The Cavern位於蘭桂坊內,是提供現場音樂的熱點。這個極受歡迎的熱點,讓當地人和遊客聚集到周末凌晨一起暢飲。 继续阅读
18:00 - 03:00
18:00 - 04:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通
House Sprit
食记 (6)
(非会员) 2009-10-13
169 浏览
This has to be by far the worst place I've ever been to. Can you believe that my friends and I were being called "bitches" and were told to "go to hell?"Basically, what happened was, before we paid $100 to purchase a ticket, we asked if we were going to get a seat, the bouncer quickly said yes, so we went in and sat down at a table. Then a young server, with the name of Kate or Kay came up to us and told us that we had to leave, cos it's reserved for other customers.We then moved to another table, Kate told us that WE MUST LEAVE IMMEDIATELY, cos there's a minimum charge of $1500. I then turned around to ask the Caucasian guy sitting beside us, he said there's no such thing! While there're so many other people of other races sitting down at tables, Kate did not tell them to leave, but us only...! After this experience, I swear, I will never ever go to Cavern again despite all the good reviews of the food they serve. They're racist, rude, impolite and they're liars! 继续阅读
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等级4 2008-12-17
74 浏览
在英國利物浦市,有間Club叫The Cavern,多年來曾經孕育過不少知名樂手,可說是巨星之搖籃地.當中最為人識,是利物浦文化之象徵-披頭四.在他們未紅之前,就常在The Cavern表演.回到香港,在老蘭亦有一間同名"The Cavern"的酒吧,同樣是有樂隊表演,不同在,沒有利市同名的一間那麼傳奇性.現今香港再沒有殖民年代的個性,還何來產生出個巨星來?橫看今天的歌影視界的頂尖級人馬,仍是靠眾八十年代出道的一班支撐著?話題越扯越遠,回到現實,在飯局之前,同另一位友人,來到享受一下歡樂時光,坐在外面露天位,免卻煙味之苦.生啤只有健力士同嘉士伯.小弟因為討厭紅軍,一早杯葛嘉士伯.結果口快要杯健力士,帳單奉上時,加埋一要$73,原來,歡樂時光時段,健力士依然收正價.心裏暗罵自己笨.算吧,叫了便收不回,唯有坐在門口,慢慢嗒,可是此杯健力士,拉得太多泡,好像差不多頭四份三,都是喝著泡.友人喝著特價的嘉士伯,輕鬆自在.在街邊冷眼旁觀老蘭眾生相,此地一早成為自由行之熱點,這夜便看見一團旅行團,老中青三代鴨仔團,浩浩蕩蕩由蘭桂坊右轉德忌笠街,與身邊眾酒客相映成趣.對旅發局自然是一件好事,但對老蘭人來說就搖頭嘆息,老蘭的自然生態,已經被蹂躪得體無完膚.早年有人大叫"老蘭已死!",其實,我都有份和應這句說話. 继续阅读
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等级2 2006-05-17
60 浏览
I came here around 8pm this past Sunday with a friend and we discovered some good deals in Lan Kwai Fong!!! In the beginning, we only planned to come here for the happy hour drinks but we found out that they also serve a bar snack menu. Before 9pm nightly, it is "BUY ONE GET ONE FREE" for the bar snack menu. Super deal for Lan Kwai Fong in these days!!!!At the end, we ordered a total of 4 dishes from the bar snack menu. The food was actually very good (except the chicken strips where were tasteless and over-burned!!!) because it was prepared by Stormy Weather across the street.However, the drinks they serve here totally suck!!! At first, we planned to order house red wine but even the English waiter told us that it was total crap. We then changed our mind and ordered regular house spirit(Volka with grapefruit juice). I could only taste the over-sweet canned grapefruit juice and absolutely NO VOLKA.At the end, my friend and I ordered a total of 7 drinks(5 during the happy hour and 2 more afterwards) and we had to ask the waiters/waitress every time to make our drink stronger. Well, at least they were willing to do this little bit for us!!!The live band here is just average but still better than nothing at all.Will I come back again? The answer is YES for the value of the money I spent in a place in Lan Kwai Fong. 继续阅读
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等级2 2006-03-23
39 浏览
I think they are under renovation now. Cavern is one of the best live house in HK. Best time to go is around midnight when the atmosphere is the best! Make sure you only go when the short Phillipino guy is performing! Great voice and the only live house that plays Queen & Pink Floyd. 继续阅读
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