點亮了我們的開心透氣星期天!餐廳仲位於巴士站隔離,食飽預啱時間先出去搭巴士,唔洗在巴士站食塵等車 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2020-01-11
881 瀏覽
今日見到某app有優惠,近近地就過來試下晚餐。餐廳出面裝修美觀,係區內難得既靚裝修西餐廳我同男友先點了一個白汁青口,個汁真係好好食,好入味然後試左個小食太少件,唔太抵食,但好酥脆來到主菜,叫左巴馬火腿火箭菜 pizza 個火腿真係好好食,火箭菜好新鮮,成個 pizza幾好食餐廳環境真係幾好,好舒服咁食左一餐,而且侍應態度幾好,開心的一晚 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)