來自北海道的米薄餅專門店,薄餅底由飯製成,亦供應沙律、意粉、天婦羅及甜品等菜式。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:30
11:30 - 00:30
Visa Master 現金 AE
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (76)
等級2 2011-03-18
500 瀏覽
The restaurant was almost empty but they insisted that we sit at a table for 2 even though there were more comfortable 4 seat tables that were empty when we arrived and remained empty until we left.The salad was too small and of poor quality.We had to wait 15 minutes after finishing the salad for the main course to arrive even though asked for them to be served at the same time.When we ordered the main course we also ordered dessert. Towards the end of the main course we asked them to start preparing our dessert. We then overheard the waitress tell other customers that the dessert was sold out. We assumed that our dessert was OK because we had ordered it when we ordered the main course. 20 minutes later we asked where was our dessert. The waitress told us that the kitchen had just informed her that the dessert was sold out...the kitchen JUST told her??? We heard her tell other customers 15 minutes earlier that there was no dessert!! No apology until we paid the bill without any tip. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2011-03-16
283 瀏覽
這一間真係不可一不可再...睇完煙花,又肚餓..是但搵間試下先~點知...連自己個肚都來投訴...這間店真的很不濟!!想不到這樣水準的店舖...竟然可以在銅鑼灣這樣的旺舖營業...我們叫了一個strawberry rice pizza...竟然超級硬,味道又難食~咁樣樣的一個pizza...相信是但搵一間整pizza的都好味過佢~竟然佢既selling point 係米pizza..唉!! 失敗之極!!!!另外叫了3款小吃, 蝦卷和蠔都係怪味...尤其那些在面頭的醬汁...極難食牛肉粒,味道可接受...不過好硬..好難咬相信唯一可取一點的...就是那個炒雜菜...這樣的米pizza 店...竟然最好味的是炒菜...所以我一定唔會再去0家!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-01-29
140 瀏覽
Someone said this place was 1 out of 5 stars. That is wrong it should be 0 out of 5. While we waited we asked to see the menu. We were told to go out of the shop and look at the menu outside. Then after we sat down they gave us one menu each. My husband ordered, but I was still looking through the menu. After the waitress took my husband's order, the waitress just took my menu from me while I was still reading it!!! I told her I have not finished, and her response was that they did not have enough menus!!! She was very rude. First, why ask your customers to go out of the shop just to read a menu. I saw at least a few menus at the back. Asking your customers to leave the shop will only encourage them not to return.Second, how rude is it to just remove a menu when your customer is reading it? You are asking your customers not to order anything - at least I didn't.Third, why tell your customers you don't have enough menus when it is clear for all to see that you have a few at the back. No service to talk about. I will never come back, and will tell others not to. It is just not worth it. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級6 2011-01-07
88 瀏覽
之前,我行沙田見到有間食 rice pizza 嘅餐廳,當時覺得幾有新鮮感,打算日後同朋友一齊嚟試吓! 上幾個星期六,同媽咪及 aunt 去世貿,對面正是 rice pizza 餐廳;既開心又驚喜!於是,我們一行 3 人去幫襯。 米比薩款式多,超過 10 款:有鰻魚米比薩、海膽甜蝦米比薩、海鮮米比薩、北海道豚肉米比薩、北海道松葉蟹腳米比薩、三文魚米比薩、戶井超級米比薩........ 分大 size ( 9" ) 或細 size ( 6" ) ,不太記得兩者價錢,細 size 好似 $90起 ,大 size 好似 $128起,還要視乎不同口味。媽咪選擇鰻魚米比薩 ( 9" )落單時,店員提醒大家米比薩要等約 15 分鐘,我哋等咗大約 20 分鐘 。個飯底好薄,上面一層芝士,芝士上面一層薄薄嘅炒蛋,好少鰻魚,可分為 8 塊,每塊都有一件鰻魚,鰻魚汁跟其他配料好夾!最面灑滿青椒粒、菠蘿粒、木魚及紫菜絲;賣相的確幾吸引! 食落去有點飯焦,飯係無味,鰻魚算肥美,不過好細件! rice pizza 只係比較一般薄餅特別!蕃茄濃湯雜菜意粉套餐蕃茄湯夠濃,夠多汁,有蕃茄、西蘭花、椰菜花、青椒、洋蔥。青椒、洋蔥切絲,意粉份量一般,幾入味!可惜意粉微暖,好快就吹凍!套餐包飲品:咖啡或茶,其他飲品原價。我叫了熱檸水, aunt 叫了熱咖啡,媽咪叫了熱蜜桃果茶我欣賞杯碟設計,可放糖包及茶匙,熱蜜桃果茶酸酸甜甜,消滯係不錯之選! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2010-12-07
90 瀏覽
相約了好友行街買野,在世貿中心行完之後落樓,同朋友就提議不如試下呢間米pizza,9點鐘入面竟然無嘜人食緊???食物種類都頗多,最後選擇了海膽米比薩套餐,等候時間可以,是米比薩比較耐蕃茄湯:好濃好甜,但係好似飲緊食扒d汁咁...蕃茄肉醬意粉:不過不失,唔係好食,亦唔係難吃...(呢個好難整得難食嘅...)沙律:個人不太好,都係好難整得難食o既...雞肉串燒雞飲好un...海膽甜蝦米比薩(山葵汁):海膽,完全少少都唔覺有,蝦我食左半個都好似得兩隻...d汁配落個飯底好怪,d飯唔脆之餘仲好硬...冰管:都唔知咩黎,稀到好似水咁,但又有好少甜味 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)