2016-05-14 4900 瀏覽
Yesterday myself and 5 other, how can one say Bon vivants d'un certain age, decided to spend a precious evening together in this pleasant space in a warehouse building in Tin Hau.We had agreed to pay the set menu of HKD880 and in addition would take advantage of their innovative in house wine shop and spend up to hkd500 on a bottle of wine each in 5 different categories.four of us had also committed to an additional hkd150 each for an extra truffle risotto, which later would prove to be somethin
Yesterday myself and 5 other, how can one say Bon vivants d'un certain age, decided to spend a precious evening together in this pleasant space in a warehouse building in Tin Hau.
We had agreed to pay the set menu of HKD880 and in addition would take advantage of their innovative in house wine shop and spend up to hkd500 on a bottle of wine each in 5 different categories.four of us had also committed to an additional hkd150 each for an extra truffle risotto
, which later would prove to be something of a bete noire. 
Ambience: initial impressions were very favourable with chesterfield sofas and stained floors creating the classic club feeling. The ceilings are low and so we correctlly anticipated noise would be a problem- both our own and that of other diners.
The food was heralded by a tasty if predictable assortment of breads, none of which was outstanding, accompanied by some over fussed butter one with anchovies and olives.
Amuse bouche, a delightful crispy arancino was lovely.
Ginger marinated tuna both red flesh and toro was delightful served with myoga and sesame. There was a very pleasant crunch and raw tuna was predictably, well, raw tuna. This was very refreshing and went well with a Japanese Grace vineyard koshu grape white, which wasn't as embarrassingly awful as we anticipated.
The lobster bisque was predictable although there was an odd granularity to the reduction suggesting perhaps prawn heads had been used. Seasoning was lacking, however the large portion of lobster was clearly there to indicate we were eating a quaility bisque.
The Chilean sea bass was a very succulent piece of fish clearly benefitting from gentle treatment in a sous vide machine. The cuisson was very good. The chef had however committed the rookie error of not removing the skin and crisping separately, which detracted from the dish. Quite what gastronomic relevance a lychee foam from Asia has to a piece of fish from Tierra del Fuego was lost on me.
The evening began to go rapidly downhill when The 'truffle  risotto' arrived and turned out to be 
Simply another portion of lobster bisque dumped on top of some long grain rice which had been cooked very very poorly. When we complained the charming hostess told us the repeating of the bisque was the "chef continuing a dialogue with us" around the bisque. I found this explanation ludicrous disingenuous and pointed out I've had more authentic risottii in Lagos. Clearly the food was all being pre prepared in advance and whoever was warming it up yesterday has no idea how to cook a risotto.
A4 wagyu which had predictably been cooked in a bag and seared a point in a pan was very tasty, while the usual braised short rib accompanying waa truly delicious.
The optional 'artisanal seasonal' cheese platter seemed comedy of the highest order containing as it did, Danish Blue, which is neither artisanal nor seasonal, HKD150.
The peach sorbet of the day was very tasty as was the chocolate cup which was a smooth and light mousse.
Serving biscotti as petits fours has the advantage they can of course be stored for weeks in a plastic box.
We had a marvelous evening, we always do, but The bill at HKD 1600 per head was at least hkd400 per person overpriced compared with competition,  and to not reduce the bill at all for the idiotic risotto debacle struck me as a slap in the face.
Unexpectedly and charmingly the  comedy continued into the street with a waiter pursuing us and asking to see our credit card receipts because he feared we hadn't paid in full. We had of course.
Overall the impression left  is that this is an event restaurant with an absentee celebrity chef leaving the brigade to churn out pre prepared food. aimed at people with more money than either sense or taste. I for one would never return as the emperor has not been near the wardrobe recently.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$1600 (宵夜)
  • Ginger marinated tuna with myoga and sesame.
