2013-09-17 677 浏览
This restaurant has been newly opened in Whampoa in September. We passed by and were attracted by its refreshing exterior and the slogan "Fresh. Tasty. Hearty". Therefore 4 of us decided to have lunch there in a Friday afternoon.Environment (8.5/10)It was full-house and we were offered seats after 10 mins. The restaurant is furnished as a cozy and light-hearted Italian restaurant with some very comfortable fabric chairs. The open kitchen and spacious reception area made you feel like you are on
This restaurant has been newly opened in Whampoa in September. We passed by and were attracted by its refreshing exterior and the slogan "Fresh. Tasty. Hearty". Therefore 4 of us decided to have lunch there in a Friday afternoon.

Environment (8.5/10)
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It was full-house and we were offered seats after 10 mins. The restaurant is furnished as a cozy and light-hearted Italian restaurant with some very comfortable fabric chairs. The open kitchen and spacious reception area made you feel like you are on holiday. I give a high score on the environment for having creating a "alfresco-like" dining space for a relaxing afternoon or tea time.

Food (4.5/10)
Sorry I don't give it a pass regarding the food quality
...I'll explain in details below.
742 浏览
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The food variety of set lunch menu is wide, ranging from $62-82. We four ladies decided to share the main dishes together - 1 salad, 1 pizza, 1 rice and 1 pasta.
Soup of the day / Italian Salad
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Starter: Soup of the Day or Salad (served with bread)
The mushroom soup was nice. Not a creamy type but more a finely-chopped mushroom broth (make you feel like detoxing 
). But for the italian salad, it looked very raw without being dressed
. We needed to order extra balsamic dressing to make it like a starter.

Main courses:
Nicoise Salad with Atlantic Fish Fillet
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Nicoise Salad with Atlantic Fish Fillet


. Feeled like just adding extra boiled egg, spring onion and 2 pieces of thin fish fillets on top of the previous starter... The fish fillets tasted bland without any freshness and flavours ("healthy" should not be defined like this!)...  And this portion was so small that it could only fill a lady who is on diet.
Chicken and Mushroom with Red Mixed Rice
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 Chicken and Mushroom with Red Mixed Rice in Mushroom sauce

 This was the only decent and delicious dishes among the 4 main courses! We all thought that the mushroom sauce added colors to the flavour of the dish. I guess it was a mix of red rice with japanese rice. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Hawaiian Thin Crust Pizza
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Hawaiian Thin Crust Pizza

Disappointed again
. Yes the pizza was really very thin, but... the texture was similar to tortilla which is soft and chewy! When I put it in my hand it was about to collapse. Only the edge is a bit crispy. And... where was the mozzarella cheese (not to mention chedder and parmesan cheese) ?? Was I eating a pizza?
Grilled US Porkloin with Angel Hair
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Grilled US Porkloin with Angel Hair

. We were like chewing a rubber when eating the porkloin...very hard and dry... and again, tasted bland! The angel hair was also tasteless and dry.
Coffee or Tea
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Drinks were included in the set. Coffee was not bad. It was appreciated that the milk was frothed and heated for regular coffee (Latte/Mocha+$8)

Services (8/10)
 The service rating has saved the overall rating. Staff were very helpful, sincere and responsive to our requests (warm water, extra dressing, toothpicks...). Otherwise I would leave a "crying badge" in this review.

Fresh . Tasty. Hearty
"Tasty" is absolutely missing in this dining experience. I am looking forward to a big improvement in the quality of food. 
题外话/补充资料: Kid-friendly - Meal for kids and baby chairs are available in this restaurant.
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)
10 分钟 (堂食)
$85 (午餐)
Chicken and Mushroom with Red Mixed Rice