港鐵尖沙咀/尖東站 P1 出口 繼續閱讀
餐廳大堂、陽台均採用民族風設計,指定時段更有排肚皮表演,讓你在輕鬆的氣氛下,享受中東美食、雞尾酒等餐飲及打卡。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 02:00
12:00 - 02:00
12:00 - 02:00
12:00 - 02:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯 JCB Apple Pay 微信支付
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (30)
<Roasted Cauliflower>中東芝麻醬加乳酪嘅位調得好好 可惜食嘅時候椰菜花有啲凍 似係預備左一段時候 有陣油味叫左杯Cocktail 好重嘅beetroot味<Bushra Kofta>羊肉串串 羊肉味好足 但唔會太騷 出面有烤嘅乾身而裏味都軟 加埋啲配菜都烤過 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-10-27
1292 瀏覽
經常喺尖沙咀 海旁都會見到 好多間 餐廳, 今次9月份聚餐就約咗朋友去呢一間今次我哋係坐樓上嗰一層 環境會畀樓下靜啲 燈光昏暗同朋友傾計 傾得好relax食物整體都唔錯好特別嘅味道 特別係最出名嘅鷹嘴豆泥 我哋叫咗三款Hummus 鷹嘴豆泥,但係我哋最鍾意嘅都係有希臘乳酪嗰款Falafel 炸鷹嘴豆丸子 都好味 好特別不過其中叫咗一款係羊膝頭嘅飯 , 我同朋友覺得味道比較淋身冇乜咬口, 唔知道係唔係正宗就係咁樣呢 🤭我諗我哋下次都會再梨 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-10-15
1545 瀏覽
My frd found this restaurant because it is a pet friendly restaurant. Everything was fine at the beginning. I ordered a signature cocktail but the female staff told me there is HH cocktails I can order instead so I said cool I will go for that because the staff told me there is one similar with what I wanted to order!! Food was good… That drink was horrible!! I can’t even drink it because it taste awful… but I just stop drinking UNTIL I got the bill from the other male staff, I saw they charged me full price for me drinks instead of buy one get one free so I asked why. Then they told me they gave me the signature cocktail instead of the HH cocktail!! Ridiculous thing is… my frd one they charged HH buy one get one free but without getting the free one… no reminder nothing from they staff… until I asked n get upset because it is not my problem if I said I will get the HH cocktail instead but they still give me my original order but no one actually knows what im drinking!! I think they are not willing to solve the problem because they can tell I didn’t touch my drink at all obviously I really dislike it!! The staff knew I don’t like it n I told him I’m upset with what they are doing on my bills… they just took my bills n walked an away -.- so I ended up paid $128 for a drink I didn’t even drink and they told me this is the signature cocktail!!!! But the bill they still make it a HH cocktail!! I have no idea what they are doing!! But just be careful if you ever want to try this restaurant!! ORDER CAREFULLY AND CHECK THE BILL CAREFULLY!! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-08-24
2287 瀏覽
Came here on a weekend which they were serving a family brunch option for $208 per person. The menu included a sharing appetizer platter and a choice of main. Appetizers was phenomenal! All the different dishes had it’s unique flavor and portion size allowed you to taste each different appetizers in comparison if you were ordering from the ala carte menu.For the main we had the vegetable and fish tagine, both tasted different and was unique in it’s own flavor. Our favorite was the lamb skewer, the rice was flavored and the lamb had a hint of gaminess which I personally enjoyed.Dessert we opted for a portion of baklava which 4 pieces was provided. However taste was a bit sweater than my liking and the pastry wasn’t flaky enough.Overall really great authentic food for a really good price. The only con is that it’s an open space so there is no air conditioning which gets a little hot during the summer. Also water machine is broken so you need to purchase water by the bottle ($60/bottle) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-08-21
2203 瀏覽
早前家人生日,訂咗呢間餐廳食晚餐我哋上網搵呢間餐廳嘅時候,見係pet-friendly restaurant, 我哋就帶埋狗狗去食 (無pet menu提供,但係可以自己帶狗狗嘅食物)以下係我地order左嘅食物:Muhammara Falafel Bushra kofta Zaatar pita breadTruffle friesPrima 12oz rib eyeChicken shawarma Photos要大讚佢個rib eye!我哋嗌咗medium rare,係非常juicy!!!!! 同埋好軟林林,我同家人都食得好享受!另外,佢8:30 9:30 10:30都有肚皮舞表演,係佢哋餐廳嘅一個highlight!!!食完我地屋企嘅壽星都十分滿意☺️ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)