港鐵炮台山站 B 出口, 步行約8分鐘 繼續閱讀
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食評 (4)
等級5 2017-11-22
1130 瀏覽
This Chinese restaurant is located in Provident Centre, North Point, where I used to live many years ago. Now coming back to the neighborhood there were many changes and I found there are many more restaurants along the street than it used to be. Obviously there are keen competition in the area. This is part of the group in which there are a total of five restaurants in different parts of HK.The general setting is one of the typical Chinese restaurant, nothing special in decoration. On the evening there are not that many customers, and we got a table on the window side looking to the street. We ordered three dishes as there are three of us for this dinner. The first is a Fried Chicken, cooked by hanging it and pouring hot oil over it repeatedly. It was in fact quite good, with the skin crispy and the chicken seasoned well, quite juicy and tender. And this is part of a two course special discount set. It is a good start and gave me a good first impression.The next is the other dish of the special set, the Steamed Young Geoduck with Vermicelli. The geoducks were steamed to the right degree and not rubbery in texture. They were quite sweet and tasty. The only issue I got was that the geoducks were not cleaned well and so there were still some sand inside.The other dish we ordered was the seasonal Braised Mutton in Clay Pot, accompanied with some Chinese lettuce. The overall taste for the sauce was reasonably good, but the mutton was not braised sufficiently and still a bit tough on texture.With three bowls of rice, the total bill was $493 which is good value certainly. There are also some free dessert provided. The red bean soup however was just too sweet or otherwise it would be quite good.This is your neighborhood restaurant you would come for dinner, but not one that you would make special effort to come visit. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-07-09
1175 瀏覽
呢間野我去過兩三次,次次都係咁先寫個劣評俾呢間野!我想講3樣野:1.服務態度無人會想去食餐飯都受人氣。入面d人(幫你落單d呀姐),一係就當你無到,一係就態度極差。冷氣大得濟好聲好氣叫佢閆細少少(唔係中央冷氣果隻),就俾佢話又俾面色,話完之後應承較 又無左件事果下真心嬲。(不過送餐d姐姐就好好態度既)2.環境其實其他位就正正常常既,但因為我地坐近防煙門就好大陣煙味成餐飯就聞住煙味食。3.食物中肯d講句,係正正常常既味道,唔難食既,ok啦,比起其他酒樓黎講就相對上油膩少少。如果你唔怕態度差同油膩感重既食物既話,都可以去下既。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2016-11-11
1638 瀏覽
第二次來呢度食飯,貪呢度近屋企!第一次食左個得獎作品一一咕嚕肉,係好味嘅!今次再到,不過就食其他!我都叫左D大路野,除左沙爹肥牛,好un 之外,其他都中規中距!今次就有個叫蒸氣火鍋,上邊蒸海鮮,亦將海鮮嘅精華滴落下邊粥度!近年香港好興,甚麼九層塔,甚麼蒸氣火鍋........味道唔講,價錢就各花各眼!本人亦試過別的九層塔,味道唔講,價錢亦唔講,但或者食嘅不是邊幾樣海鮮,亦不是貪平就可以,而係食嗰份開心同熱閙! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2016-10-31
1323 瀏覽
寫明任飲任食 but完全唔係呢回事兩個人 見樓下酒樓有自助火鍋 簡簡單單求方便 一坐低淨係要左份肥牛 同埋幾樣嘢 想先試吓邊樣啱食 陣間再order。等左一陣除左肥牛乜都上嗮黎 即刻開飯 食左幾個字 仲未見肥牛 開口問D阿姐 先至入去幫我攞出黎。話埋俾我知 淨係可以寫兩次紙 同埋第二張紙淨係可以order六樣嘢O嗮 唔係任飲任食咩? 好啦 第二次 order左個菜 兩份肥牛 一份墨魚丸 一份肥羊 一份水餃。 結果上菜 淨比一份肥牛 冇水餃 又要問阿姐 答我話肥牛比左兩分 同埋冇嗮水餃 超大火 吵左幾句先攞埋份肥牛上黎 水餃就真係冇啦! 自助做成咁就咪做啦唔怪得冇乜人 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)