港鐵中環站 D1 出口, 步行約3分鐘
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2023-24)
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
非常驚訝,呢度竟然係米芝蓮一星!先講服務,侍應表現出嚟好似係幾殷勤咁,但講出嚟嘅每一句「多謝哂」同「唔使客氣」,完全感受唔到嗰份誠意,反而好強烈感受到只係好生硬毫無情感咁回應客人,完全係貌合神離!原來米芝蓮覺得呢啲咁嘅服務都OK 㗎?講到食物,味道尚算唔錯,個別菜式都算精緻,但有啲就眼高手低,特別係嗰個白汁脆皮遼參!廣東菜嚟講,個炸皮要夠靚,唔使講都一定要炸兩次,第二次係大火翻炸逼返啲油出嚟,呢啲咁基本嘅技巧,真係唔使再多講啦!但睇吓條脆皮遼參!!嗰層炸皮朔滿晒油,根本啲油都冇逼到出嚟,只能夠話個廚師嘅功力真係好唔掂掂囉!另外,就係件琵琶豆腐,上碟嘅時候望落去洩哂氣咁,究竟係本身嘅用料令佢下榻無法漲起,定係廚房煮起擺得太耐先至上菜,的確係一個疑問!最後,就係個招牌炒飯,呢個招牌炒飯叫得招牌兩個字應該係好有信心之作,可惜飯粒太濕太軟,能夠唔係炒埋一舊,都算有返咁上下功力,但口感食落真係比一碟靚嘅炒飯濕得滯⋯⋯個燉湯同蒸龍躉腩,算幫佢加番少少分啦,燉湯各方面都合格,而條龍躉質素相當唔錯,可惜蒸嘅火候稍為有少少過熟,但都可以接受。整體嚟講,食完呢餐真係完全感受唔到佢係米芝蓮一星嘅工價,所以食完呢餐之後,印象只記得上面幾道出品比較差嘅菜式,其餘嘅菜式,都冇乜想返轉頭再食嘅衝動。
With the super typhoon Saola leaving HK and knowing that the restaurant we have booked has opened for dinner, we come to the Michelin-starred The Demon Celebrity. Located at Central Wyndham Street, it is the brainchild of Chef Cheng Kam-fu and Alvin Leung, two celebrity chefs in Hong Kong.It is a quiet evening with most customers decided to cancel their booking, so there are only two tables. The décor is nice, inspired by the Shang Dynasty. We are seated at the back in a semi-private space with four tables, with some interesting murals on the walls displaying mythical ancient Chinese characters and arts.We have ordered the Executive Dinner Tasting Menu ($1,880). The starters are the signatures of Chef Cheng, Stuffed Chicken Wing with Bird's Nest, with Iberico Ham and Fish Meat Tofu 燕窩釀鳳翼 拼 饕餮琵琶豆腐. The chicken wing has its bone removed and deep-fried perfectly, with crispy skin and tender meat, and stuffed with abundance of bird’s nest. The five-spice salt provides good seasoning as the bird’s nest does not have flavour on its own. The tofu is in fact the better of the two in my opinion, with a slightly crunchy surface and right proportion of fish meat and tofu in the mix. The small piece of Iberico ham adds wonders with its savoury note. Definitely need to try this.Next comes Stir-fried Pork's Tripe-tip with Black Beans and Chili Sauce 豉椒炒肚尖. Another of Chef Cheng’s signature, the tripe-tip has great crunchy texture, with the different bell peppers, onion, spring onion adding their fragrance. We can also taste the ‘wok hei’ from the intense heat the chef used to cook these, which really bring forward the black beans and chili flavours. There is also not a single drop of sauce remaining after we finish the dish. It might look simple, but getting to this level is no easy feat.The third course is Double-Boiled Superior Shark's Fin Soup with Yunnan Ham 菜膽雲腿燉鮑翅. The soup is served very hot to my satisfaction, and the clear soup has rich umami and flavours, no doubt prepared using many ingredients for many hours. The Yunnan ham adds a savoury aroma to the soup, while the Chinese cabbage is tender and delicate. The amount of shark’s fin in my serving is very generous but my wife has much less, so I believe there is a slight mistake in portioning. A very nice soup.Then comes Braised Dried Japan Yoshihama Abalone 35(PPC) with Goose's Web 35頭日本吉品鮑魚拼鵝掌. The staff reheats the abalone and goose’s web in front of the table, making sure it is steaming hot when served. The sauce is very delicious, full of umami and not overly salty. The goose’s web is braised