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食評 (96)
等級2 2024-04-24
161 瀏覽
On Tuesday🕢, tacos are only $60 for 3 mini 🌮tacos! We ordered roasted 🐷pork, 🥩beef, 🦐spiced shrimp, impossible beef for friends who are vegetarians🌱. I haven’t tried the shrimp, but roasted pork is my favorite💟, beef is good too and impossible beef tasted just like beef. The taco is soft shelled but I don’t quite like the texture😥. The sauce is not as flavorful as I imagined😞. Are you hungry snack platter is not what we came for but it’s the best one😋. I liked the 🥔fried potatoes and 🥬jalapeño poppers. Drinks are 💸expensive but tasty. I had the 🍓strawberry 🍋lemonade 🍹margarita and 🫐blueberry cider, very fruity and carbonated. Overall good meal 👍🏻and an excuse to meet up with friends because it’s Taco Tuesday!🔛 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-03-04
338 瀏覽
So many rave reviews, yet when I went I found the food to be only average (and cold). The prices were absolutely ridiculous for what it was, especially considering the decor, location, and most importantly, the taste. Maybe I was just unlucky, or perhaps because I visited on a slow Saturday afternoon, but I found Graceland to be a dive bar with cold, pre-made food charging high end restaurant prices.The fried chicken burger was tasty, but it was served lukewarm. My friend and I did point out that the fact that it still tastes good despite not being hot is something worth complimenting, I guess? (We like to stay positive and we try to be grateful for what we have, lol) The nachos, on the other hand, had no redeeming qualities. The guacamole just makes me sad, and if they’re going to serve that pathetic excuse of guacamole (let’s just call it what it is - avocado paste), they really didn’t need to be so generous. There was just too much sauce, both sour cream and avocado paste, and the worst part is that the nachos were served cold!! We did find some melted cheese in between the layers, which tells me that at one point this dish was indeed baked, but they didn’t bother reheating it properly before serving it to customers. Also, despite the rather high price tag, there was no meat in the nachos. The drinks were decent, and the espresso martini was outstanding. Probably the only thing I’d come back for. To end the review, let me tell you this- on top of this disaster of a cold, stale, soggy meal, we were given a 12% service charge on top of the entire bill. Yes… let that sink in. I think this may be one of the first places I have seen in HK with anything more than the usual 10% service charge. All the more outrageous considering the cold, subpar food that they served… 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-10-09
1158 瀏覽
第一次過嚟呢間酒吧,因為見裝修睇落坐得舒服,加上氣氛好好,所以就好順便入去試吓。裏面嘅職員全部都係外國人。呢間酒吧嘅特色主要係手工啤。當然我哋都叫咗四款唔同嘅手工啤試吓,一個黑啤,另外一個係酸啤,另外一款係白啤,之後我哋再叫咗一款水牛城辣雞肉沙律🥗,份量好足料。 職員服務態度好好,有講有笑,因為我哋鍾意食辣,之後佢比我哋試幾款辣醬。感覺好親切。食物水準都好好。可惜係𥚃面座位太少,依家比其他酒吧都收得早,只係開到夜晚12點。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-06-06
1015 瀏覽
New york-styled Diner🗽之前係ig見到呢間餐廳有賣philly cheesesteak我就save低左 因為真係好少見到香港有賣🤣自從年頭去玩美國 就愛上philly cheesesteak 主要係大量薄片牛肉同埋芝士 洋蔥 燈籠椒🫑 放埋係個包一齊食滿滿的油脂感 好幸福 haha 儘管如此 最後我哋都係未食到Philly cheesesteak 以為我哋太多也想試🥹所以下次要再黎!餐廳環境好舒服 係open restaurant 側邊仲有少少bar臺網主條街 夜晚過黎齋飲杯野都好chill🥂 佢哋份量都真係幾大 我哋兩個女仔黎 真係只係可以叫到一個小食 同埋一個主食 下次要同多d朋友黎!🤓▫️Classic Chicken Waffle ($138)呢個係好經典既美式diner早餐 🥣 但我真係完全想像唔到我自己一個人要食嗮一份 重要係早餐😂先講佢個waffle 係非常厚 好有咬口 配埋chicken tender 同埋maple syrup真係有多重口感 鹹甜交雜👍🏻我個人覺得如果齋食waffle同埋雞會有少少乾 所以一定要配埋楓糖漿🤤 雞肉都係好大件 同埋肉都好厚實 絕對唔會好鞋 脆脆哋 好夾 ▫️Mozerella Stick ($78)呢個mozerlla stick係會食到有少少拉絲的🤍 面層少少脆 再配埋個醬 應該係有少少似nachos嗰隻茄醬🥫— salsa 並唔係只係茄汁 係呢方面佢哋都花左少少心思🤙🏼😆 佢總共有五條 份量唔係超大 但係此終芝士都係比較飽肚~▫️Passionfruit & Ginger Lemonade ($78)食完咁多野 有杯酸酸哋既飲品 可以解膩真係絕配🤣 我見到佢哋真係有落足料 passionfruit味都重 但係可能蓋過左薑味 配埋檸檬原本酸酸哋既味真係不錯🍋 重點係唔會太甜服務都超級好 而且搵佢哋有咩好推介都超級熱誠🔥重要非常貼心 係咁同我哋講佢哋份量好大 唔好叫咁多 食完唔夠再叫都可以😌 真係良心小店 支持! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-06-01
704 瀏覽
戒咗牛嘅朋友🥹以後有得食返Burger 喇🍔話說~上年開始,我盡量少食牛肉🐄🐮,間唔中都會Green Day 🥬。岀咗名係牛魔王嘅我,有時真心會掛住個味同口感。哩一年最唔習慣,係無得食漢堡包🍔嗰日聽到 Impossible Meat真係好似,立即約咗個戒咗牛超過10年嘅朋友去食😋食完一啖佢呆咗望住我😮問我點解可以咁似🤭兩個好開心好滿足咁食完,又無罪惡/内疚感,食咗個輕鬆嘅午餐。環境好舒服,啲位都多,可以慢慢坐,傾吓計好chill 😎食物係好好食,份量算大,本來想叫 Frappes,侍應阻止咗我哋,果然正確,叫咗 Passionfruit & Ginger Lemonade + Mocktail Arnold Palmer 🍹 Fresh啲開胃啲。叫咗 Philly Cheesesteak + The Graceland Burger 🍔share 食。 我咁大食都覺得好飽,男仔都食唔哂。Burger Juicy好好味,快速就消滅咗😋。 Philly Cheesesteak 比較濃味,加埋🧀芝士真係好夠飽,好努力都食淨少少,啱大食又重口味嘅朋友,女仔應該 Share 食會好啲🧏🏻‍♀️ 個甜品真係食唔哂😂 繼續閱讀
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