餐廳: | Cupping Room Coffee Roasters (皇后大道中) |
優惠: |
於此國泰夥伴餐廳用餐賺里 ! 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。 |
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 18:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情

餐廳: | Cupping Room Coffee Roasters (皇后大道中) |
優惠: | 國泰會員於夥伴餐廳消費可賺高達HKD4 = 2里數。受有關條款約束。 |
前嗰排喺The Club攞積分睇吓有咩換,見到呢一間嘅咖啡卷就換嚟試吓我揀咗iced hojicha latte幾啱口味,焙茶味重,奶唔係落得好多,所以唔係好heavy,另外想讚啲冰大熱天時喺室外溶嘅速度好慢,所以成杯嘢都keep到好凍、冇溝淡到服務態度其實我就覺得一般般嘅,不過諗一諗自己係攞張券嚟換嘢冇俾錢嘅,咁就算數啦免費嘢好評(就咁買唔係好知道幾多錢,但如果定價$40樓上我就應該唔會買,因為個size都幾細杯)
休閒地食個BRUNCH餐廳環境也不錯, 北歐式三文治, 可選二款口味,太好了!!!!點了香煎帶子配牛油果 & 紅蝦超級有驚喜, 食完立即覺得性價比極高熱朱古力, 味道太淡,_____________________
同朋友 Friday 係上環食個 Happy Lunch!Friday 特別多人外出食飯。。。周街餐廳都有好多人等位。。。幸好,去到 Cupping Room 仲有空枱。。。唔駛等位!😁😁😁其實本人好耐之前去過。。。但感覺價錢太貴。。。所以都好耐無去幫襯!今日叫咗個 Avocado on Toast w/ Poached Egg。。。味道都不錯!但天氣太熱。。。熱啡就真心飲不下。。。原本諗住叫杯凍啡。。。但朋友極力推薦佢嘅鮮橙汁。。。話好 fresh...咁就試吓啦!橙汁都 fresh 同甜。。。一定唔係x汁先生嘅出品。。。😂😂😂跟住叫咗個 Squid Ink Spaghetti Aglio E Olio, 味道不錯,辣辣地,幾野味!意粉軟硬度適中,但賣相就麻麻。。。haha....開頭仲意為得一隻蝦。。。原來有兩隻蝦係底。。。之後仲試了這個 cheesecake 作結!非常完滿的一餐!
Overall Experience無下次。不值得。上環有更多、更好的選擇。Very disappointing. Brunching at a cafe is supposed to be relaxing. Sure, there was music and the lighting and decor were all fine. But trapped in a confined space with poor air circulation and lack of AC under Hong Kong's hot and humid summer? Irritating. Uninterested staff watching you sweat and fan yourselves with a menu and napkin? Hopeless. Blunt cutlery that don't cut through sourdough crust and bacon? Stupid. Their complete fail at customer experience made me write my very first OpenRice review. Would the experience be fine if they had fixed the AC and trained their staff? Perhaps. But with a plethora of high-quality cafes in Sheung Wan, I will not choose to give this one a second chance.Environment (temperature-wise)裝修和氣氛無問題。空氣不暢通、悶熱、微弱冷氣導致身體不適,用餐體驗不理想。When we first stepped in, we had a strong suspicion that the AC wasn't on. One out of three windows was open. It was a hot and humid day with occasional showers. Facing the restaurant, we chose the second table on the left and I sat at the inner bench. The longer we stayed, the hotter I felt. I began to sweat and my whole body got sticky. The air circulation was so bad that I started to ventilate faster. The lady to my right (in the corner near the exit) kept fanning the menu and expressed to her companion that it was hot. My boyfriend sitting at the aisle side said there was some breeze coming from the cashier/kitchen area, though it didn't help. Some new customers then walked in, noticing the hot temperature but sat down anyway.Halfway through our meal, I felt a bit light headed and we decided to move to a table in the middle of the restaurant. The waitress said, "Yes I'm hot too" as we moved our plates. There was some breeze finally, but nowhere near cool. At the end of the meal, we asked the waitress whether the AC was broken. She replied one of them was not working. Great, so you knew.Food食物質素中等。酸種麵包成品及處理皆令人失望。煙肉不脆,其他一般。At $138 for a Full Brekky, the portion was normal. Quality of the ingredients was okay, but the sourdough wasn't impressive. If you had tried Fusion's quarter loaf of sourdough ($37), they taste the same. The crust wasn't crunchy, holes in the bread were small. There was a piece of small plastic near the tomatoes on my boyfriend's plate. Also, both the knife and fork were very blunt, the only food they easily cut through were mushroom, eggs and tomatoes. We ordered flat whites - average.Staff & Pricing無服務費的服務,是明知道冷氣壞、室內氣溫高,然後說句「我都熱」。食物質素和定價不符。With me already fuming because of the temperature and mediocre food at a relatively higher price point in the area, the staff's lack of interest in customers' well-being made my experience worse. At one point a boss/manager figure walked in and took something from the cupboard at the cashier, had a quick word with a staff then rushed out (the staff later told me that he's one of the bosses when I inquired), didn't seem to care about the temperature. The female staff knowing the fact that it's hot and seeing customers' reaction to the stuffiness, didn't care to suggest tables where air circulation is better nor appear to be apologetic. There wasn't a service charge on the bill, however, the food quality didn't justify the price either.