perfectly with the skin easily detached from the bone. The abalone is apparently the highlight, very tender and intense in flavours, with a ‘sugary’ interior when cutting in.The fifth course is Home Style Steamed Giant Grouper 家鄉蒸龍躉腩. With a thick skin that is full of collagen, the giant grouper is cut into thin slices and then steamed with pickled kohlrabi in the traditional style, which adds a bit of saltiness and texture. I also like the specially prepared soy sauce for the fish, as it helps to bring forward umami but do not mask its original flavours. Again, a dish that looks simple but is a showcase of the prowess of the chef.The sixth course is Master Fu's Signature Fried Rice 富哥招牌炒飯, with Seasonal Vegetables 時菜. Served in a clay pot, the fried rice scores high marks, having each grain of rice distinct and separate, and not oily. With some fresh shrimps, egg, plenty of chopped spring onion, I also add a bit of the homemade XO sauce to add a touch of spiciness, it is so good we each finish two bowls. The Kale has been cooked in supreme broth, tender and without any fiber.Daily Sweet Soup 是日糖水 is a cold soup made with peach gum, snow fungus, and wolfberries. Appropriate in sweetness, the chef has chilled the soup to make it less gluey in texture, with a more refreshing palate and taste.The last course is Chinese Red Date Cake 養顏棗皇糕. Just finished steaming, the red date cake has a nice q texture, with good red date flavours and just a touch of sweetness, which brings a healthy and wholesome conclusion to our dinner.Service is good, but I would like the staff to introduce the dishes in more details, and given the restaurant is very quiet on the night, there is no reason why they do not take the opportunity to have more interactions with the customers. The bill on the night is $4,272 and with the quality of the food, its prime location and environment, I would say it is reasonable. I did not try any of Chef Alvin’s cuisine however, and perhaps worth another visit to explore those in future.
Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Shredded Abalone: The stir-frying technique employed here ensured that every strand of noodle was coated in a rich, savory sauce that was both fragrant and robust. The abalone added a touch of luxury to the dish, with its delicate brininess elevating the overall flavor profile. It was a harmonious symphony of textures and tastes that left me yearning for more.Stir-fried Belly Tip with Black Pepper:The black pepper sauce, with its subtle heat and deep complexity, complemented the richness of the pork impeccably. Each bite was a fusion of tender meat and a symphony of spices that danced on the palate. It was a true comfort food indulgence, leaving me with a contented smile.Fu Ge Sweet and Sour Pork:The sweet and sour glaze struck a perfect balance, neither overwhelming nor cloying. It provided just the right amount of tanginess to cut through the richness of the meat. It was a dance of flavors that evoked fond memories while celebrating culinary innovation.Crispy Young Pigeon:The seasoning was a thoughtful blend of herbs and spices that paid homage to local flavors. It was a dish that encapsulated the essence of Guangdong cuisine – bold, intricate, and utterly satisfying.
