Jean-Paul Hevin是來自巴黎的朱古力大師,與他同名的朱古力品牌採用委內瑞拉、厄瓜多爾、哥倫比亞及馬達加斯加的可可做材料,朱古力每日早上炮製,售賣時間不會超過三天。 繼續閱讀
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (31)
等級3 2013-05-30
2044 瀏覽
早前tea time經過,在這裡歇了一會先點一件Guayaquil和一壺Chocolat Chaud ParisienGuayaquil的dark chocolate mousse好rich好幼滑mousse中間有biscuits & almonds,前者的crispiness和後者的nutty aroma配合chocolate mousse實在好夾~! Chocolat Chaud Parisien選用中美洲的可可,濃郁,味道並不苦澀,反而彷彿帶點spice的辛味(?!)一壺Chocolat Chaud大概有3-4小杯,真的讓我很滿足... 和飽足!一邊說飽一邊又買走了4件macarons... 一系列色彩繽紛的macarons實在非常悅目... 未吃已心花怒放幾經困難,終於揀了Praline、Caramel、Framboise、Passion fruitmacarons是理所當然的甜美,個人比較喜歡帶酸的Framboise、Passion fruit,中間的puree很清新~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-04-21
961 瀏覽
Jean-Paul Hévin is a chocolatier from Paris, and there are currently three shops in Hong Kong: one in IFC, one on Lyndhurst Terrace and one in Ocean Terminal in TST.There is a small cafe at the Jean-Paul Hévin shop in IFC. My friend and I came here for lunch on Saturday to try their lunch menu, and we managed to get a table straightaway as the cafe wasn't full at all at that time. (1) We ordered La Complete ($98), a crepe with button mushroom, tomatoes and cooked ham. It tasted delicious overall, but the crepe was a tad too crunchy and dry. (2) We also tried the Lasagne aux épinards ($98), which means "Spinach Lasagne" in French. The waitress told us that this vegetarian lasagne was a very healthy option, with very little cheese and oil.This is what the lasagne looked like, without the salad on top.The waitress was right about the lasagne. It wasn't oily at all, and there were a lot of spinach and chopped tomatoes in it, which made it light and refreshing, but I wished the spinach was a bit more chopped up. (3) Neither of us ordered desserts as we were both going for afternoon tea afterwards. My friend, J, had a Cappuccino ($42). (4) I ordered, as usual, a Cafe Latte ($42) for myself - the perfect way to end a meal! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2013-02-07
494 瀏覽
朋友要移民, 所以專程去IFC 買馬卡龍送比朋友等佢上機食~去到舖頭果陣, 感受到售貨員的笑容,同耐心既講解~~sales 介紹左隻新年口味, 仲要得番一粒, 我二話不說即order ~~最後買左一盒5個裝送比朋友, 而另外再買兩個比自己食~(raspberry 同 焦糖味)以前對馬卡龍既印象麻麻, 得個甜字!!但今次試過後.....嘩。。。簡直一試難忘~~(raspberry 比較甜同"漏", 焦糖味反而甜度剛剛好)無論服務, 食物質素都好好~~雖然$25 一粒貴左少少~~不過值得一試!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2012-10-14
399 瀏覽
中秋節收到 I.T 店員通知有月餅送比長期客戶: P本來以為係雙黃蓮蓉月個d傳統月餅,去到先發現係marcoon! 盒既包裝係設計比I.T原故,所以當然係走型格路線啦。由月圓到月缺咁排序,用8粒唔同口味既marcoon 配一個jumbo size marcoon. 以表示八星伴月!最鍾意檸檬 , raspberry 同埋焦糖味。檸檬酸酸甜甜可以中和返馬卡龍既甜度,男朋友最愛咖啡& 朱古力味 ❤ 外層脆脆地,非常好味道! 最大個粒係芝麻味,幾特別。I.T 真係有心思, 雖然衣服唔平,但過節亦會為客戶製作窩心禮物。加分!! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-09-19
303 瀏覽
原本對熱朱古力有點抗拒,因大多濃得漿着喉嚨,如在法國巴黎非常有名的Angelina or La Maison Du Chocolat的,對於本人來說都太濃厚了!直至嚐到JPH的Hot Chocolate Chantilly才覺得找到自己喜歡的質感和濃度。這店的hot chocolate base本身十分芳香,再加上Chantilly cream,就更香滑輕柔了。在這boutique shop,可享用外賣店沒有提供的chocolate cake,其中一款raspeberry flavoured layered cake酸甜味美,也中和了朱古力的濃郁。這兒也提供意粉及其他簡食,午餐也十分不錯。最近也供應一系列iced chocolate tea, 有機會也會一試! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)