港鐵灣仔站 B1 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
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炸豬肉 煎魚配五味醬 鴨肉河粉 龍眼水 雞蛋卷
食評 (65)
等級2 2024-04-07
42 瀏覽
喺灣仔同朋友食完飯,之後想買個甜品返屋企食, 喺修頓道附近行咗一陣, 因為多嘢好多舖頭都關咗門。見到一間賣泰國嘢食嘅小店仲未關門, 咁梗係支持小店啦,就諗住買個芒果糯米飯返去食下。問下個芒果糯米飯幾多錢,都要49蚊( 太耐冇食泰國菜,唔係好知價, 覺得都唔平), 都 諗咗一陣買唔買, 既然都想食當支持返本地消費啦!滿心歡喜打開嚟食, 個芒果糯米飯嘅汁都唔錯,個芒果都甜, 點知食咗舊芒果, 發現佢有一嚿核響度墊高咗。。。當堂無語。。咩事呀?!食芒果糯米飯從來都未試過連埋核一齊出,唔夠芒果可以講呀麻。。俾多小小飯都好。有點失望。買外賣真係冇得講 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-31
80 瀏覽
餐廳門面得泰文名同英文名Racha Moo Yang,中文名只在OpenRice找到,唔知係Google Translate定點,但這間不起眼的小店絕對是隱世地道泰國菜無誤,舖面有個泰式甜點櫃,室內空間只擺放到四張二人枱,宵夜時段會在街上開枱坐,據OpenRice顯示餐廳24小時營業!.上次睇完舞台劇朋友帶我黎宵夜,今次睇演唱會前黎食,絕對係快靚正!① 泰式炒金邊粉 $75足料炒金邊粉,唔係特別但就係好食。我真係好鍾意食Pad Thai。② 泰式串燒沙爹(半打) $108相對黎講串燒唔平,但每串都大大串,雞牛豬都好好味,肉質夠嫩,沙爹醬花生味濃。③ 芒果糯米飯 $48椰汁鋪滿飯面,糯米飯好軟,食起黎唔會好甜。反而芒果就夠晒甜,正!④ 泰式奶茶 / 珍多冰 $25正常發揮,已經夠好飲。.泰國人主理,但都識聽識講廣東話,正宗泰菜,未算特別出色,價錢唔貴,最緊要食得開心!我覺得宵夜坐街邊仲有風味,但大前提係小強唔好行埋黎~. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-03-22
59 瀏覽
行過修頓球場對面見到一間好有九龍城同泰國feel既餐廳👀👀即刻入去睇下,價錢係灣仔黎講都算平見到個芒果糯米飯🥭🥭即刻心心眼😍😍😍好多椰汁,唔會太甜,糯米飯即刻翻熱,夠曬軟糯芒果會切粒上,好驚喜,芒果好甜,強烈建議大家下次經過一定要試下 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-01-24
245 瀏覽
成日經過都無留意有間泰國餐廳,睇外面嘅裝修可能會讓人擔憂它嘅味道。但你只要鼓起勇氣落order,包你一試再試今次就試咗碗豬頸肉清湯河粉,打開發現原來河粉係寬嗰款,同平時食開嘅唔同!湯鮮甜得嚟又夠濃郁,配埋啲粉真係好好味🤤豬頸肉都夠油香,唔柴,配落湯粉一齊食夠曬夾,浸到最後,咬嘅時候都係仲食到佢嘅油脂香,完全不會濕咗之後唔好食。仲有啲芽菜同生菜,嗦曬啲汁,正!下次再試其他先!望落佢啲串燒應該都不錯! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-11-09
398 瀏覽
💥 As I walked through the doors of RA CHA MOO YANG, I couldn't help but notice the vibrant energy and the multitude of non-locals enjoying their meals. The walls adorned with pictures of celebrities who have graced this establishment only added to the excitement. Eager to try the food, I sat down and began perusing the menu. However, my enthusiasm quickly waned when the Thai lady waitress approached me with a less-than-welcoming attitude. It seemed she was in a rush, demanding my order after just a few minutes of sitting. Disappointed by the service, I hoped the food would make up for the initial setback. Let's dive in and see if it did.🍲 I opted for the Soup Noodle with Beef Ball priced at $48. When I inquired about other options, the waitress seemed irritated and curtly mentioned the Tom Yum Kung with soup options. The treatment left me questioning whether I should tolerate such behavior...🌟 Now, let's focus on the positive aspect of this dining experience. The food here is undeniably exceptional. Despite the initial disappointment, the flavors of the Soup Noodle with Beef Ball were simply outstanding. The secret lies in the robust broth, infused with aromatic Thai herbs and garlic. Each spoonful was a burst of authentic Thai flavors that transported me to the bustling streets of Thailand. The combination of tender beef balls, crisp lettuce, fresh bean sprouts, and delicate glass noodles (with the option to choose other noodles) elevated the dish to new heights of culinary delight.🍽️ In conclusion, if RA CHA MOO YANG can improve its service and hospitality, it has the potential to become a true Thai culinary gem. The authentic flavors are definitely the highlight, but a warm and welcoming atmosphere is equally important for a complete dining experience. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)