港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
08:00 - 17:30
09:30 - 18:30
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食評 (6)
等級1 2019-03-20
1111 瀏覽
某日咁啱經過中環突然需要一杯好飲嘅咖啡,咁就上網搵吓附近有乜嘢好嘢。因為個人唔鍾意飲連鎖店咖啡😌,所以都幾麻煩。跟住係OpenRice見到 13peel coffee就膽粗粗試吓。裝修舒服,服務態度好好!點解咁講,因為我淨係外賣,佢都好用心咁樣去幫我拉杯咖啡,又同我傾計,介紹佢啲咖啡豆來源,不過由於我記性唔好,已經唔記得晒🤣😂淨係記得佢哋係用自己既咖啡豆嚟磨!由於我返到公司陪咖啡啲花真係已經花晒,所以唔好意思影相📸。下次一定會喺嗰度飲 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-03-03
601 瀏覽
Hidden away on Peel street by the market stalls, you wouldn't be blamed for walking past this quaint little coffee shop. Even as someone that has been here a few times already, I still find myself having to consciously keep an eye out to spot it. In terms of layout, there are a couple of seats outside the front, inside is fairly narrow with bar seating to the side and then at the back there is outside seating in the mini garden.So the menu is slightly different now compared to a few months ago, but as I usually stick to my reliable go-to choice of a flat-white, I kept up the same tradition on my most recent trip. Specifically, I had  a flat white with 'Oatly milk' as I've been trying to cut down a little on the lactose, but it's nice to see that they have options to choose soy and oat milk.For most, a coffee is just a coffee and I'm certainly no caffeine connoisseur but I have had my fair share. In my honest opinion, these guys really make a great brew! An immediate sign of a bad latte/flat-shite (that was a genuine typo but I will leave it in as it's pretty apt) is that it will come out boiling hot and virtually undrinkable for 20 minutes. I'm happy to say that the coffee here passed this first test with ease. It was warm, velvety-smooth and not bitter or sour in anyway. I drank my coffee with such ease and pleasure that I was even thinking about getting another...FINAL VERDICT: EXCELLENT COFFEE! WORTH SEARCHING THROUGH THE ROUGH OF PEEL STREET TO FIND THIS DIAMOND! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-02-11
362 瀏覽
唔起眼嘅餐廳係咪多數都有意想不到嘅quality 呢 😁 呢間好似好專業嘅咖啡店係卑利街嘅一個斜坡位,門口有2張bar 枱椅,坐係到都幾舒服。除咗室內個幾個位之外,行入啲仲有個私人嘅戶外場地架呢到可以選咖啡要fruity 定nutty, 如果大家熟悉咖啡,仲可以話俾店員聽想要邊到邊種咖啡豆,可以係呢到搵返杯屬於自己嘅咖啡 ☕我叫個杯Flat White 好夠熱,唔會有酸味,啲奶泡仲打得好幼滑。重點係... 呢到唔洗排隊架! 中環真係無咩唔洗排隊嘅咖啡店🙈 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-01-10
335 瀏覽
同事強烈推介呢間咖啡店☕️ 話用既咖啡機同平時唔同➰去到果然見到同事講既👉🏻似啤酒機既咖啡機👈🏻呢種機既特色係可以自己手拉調節水既大細,令咖啡既味道更加提升🔝 .點左杯black coffee 😎係飲到果味既 ,味道唔會偏酸,仲有少少回甘⚡️唔怪得我班同事咁鐘意去喇💁🏻‍♀️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-10-26
474 瀏覽
I have been a regular customer to this shop’s predecessor. The coffee there is good in the sense that the quality is consistently good. The shop is tucked away on the hilly Peel Street - isn’t too hard to get to. The size of this store isn’t big but there is a little garden at the back which can house 4-8 customers. I ordered a Skimmed Latte - the latte art is pleasant. I chose the nutty blend which gave a good sophisticated after-taste. The milk foam is smooth and hot enough. The vibe and the coffee overall is very good, especially when there is no queue for a coffee after lunch in Central. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)