港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約10分鐘 繼續閱讀
Hotal Colombo 是主打特色蟹饌的 斯里蘭卡食堂,來與好友分享美食、碰杯共飲就是樂趣所在。本店菜式以大量椰子、新鮮香草與地道辛香料調味,香濃火辣而不膩,盡展科倫坡的飲食文化魅力。 繼續閱讀
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
*早午餐: 星期六及星期日: 12:00-16:00
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食評 (67)
等級5 2024-03-10
341 瀏覽
Sri Lankan cuisine is not so common in Hong Kong, and after hearing some good reviews, today we came to this restaurant to experience the Sri Lankan delicacies, with crab as its anchor, helmed by the native Chef Gizzy.Located on Elgin Street in Soho, the restaurant has a vibrant and colourful décor, with pinkish floor tiles, plenty of mirrors, and even the shirts of the servers were all flowery. The open kitchen is towards the back of the restaurant, with Chef Gizzy and her team busy in preparation.We ordered Chili Potato Fry ($58) for starter. The potatoes were cut into small pieces, and then deep-fried, before tossing with a chili dressing which had got a nice spiciness with also acidity to make the whole snack less greasy. Good.Next, we had Crab Kothu ($108 for half portion). A typical Sri Lankan stir-fried dish with crab meat, shredded roti, vegetables and egg, it reminded me of something I had tried in Malaysia. The salty chili paste could be added for those who love spicy, but on its own the dish was already tasty. Very good.Finally, it was the signature, Jaffna Crab Kari ($888). Based on a traditional recipe from the North of Sri Lanka, the curry is mild in spiciness, using bird’s eye chillies, tamarind, curry powder and coconut milk. The crab was meaty and fresh, with the claw so hard it took a lot of effort to crack open.The restaurant was thoughtful and provide us with a pink apron to avoid getting our clothes dirty while eating the crab. As the curry sauce was so delicious we had the Paratha ($58) to savour the remaining sauce. Very good.Service was good, with the staff helpful in explaining the dishes and making recommendations. Together with some beverages the bill on the night was $1,533 which was reasonable in my opinion. I look forward to coming back and try the other signature crab galore in near future. 繼續閱讀
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Step into the vibrant world of Hotal Colombo, a haven that brings the spirit of Colombo's bustling streets right to your table. The bright and cheery decor mirrors the casual eateries scattered throughout the capital city of Sri Lanka, promising a dining experience that's not just about the food but a cultural immersion.Our culinary adventure began with the tantalizing Chili Potato Fry. Crispy potatoes danced in a house-made sauce, harmonizing with the kick of chillies. It was the perfect overture to what lay ahead.The Chilli Chicken Fry followed suit, a spicy ensemble of chicken, house-made sauce, chillies, onions, ginger, and bell peppers. Each bite was a journey through a palette of flavors, showcasing the artistry behind Sri Lankan cuisineAnd then, a star emerged – the Crab Kothu. A typical Sri Lankan dish, it brought together crab, stir-fried vegetables, kari, scrambled eggs, and chopped roti. It was a savory and appetizing symphony that left an indelible mark on our taste buds To cleanse the palate, we indulged in the iconic Masala Dosa with Sambhar. The crepe-like pancake, folded and stuffed with spicy potato filling, was a culinary embrace that transported us to the heart of South IndiaThe journey continued with the Market Fish Kari & Paratha. Surprisingly light and not overly spicy, the kari danced in harmony with the buttery, flaky, and soft paratha, creating a melody of flavors that delighted our sensesThere comes the Chilli Tamarino Crab Galore - the signature of Hotal Colombo. Fresh tamarind and Malaga chillies lent a tangy and spicy character to the dish. While hailed as the signature, the sauce, although tasty, slightly overshadowed the natural freshness of the crab. A minor quibble in an otherwise symphony of flavors 🦀We finished our meal with the Egg Hopper, which added a unique touch to the feast. These bowl-shaped pancakes made from fermented rice and coconut milk were the perfect canvas for the array of flavors that Hotal Colombo expertly curatedAs I reflect on the culinary journey at Hotal Colombo, it's more than a dining experience; it's a cultural immersion. The vibrant decor, the eclectic menu, and the soulful flavors take you on a journey to the heart of Sri Lanka. The dishes are crafted with care, inviting you to explore the rich tapestry of Sri Lankan cuisine 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-09-24
734 瀏覽
中環 SOHO 斯里蘭卡菜上網睇到咖哩蟹好正而嚟食入到去估唔到個裝修係pastel tone好靚ah唔係粉紅色控都覺得好靚仲有一人一條粉色圍裙俾你着住 唔驚整污糟件衫好cute 又貼心 加分加分當日唔係食生日飯 我哋2個女仔 店員都有問我哋影唔影即影即有介紹Menu同Cocktail 熱情親切佢哋都有類Tasting menu選擇唔怕揀唔到食咩份量同味道都出色 個咖哩食唔晒打包外賣包裝都好fancy裝修真係幾加分 鋪頭唔算好大但氣氛好好靚燈光啱晒打卡 啱晒一班女仔嚟食食物款式種類嚟講特別一啲 值得一試生日飯或者拍拖想留個好回憶係好選擇 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-05-01
1028 瀏覽
Another #instagramableplace restaurant #斯里蘭卡🇱🇰 #hotalcolombo 不過佢哋啲辣好好味個辣雞食到停唔到口🌶️🌶️🌶️🦀佢個蟹都好嘢味😉我地揀左少辣嘅黑椒不過個甜品就爭啲啦 可能我地食唔慣!好奇怪🤣佢個米餅送汁一流!可以試下一個要蛋,一個唔要蛋連埋order一支白酒,每人平均$600左右🫰🏻#思思帶你周圍食 #mychillclub #coeatingspacehk 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-04-09
766 瀏覽
假日跟朋友跑趟斯里蘭卡雜貨店~餐廳以粉紅色為主正門擺放了很多懷舊小食/飲料/雜貨給客人購買而店內的佈局間隔都很簡潔,夠寬敞如果要拍照打卡的話就是正門&雜貨位👀食物方面點了肉蟹炒餅&咖哩雞加配薄餅(+$48)Crab kothu,chicken kari+paratha(+$48)菜單是英文mix斯里蘭卡文,所以我都看圖點餐🫣食物都很好吃~但價錢不太便宜👀我就點了這2個食物,份量不多就已經$400了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)