2016-02-04 4713 瀏覽
為嘴刁o既大肥爸爸暖壽,小肥又豈敢求其揀間餐廳食餐普通飯呢?! 經過深思熟慮,最終決定應表弟及堂弟一致推介 ,放膽嘗試位於工廠大廈o既西餐廳「AnOther Place by David Myers」。XO仔曾經喺炮台山同天后區工作過,而且經常出入工廠大廈,對於餐店位於日本名車廠旁o既位置同四周環境都好熟識,不過真係估唔到會有老闆肯花咁多心機去改裝整層造成酒吧、餐廳、酒窖、及酒倉 。步出升降機門已被木造o既酒盒包圍住,主題極之明顯。電子門鎖身後o既接待處好似玩接力賽咁,繼續以酒樽、酒桶、酒廂、酒櫃裝飾。店主親自介紹,右手邊原來係守衛深嚴、溫度及濕度都有所監控o既酒倉 。左手邊通往其他區域o既走廊寬闊,而且機關重重,第一次行入去感覺有啲似個迷宮。第一扇門先直通酒窖,內有多枝珍藏名酒 ,真係唔講得笑!酒窖連接住酒吧及酒廊區,有齊高櫈及梳化位,輕鬆自在 。其餘o既餐廳部份就分成幾間房,大枱細枱具備。由於隔音措施做足,大派對更可隨意打通包場,自攜樂隊都無任歡迎。 主廳燈光柔和,牆上o既雀鳥飾物、天花上o既樹幹吊燈、木造o既餐桌、及桌上o既小盆栽都流露出大自然o既氣息。「AnOth
為嘴刁o既大肥爸爸暖壽,小肥又豈敢求其揀間餐廳食餐普通飯呢?! 經過深思熟慮,最終決定應表弟及堂弟一致推介
,放膽嘗試位於工廠大廈o既西餐廳「AnOther Place by David Myers」。
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「AnOther Place」現階段只做晚市,每張枱亦只限一輪,故食客必先以電話或電郵訂座
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Amuse Bouche:開胃小食每天不同,師傅當日以青瓜打泡,伴上海蝦、魚籽、及橙味果凍,爽脆濕潤,清新輕巧。
Amuse Bouche
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六道菜之一Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice:平目魚片薄切本身味淡,以香濃o既紫菜醬點綴成功吊出鮮味。
Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice
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Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice
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Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice
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六道菜之二Roasted Brittany diver scallops, lovage infused clam chowder, squid ink:碗中o既帶子皮脆肉軟嫩,用上蟶子餚煮o既周打蜆湯同帶子一樣鮮甜無比
Roasted Brittany diver scallops, lovage infused clam chowder, squid ink
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Roasted Brittany diver scallops, lovage infused clam chowder, squid ink
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六道菜之三Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus:海陸主菜顏色鮮美,好似幅畫咁靚。
Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
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六道菜之四Peppered Kagoshima wagyu strip loin, parsnip and shiso salad, jus corse:熱食最後一味o既鹿兒島和牛兩吃反而就有少少失望。
Peppered Kagoshima wagyu strip loin, parsnip and shiso salad, jus corse
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Peppered Kagoshima wagyu strip loin, parsnip and shiso salad, jus corse
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六道菜之五Asian pear sorbet, prosecco granite, pomegranate gelee:六道菜中其中兩味屬甜品。首味甜品為梨味雪葩,幽香清甜,墊底o既汽酒沙冰同神石榴啫喱都好清新輕盈
Asian pear sorbet, prosecco granite, pomegranate gelee
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六道菜之六Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream:朱古力蛋糕仔外皮鬆軟,中央流心甜滑。
Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
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Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
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Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
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Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
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Heirloom chocolate brioche pudding, caramelized banana, malt ice cream
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Petits Fours:飯後小甜點每人有三件,每份分開上,所以視覺上較為微弱
Petits Fours
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置身於工廠大廈內o既「AnOther Place by David Myers」除咗位置輸蝕咗少少之外,其闊落開揚o既環境同服務生熱情o既招待都好溫馨
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$930 (晚餐)
Amuse Bouche
Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice
Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice
Konbu cured halibut, nori jam, puffed wild rice
Roasted Brittany diver scallops, lovage infused clam chowder, squid ink
Roasted Brittany diver scallops, lovage infused clam chowder, squid ink
Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
Confit of Norwegian salmon, truffle potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks, red wine beef jus
Peppered Kagoshima wagyu strip loin, parsnip and shiso salad, jus corse
Peppered Kagoshima wagyu strip loin, parsnip and shiso salad, jus corse
Asian pear sorbet, prosecco granite, pomegranate gelee
Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
Chocolate beignets, malt ice-cream
Petits Fours
I've been looking forward to this place ever since it's been named 8 of the most anticipated new openings in Autumn 2015 by Hong Kong Tatler Dining back in September. They took a little while to sort things out but finally were ready for their soft opening in early January.To be brutally honest, I didn't know a lot about Chef Myers so I went onto the mighty internet for answers before this dinner. Turns out that he's an American celebrity chef and a one-time "Best New Chefs" by Food & Wine Magaz
I've been looking forward to this place ever since it's been named 8 of the most anticipated new openings in Autumn 2015 by Hong Kong Tatler Dining back in September. They took a little while to sort things out but finally were ready for their soft opening in early January.

