港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 J 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
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為Glasshouse的升級品牌,主打融會亞洲各國的經典美饌與西方滋味,把傳統精髓與現代烹調技巧結合的創意菜式。客人可於舒適寬倘的室內環境,或室外的小清新天台花園內品嚐精心準備的美食及飲品。 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
*Due to the pandemic, our opening hours may differ and are subjected to change. Kindly contact our restaurants for more information
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食評 (583)
等級3 2024-08-10
444 瀏覽
K11 Musea Glasshouse 一向都頗多人去,今日等左短時間就有位。點左:越式 x手沖咖啡 有班蘭同椰子選擇。我揀左椰子。用新鮮椰子肉,再自己倒咖啡同鮮奶。冰咖啡配椰子味道唔錯。黑松露鵝肝牛肉炒河粉賣相好好,薄牛肉放係一邊,炒得好嫩,煎鵝肝剛好,不過我偏向煎得香脆啲。聞到黑松露味,但乾炒牛河既甜味比較重。全日早餐本身order scrambled eggs,但嚟到變左煎蛋。餐廳環境都唔錯,係音樂大聲左啲。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-08-09
523 瀏覽
食物賣相睇落唔差,但係我一啖都冇食就走咗。我點餐後想叫杯Cocktail,就問侍應一句,請問有啲邊款Cocktail可以唔另加糖水。侍應回答所有原材料都有artificial糖,呢度唔會有natural Juice。佢嘅態度係嫌棄我嘅問題太麻煩。 我再有禮貌地問一句,原材料有糖無問題,唔另外加糖漿我就可以。佢又同我講:做training嘅人唔想飲糖就飲spirit,唔會可以唔加糖,要飲就會有糖。態度係極度冇禮貌同串。我即時要求埋單,亦表明唔介意無食任何野就付款。經理見勢色唔對,幫手截單,中途上咗第一碟食物最後都免單。我之後轉左第2間餐廳食buffet唔洗同服務生打交道免得又俾人寸。可憎一間食物賣相同環境都幾好既餐廳,服務環節令人不會再幫襯。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-08-05
358 瀏覽
⭐️Big Breakfast $168呢個all day breakfast 都幾多種類嘅食物,味道就正正常常,男人食都會夠飽,可以encore😝😗😗⭐️脆煎三文魚配蔥油拌麵 $198份量唔算大,三文魚煎得有啲乾,同埋唔夠肥,重蒜味,呢個價錢會expect 好少少,啲麵就正常,可能佢都唔算係意粉category?! 唔算係Al dente ,有少少太腍,食落都有少少油膩😗⭐️Latte 正常發揮雖然話有少少偏貴,但係始終係K11 Musea,所以都可接受😊 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-08-03
389 瀏覽
約左朋友仔兩點睇戲 ,朝早大家都要返教會,諗住喺返K11 Musea 食簡單啲。記得曾經在這餐廳有愉快生日,又有網上訂位,就決定再訪了!因為趕時間,就簡單叫左香酥鴨配松露炒飯 同 Burrata cheese無花果杏仁沙律,快閃吃!鴨肉無蘇味 炒飯乾身 如果鹹啲或濃味啲會更好!沙律所有材料都好新鮮呢~特別那個Burrata cheese的奶香配蔬菜好好味。個人最喜歡的還是他們各大系列的飲品(可惜忘了影drink list😅),多得眼花繚亂,選擇困難,樣樣都想試。就點左lady 啲嘅玫瑰荔枝冰茶: 自然的荔枝味和玫瑰糖甜度配得恰到好處,必試!下次會再黎,坐耐啲食其他小食同試其他飲品。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥位於尖沙咀商場內的人氣食店,走年輕客戶的路線,提供多元化的西式美食,各種特色雞尾酒及飲品,還有多款精緻的甜品。餐廳的菜式大部分都不會過份油膩或重味,適合注重健康的人士。此外,值得一提的是這間是寵物友好食肆,所以客人可以帶同自己的寵物一起用膳。Located within the bustling mall in Tsim Sha Tsui, this popular eatery caters to a youthful clientele, offering a diverse range of Western cuisine, specialty cocktails, and beverages, accompanied by an array of exquisite desserts. Most dishes at the restaurant are skillfully prepared without being overly greasy or heavy, appealing to health-conscious individuals. Noteworthy is its pet-friendly policy, allowing customers to dine with their beloved pets.大蝦牛油果沙律 ($188)Shrimp and avocado salad看似平平無奇的沙律,原本以為味道會十分清淡,一吃之下立即改觀,因為大蝦非常鮮味,不像是急凍了很久的蝦肉,肉質更是爽口彈呀,至於牛油果富有香味,而且非常軟滑。生菜則十分新鮮,配搭了酸酸甜甜的醬汁,是一道非常清新的開胃菜Initially appearing unremarkable, this salad pleasantly surprises with its flavorful combination. The fresh shrimp, bursting with succulence and a delightful texture, pairs harmoniously with the fragrant avocado. The crisp lettuce, dressed in a tangy vinaigrette, makes for a refreshing starter.香炸蜜糖單骨雞翼 ($98)Mini Honey Chicken Wings廚師將雞翼一分為二做成單骨雞翼,令客人更加容易進食。