港鐵香港站 F 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
位於IFC,是屬中高價位的日式餐廳。菜式有傳統的壽司十品、天婦羅和鍋物等選擇。食物味道稍淡,用料新鮮,很適合追求健康飲食的人士。 繼續閱讀
Serving the most refined and fresh nigiri sushi.
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (26)
Summary: Upscale IFC mall sushi joint that’s cheaper than I’d have thought, but also not particularly interesting or delicious. If you work in IFC or spend a lot of time here, it might be worth a try, but otherwise, give it a miss.On a whim decided to pop into Sushi Sei and try its OK-priced sushi platter (600 for 12 pieces, 400 for 8). Here’s what I got:Shrimp (Amaebi)Salmon RoeTuna BellyFlounderSalmonSome kind of seabream (I think)KinmedaiItoyoridaiCertainly not a bad selection (except for the salmon!), and some interesting variety. And while nothing was BAD, the sushi seemed to be lacking any kind of character. The flounder lacked the usual burst of amami, and the kinmedai/itoyoridai/seabream (all of which I usually love) were basically tasteless. Tuna belly and ikura were fine if predictable; the only piece I really enjoyed was the amaebi: plump, fresh and juicy. The sushi rice was fine if a bit nondescript, but the fish didn’t hold up their end. As a purely subjective and slightly unfair comment, it was somewhat unappetizing to watch the sushi chefs prepare the sushi toppings. They didn’t treat the fish with any kind of delicacy… quite rough with the handling with a lot of tossing and slapping on the board. How it affects that taste of the fish I leave up to you, but it wasn’t very appealing.Overall, it’s not really that expensive, given its location in IFC and the nature of the food. I absolutely wouldn’t say it’s a fantastic deal of course, given the overall meh-ness of the meal. Try Sakura no Aji’s omakase lunch and tell me they’re worth almost the same amount. The guy next to me ordered the omakase (starts at $980 up to $1580), and it began with promise, with shirako (milt) and some interesting sashimi, so perhaps that’s worth a try. Again, I’ll leave that up to you though, as I can’t see myself going back. I’m not a big fan of Sushi Senryo either (just 50m away in IFC mall!), but at least it’s half the price. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-01-27
1699 瀏覽
Sushi Sei is a convenient place for lunch in IFC Mall, and it is easy to find seats. The food has decent quality, but is rather expensive. I ordered the Deluxe Edomae Nigiri Sushi lunch set. It contains 12 pieces of sushi, including toro and uni. The quality is decent, the fish is reasonably fresh. However, for this price - $450+10%, there are a lot more better options in Central. (See my other reviews.) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-01-21
1027 瀏覽
我們是坐在sushi counter, 見到個sushi chef 一路切Sashimi, 一路食, 勁眀目張膽,食完重用針板上毛巾抺手,再用毛巾抺切魚的刀,越睇越驚,即刻埋單,店員重話個chef 係要試食,真係俾佢激死,從來都吾會見到D咁吾講衛生,吾pro 的chef, 魚生又為何要試食?最精采是另一個chef再取同一條毛巾抹其他,最奇是連店員都覺得無吾妥,價格收得咁貴,5 種魚生兩件要過千蚊,响IFC mall, 無理由咁嘅態度,有錢派都不會再去! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-01-06
1428 瀏覽
我食嘢好得意,50元一個午餐又會去食,500元一個午餐一樣會去食,點解?🤔原因好簡單,好多人覺得貴就一定好食,平就一定吳好食,我就吳會甘唸,如果500一餐比D50既嘢你食就更係👎👎,但如果50元又比反D值50既嘢,甘又可以叫好食,我食嘢價錢,質素都好重要,我自己就會衡量反貴既一餐係比D乜嘢質素食物比你,平又比D乜嘢質素你食而去斷定好食同吳好食,因為平同貴一樣有好食同吳好食,好似曾經係某食肆兩個人食左2000元係食垃圾,又試過幾十元又可以好好食,所以我既標準係最緊要好食。講完廢話而家回歸正傳😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂今日食昵個午餐我覺得係值既,因為要睇反你自己食左D乜嘢😊😊@先叫左一壺日本茶——夠熱香濃,好飲👍@刺身午餐定食—-沙律➕刺身➕天婦羅➕味噌🥣➕蒸蛋➕飯➕甜品係雪糕🍦A-沙律菜——正常沙律菜B-刺身——-主要入面有拖羅刺身二片(拖罹係我至愛😍)(大部分日本料理一片拖羅已經收你百幾元,係一片,吳係一客)呢個午餐已經有兩片拖羅,仲有其他十幾片刺身,我已經太長氣,所以自己睇相入面仲有乜刺身😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂C-味噌🥣——味道好飲同夠熱👍D-天婦羅——-面頭炸粉夠薄,食物夠熱👌E-蒸蛋——-蛋都夠滑,入面有🦐,銀杏同埋有一片白色既,吳記得個名,食落好似係百合😋F-甜品雪糕🍦——雲尼拿🍦😉✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️呢度係無咖啡飲既,但我聽到個待應話係有代叫咖啡,有D甘既服務甘特別🤔👍👍甘我聽到更係叫反杯啦,仲係我平日係屋企飲開個隻N字頭咖啡😂😂😂每一個待應屬於有禮貎,尤其有一個叫呀東,穿灰色制服的男士,覺得佢對客人較為細心👍👍👍👍😨😨😨😨@唯一美中不足就係有一個長頭髮摘辮子的女士,穿黑色西裝制服,我估佢應該係級數高D,可能店長或經理,既然高級的,但吳應該比其他侍應差,佢對客人都係有禮貌既,但係個場到嗌過去同人講嘢甘大聲就吳係甘識大體,話曬都係高級食肆,(就係好大聲嗌過去問另一個待應係米落單架,係就快D,同埋有D行為動作語氣另人反感,有D叉耳😰即使吳係對客,但身為呀頭,應該以身作則比D細睇,希望下次去食有所改善😰)@😰隨左呢個美中不足,其他大致上都ok既🤭🤫 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2018-08-24
3557 瀏覽
个男侍應黑口黑面,好似唔想做咁。成千一餐午餐,仲衰過茶餐廳!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)