To be brutally honest, I didn't know a lot about Chef Myers so I went onto the mighty internet for answers before this dinner. Turns out that he's an American celebrity chef and a one-time "Best New Chefs" by Food & Wine Magazine, who honed his craft working under Charlie Trotter and Daniel Boulud. He went on to open a few restaurants on his own, mostly in Los Angeles and has recently been involved with a few projects in Asia, including Adrift at Marina Bay Sands Singapore.
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After a 10-minute walk from Fortress Hill MTR towards the harbour, I found myself in an unfamiliar territory between Fortress Hill and Tin Hau, an area more known for its industrial buildings than fine dining venues. Just when I thought I was lost and started launching my Google map, I spotted this big "C" signage on the wall. Yes, Block C of Seaview Estate, that's where AnOther Place by David Myers is "hidden".
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AnOther Place is a members' club, lounge and fine dining restaurant all under the same roof. As soon as I was seated, I immediately started checking out one of their 2 dining rooms, which was pretty small but well appointed and cozy. In fact it felt like I was visiting someone's house.
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They were supposed to have a pretty nice view of the harbour from the bar table but unfortunately with all the scaffolding, the only thing I could see was a giant net and a bridge full of traffic.
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They obviously wanted to make things simple for us. There were no a la carte menu available at the moment, just two prix fixe menus with 4-course ($680) and 6-course ($880) options. I was feeling a little hungry tonight so I decided to go with the longer set.

Kicking things off was a small amuse bouche with some finely chopped mushroom sautéed and placed inside a little cherry tomato. A bit of white cream made also with mushroom and truffle was served on the side. OK but nothing mind blowing there.
Amuse bouche
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The first course of the night was konbu cured halibut with nori jam and puffed wild rice. I thought the texture of the cured halibut was pretty nice but the whole thing was a bit under-seasoned (Grade: 3/5).
konbu cured halibut with nori jam and puffed wild rice
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Next up was roasted Brittany diver scallops with lovage infused clam chowder. This was probably the first time I had squid ink with my clam chowder and the result was pretty stunning. Love the creamy chowder with the sweetness of fresh clams and some potato purée. Easily the best dish of the night (Grade: 4/5).
roasted Brittany diver scallops with lovage infused clam chowder
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Onto our third course and it's our fish course, confit of Norwegian salmon served with truffled potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks and a red wine beef jus.
confit of Norwegian salmon served with truffled potato gnocchi, crispy oxtail, buttered leeks
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It was pretty happy with the presentation of the salmon confit which was nicely garnished with some greenery and olive oil "pearls" on top. On the side were green pea purée, crispy oxtail and truffled potato gnocchi. A well designed dish but the ingredients didn't really come together as well as I thought (Grade: 3/5).
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The highly anticipated Kagoshima wagyu strip loin also failed to impress me despite being a house specialty dish. The wagyu strip loin was done 2 different ways with 3 pieces seared and 2 others braised using the beef jus. Disappointingly, the seared pieces were well under-seasoned with the flavors from the sea salt totally missing in action (Grade: 3/5).
Kagoshima wagyu strip loin
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Right before our dessert arrived, we were offered an Asian pear sorbet, prosecco granite and pomegranate gelée. This was very refreshing.
Asian pear sorbet, prosecco granite and pomegranate gelée
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Finally, the last course was ready to be served and it's a pair of chocolate beignets served alongside a scoop of malt ice-cream and berries. I thought this tasted seriously good like a chocolate molten lava cake in the shape of a water chestnut. The chocolate lava oozed out on the first bite and it was perfectly matched with the sweetness of the malt ice-cream (Grade: 3.5/5).
hocolate beignets with malt ice-cream and berries
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Petite fours were 3 tiny nibbles that were a little discouraging.
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Considering all the hype, I was pretty disappointed with the results. Perhaps, I was expecting something along the line of Twenty six by Liberty or VEA Restaurant & Lounge where an innovative brand of European fare would be served up but boy was I wrong. This was definitely not worth the price tag.

Another thing I found annoying was the fact that the servers repeatedly tried to explain all these French dining terms throughout the meal. What is amuse bouche? What is petite fours? And the explanation would often go something like this....."In France, they like to serve all these small nibbles to get your appetite started and....blah blah blah.", like a little history lesson. Well, if we could find our way to this French dining restaurant in a Fortress Hill industrial building, we are probably not a beginner in French dining. So let's just cut the introduction and go straight to the ingredients please!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$880 (晚餐)
roasted Brittany diver scallops with lovage infused clam chowder