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食評 (22)
(非會員) 2011-01-20
128 瀏覽
上水出左名既日本餐廳 , 已經開左我諗都十幾年架喇~~細細個屋企人同我去最鍾意食呢度既海膽, 因為大得好浮誇 , 真係好好味~~我過一排又要去食一次, 攪到老細都認得我係呢度雖然搵唔到好靚既環境 , 但係個種親切感係其他地方搵唔到可能因為由細食到大喇繼續支持你!!!!!!!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I have now been to this restaurant twice after seeing fairly positive reviews of this restaurant in openrice.This is a small family run restaurant that can house about 20 people. It was full around dinner time during the weekday and weekend that i visited. This restaurant stands out from other restaurants in the N.T. because there are alot of authentic choices in the menu that you would not normally find in a HK-style japanese restaurant where the sushi and sashimi are all usually ready-made out of a box delivered from a Japanese food merchant. For example, you can order 神戶牛肉, grilled puffer fish, real doa ting udon, etc.The sashimi in this restaurant is very good.The salmon is more fatty and sweeter than normal. I enjoyed it very much.The noodle and udon is also good. The soup base is not too rich nor too bland. More importantly, the noodle is still bouncy rather than being soft and soggy. The tao ting udon is very smooth and not the usual elastic bands from ready-made packets served by many restaurants. The sea-salt grilled chicken wings I tried was also very nice with a strong sea-salt taste.I didnt try much on sushi and handrolls, so I cant comment on this area.Overall, the price is this restaurant is probably 50%-100% higher than other Japanese choices in the area. The cost goes into the quality of the ingredients. This is a good place for sashumi with its own sashumi bar and noodles / udon. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-04-21
66 瀏覽
個老板真係去日本浸過嫁。推介:豬軟骨手打烏冬(個湯底係日本都食唔到咁好)馬肉刺身(要預定)劍魚腩刺身(上左要即食,冰冰地硬硬地食最過癮)牛肉刺身(無馬肉刺身的替代品)鮟鱇魚肝(有朋友好鍾意,但我怕腥)鮑魚(有點硬,都係怕腥)拖羅(係好食,但性價比不符,都係劍魚腩好D) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-04-06
21 瀏覽
第一次惠顧,其中點了吞拿魚刺身, 嘩!很冰,很雪呵!仍未解凍,每片還砌得薄薄的. 咬下去牙都酸了.料理師傳仍堅持無問題.唉, 真失望. 雖然最後店員取消了這個order,但我是不會再去的.始終...都是日本人做回日本料理有水準. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2009-05-25
18 瀏覽
喺上水都食過唔少日本菜,原本對呢間野冇咩興趣,因為門面麻麻哋,但見食評唔錯,就一於試吓啦~~點知.....真係好一般!nice鰻魚幾好味~冇骨,燒得幾香!軟殼蟹三文魚卷~軟殼蟹炸得好脆,但比面層塊三文魚扣咗少少分,因為唔新鮮!bad帶子得個大字, 一d都唔甜!三文魚唔係幾新鮮,食咗一塊已經有d反胃!其他都冇咩好講!總括嚟講,呢度冇service,冇環境,仲有個賓賓幫手做野~上水唔少日本菜都好食過佢~~應該唔會再去! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)