港鐵荃灣站 A1 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 22:00
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食評 (3)
等級4 2018-01-13
1499 瀏覽
Been here for the Yuri on Ice and Attack on Titan themed beverages. The graphics on the grattes were vibrant and attractive. All beverages look fantastic both on camera and in real life. The quantity is sufficient, however the flavour was not the main focus. The prices were reasonable, especially for the grattes. May require quite a long time to queue up and make. Went with a large group of friends, but more time was spent on purchasing rather than consuming(time taken to photograph excluded. took very long on that as we were busy screaming over the beautiful photos on the lattes). Full line of merch was available during less popular themes, but for more mainstream animes merch sells out relatively quickly. Restock occurs often. Recommended for chill hangouts. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-10-21
808 瀏覽
^只有這兩種飲品上面可附印有公仔的忌廉。^頭頂螢光幕不斷播著忍者亂太郎的主題曲,非常有氣氛。^點了小丸和新丁,圖案直接印在忌廉上面。不是有味道的色素,原以為圖片質素會很粗糙,其實算清晰。^惠顧這兩款會附送杯墊,買了兩杯送了兩款,看見店員是反轉隨機抽的,不能選擇,抽不中主角有點可惜。而杯墊也不是我幻想中的樣子,只是薄薄的一張卡紙。^芒果沙冰和忌廉實在不太適合混在一起喝,只好保留印有新丁的忌廉。^反而忌廉和紫薯鮮奶幾夾,紫色也沒有鮮豔得令人反感,選擇了仙草但份量不多,大概只有數片。^超大海報可供拍照^這種質素的飲料店實在不值這個價錢,但光顧的都是忍者亂太郎的粉絲,香港很少亂太郎的精品/餐廳,為了卡通難得一次也不算過份。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2017-09-25
651 瀏覽
第一次與同事們來動漫cafe.因為有同事喜歡幽遊白書,我們就一行幾人就去吃。幸好不用等位。門口位置已有拍照位。幸好不是太多人,影相很方便。連枱面都有相關主題餐廳背景歌播緊幽遊白書動畫歌食物種類不多,飲品價錢我覺得貴。其中有一款叫“雪菜♡命“上菜後令我們笑不停。因為覺得價錢唔值。哈哈~等於“雪菜肉絲炒米粉“大家都笑與大家樂早餐一樣,只是沒有湯底(=^▽^=)所以我們只叫餐,沒有叫飲品。但味道都很好吃,夠味道。影相位精品購買時全是靠運氣抽,抽中哪款就是你的。每個餐或飲品都送杯墊(又是抽,我抽到藏馬)另每食滿100元都送一張動漫相片。期待下一次主題。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)