雞翼炸得非常香脆,所以蜜糖很容易掛在表面,蜜糖的香甜增加了菜色的鮮味,不過美中不足的是雞翼炸得比較乾,流失了肉汁Divided into single boned wings for ease of consumption, these wings are fried to a delightful crispiness, allowing the honey to delicately coat the surface. While the sweetness of the honey enhances the dish, the wings could be slightly dry, resulting in a loss of juiciness.酸辣汁配香煎鱸魚意粉 ($198)Pan-seared sea bass spaghetti with a spicy and tangy sauce意粉的酸辣汁非常惹味,不過辣度不輕,所以未能吃辣的朋友可能接受不了,而且醬汁太黏。鱸魚煎得非常香口,而且沒有腥味,不過表面有間中會吃到海鹽,那部分會較咸,不過整體來說也是十分美味The spaghetti's spicy and tangy sauce is exceptionally flavorful, though the level of spiciness may not be suitable for those averse to heat. The sea bass is skillfully pan-seared, offering a delectably savory taste without any fishiness. However, occasional salty bites from sea salt on the surface may be noted, although the overall dish remains delicious.Modern Cosmo ($78)這杯Cocktail顏色十分柔和,但喝下去的酒味原來比較濃,雖說是用了小紅莓汁,但因為用了蜜糖去中和,所以完全不會覺得酸,可惜的是每款材料的味道都不太突出This cocktail, with its subtle hue, surprisingly packs a punch in flavor profile. Despite utilizing cranberry juice, the added honey negates any sourness, resulting in a well-balanced concoction. However, the individual flavors of the ingredients could be more pronounced.香草梳乎厘 ($148)Vanilla Souffle 梳乎厘的口感做得恰到好處,不會很快塌下來,又不會太過黏口,入口有香濃的蛋白及雲呢拿味,配以草莓汁一同吃的話會有開胃的感覺,而廚師用小鐵板盛載着梳乎厘,可以有保溫的效果,值得一讚The souffle is impeccably textured, maintaining its form without collapsing too quickly. It presents a rich blend of egg whites and vanilla flavors, complemented by a hint of strawberry sauce for an appetizing touch. Served on a small iron plate, the souffle retains its warmth exceptionally well, deserving commendation.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments:   🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅食物及飲品的選擇非常多元化,不論是成年人、小朋友,肉類愛好者,或素食者均有選擇,而且餐單會不時更換菜色,給客人新鮮感The diverse selection of food and beverages caters to a wide range of preferences, appealing to adults, children, meat enthusiasts, and vegetarians alike. The menu is periodically refreshed, providing customers with a sense of novelty.❌ 未有太多套餐提供,可以考慮加入更多Limited variety in set menus; consider expanding the selection.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅裝修非常時尚舒適,而且備有室內或室外空間給客人選擇The stylish and comfortable decor, along with indoor and outdoor seating options, offers guests a pleasant dining experience.❌室外空間種了不少植物,夏天的蚊蟲可能會較多The outdoor area, with many plants, may attract more mosquitoes during summers.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅待應生非常有禮,而且不時會查看客人有甚麼需要協助The courteous service staff frequently attend to customers' needs with politeness and attentiveness.❌以手機下單,年長的客人可能會不太適應Ordering via mobile phones may pose challenges for elderly customers.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅食物的份量不會太細,性價比算是中等,飲品有提供歡樂時光優惠Food portions are generous, offering moderate value for money, with happy hour discounts on beverages.❌部分菜色如沙律的訂價較高,與部分主菜的價錢相若Some dishes, such as salads, are priced higher compared to certain main courses. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)