在香港想吃到優秀的粵菜,這間剛剛獲得米芝蓮一星的餐廳是很好的選擇廚魔名人坊是一家傳統粵菜與創新美食完美融合的餐廳,它的知名度和美食口碑是吸引我和朋友前來的最大原因。廚魔名人坊的菜單是由廚魔梁經倫和名人坊的富哥攜手合作設計,他們巧妙地把傳統的粵菜與西式元素結合,創造出獨特而精緻的菜式。這次的晚餐豐盛至極,我們品嚐了一系列令人嘆為觀止的美食:- 青瓜拼蔥油海蜇:海蜇的厚實口感讓人驚艷,配上蔥油的調味,美味無比- 竹笙紅燒豆腐:豆腐外脆內嫩,味道層次豐富,回味無窮- 燕窩釀鳳翼:這是整個晚餐我最喜歡的,雞翼內釀進燕窩,烤至外脆內嫩,雞肉與燕窩的完美結合令人讚嘆不已- 富哥咕嚕肉:傳統粤菜的經典菜式,肉質鮮嫩多汁,味道鮮美- 杏汁燉白肺湯:滋補又清爽的湯品,鮮甜而且火喉十足- 家鄉蒸龍躉腩:龍躉腩肉質嫩滑,搭配豉油的獨特調味,味道令人難以忘懷- 招牌富哥炒飯:色香味俱佳,金華火腿粒的鹹香與飯的香氣交融,一試難忘- 蛋白杏仁茶:甜品作為完美的結尾,清爽的杏仁味道溫柔順滑整體來說,每道菜都令我嘩然,全都是在經典粵菜上製作變化的驚喜,非常推薦
自從Jimmy’s Kitchen 關門大吉之後,我都沒有到過這個位置吃飯。上年曾經訂過這裏一次,但朋友臨時工作改行程,而取消了飯局。今年生日飯,父母要求吃中菜,本來我想到二星米芝蓮欣圖軒的新版麗晶軒,可惜預訂得太遲,臨時打電話到廚魔名人坊,幸運地訂到僅餘的大堂散座。廚魔名人坊的環境並沒有與其他為摘星而生的高級中菜浮誇Fancy,反而有一點點平實高雅的感覺,不會令人吃得太侷促。今晚酒樓用屏風分隔了散座及另一邊壽宴區域,散座區枱與枱中間的距離還可以,不會太過接近。我們一行四人,根據餐牌內廚魔推介或富哥推介,點了八個餸菜。以下一一介紹:燕窩釀雞翼,雞翼是新鮮的,並不是雪藏雞翼,內裏燕窩豐富,皮脆內嫩,沒有絲毫的油膩感,強烈推介。琵琶炸豆腐,這間中菜的炸物做得很好,不會油膩,但是由於釀雞翼太出色,這個琵琶豆腐顯得比較普通,平平無奇。百花炸大腸,皮奇跪無比,絲毫沒有肥膩感,入邊釀了海鮮滑,令炸大腸更有口感,外脆內彈牙,另一個必食推介。黑蒜豆豉雞,用砂鍋上,香氣四溢,父母喜歡,我個人覺得略為油膩。椒味酸菜魚,點了小辣,內裏用去骨龍躉腩做主角,我第一啖吃落去覺得最好吃的,是吸收了酸菜湯的銀芽。酸菜湯完美地遮掩了龍躉是養魚的弱點,絕大部份平時的龍躉的養魚味都可以成功地掩蓋。焗蟹蓋,身為焗蟹蓋的長期fans,我去每間高級中菜都會點這道菜。這裏的焗蟹蓋蟹肉豐富滿瀉,再加上濃濃的芝士味,都做得好好。富哥咕嚕肉,佢個咕嚕肉用肉片上炸漿鮮炸再用咕嚕汁包面,鮮跪不膩,底下是紅黃綠椒、洋蔥及新鮮菠蘿。都係水準之作,適合不喜歡食生炒骨的人。富哥炒飯,本來仲想點蟹肉炒粉絲,經理Louis 溫馨提示嗰個都係炒嘢,叫我哋只叫其中一樣就可以。炒飯做到粒粒分明,碗入邊不會有剩油,加埋瑤柱XO醬吃,令我忍唔住食了一碗半。甜品蛋白杏仁茶香滑甜味適中。最後食埋桂花椰汁糕,父母高興我高興,就成為完美的一餐生日飯。