2023-02-28 414 浏览
AFTER I POSTED ON IG, the founder continued harassing me. @bakedfounderI’ve never posted anything negative about a restaurant or a shop. I usually tell myself everyone will have a bad day once in a while. But this is one exception I will make because I think people ought to think less about themselves and more for others.I had 2 hrs to kill this morning and decided to try Baked.I ordered the baked eggs on brioche. Less than halfway through, I bit into something hard. I spit it out and it looked
AFTER I POSTED ON IG, the founder continued harassing me. @bakedfounder

I’ve never posted anything negative about a restaurant or a shop. I usually tell myself everyone will have a bad day once in a while. But this is one exception I will make because I think people ought to think less about themselves and more for others.

I had 2 hrs to kill this morning and decided to try Baked.

I ordered the baked eggs on brioche. Less than halfway through, I bit into something hard. I spit it out and it looked like a dirty fingernail. I was horrified, but I didn’t want to overreact so I called to the waiter and told him, “There’s a fingernail in the dish.”

He goes: “A fingernail???”
I handed him the plate and he left with it. I sat there all disgusted and thought. Shit I’m still hungry, shall I get the hummus? So I sat there waiting for someone to come over.

3 minutes later, @bakedfounder whom I’ve met came over but doesn’t recognizes me because I’m in my dorky glasses and morning hair, came over and said: “it is not a fingernail. Just some old plastic.” And pauses. I was really about to say hi but wait. Is this my turn to say something to make him feel better? Is a dirty plastic better than a dirty fingernail? I can’t decide.
So I go: “So?” Waiting for a turn of events here.
He then continues: “But it tastes good right?”
I almost ingested what I thought was a gross fingernail and all he cared about was if it tasted good? That I should overlook this because of the taste?

I was shocked at this response so I said, “but that’s not the point right? There is something in the food that’s not supposed to be there.”
Still no apologies.
Then he took off without a word.
Talk about ego. Talk about customer care.
Is it my fault that I found plastic in YOUR food and am I supposed to feel better that it’s not someone’s fingernail? I am appalled.

So I asked for my check and this really nice girl came to apologize (finally!!!) and said they will waive the check.

Not a great morning at all but I think that all of us should react less dramatic to things that don’t go our way. It is actually ok to just say sorry and make the other person feel valued and cared for.

#disappointed #bakedfounder #baked #badservice #shocked
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