07:30 - 20:00
07:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 19:00
食记 (72)
等级3 2014-01-07
498 浏览
對於我這種寫子樓的打工仔來說,最開心的就是星期五的六時,因為下班後有迎來兩天的假期,星期五晚上約了朋友看電影,在看電影之前最好就是給自己獎勵一下,所以就找了一個好地方吃下午茶。香蕉朱古力烘多士在我眼中,香蕉與朱古力絕對是絕配,這個烤多士也是很有誠意的,香蕉鋪滿了整塊麪包,麪包不會烘得過燶,然後塗上朱古力漿,及撤上朱古力粉,都不會死甜,很好吃。MochaMocha拉花不錯,但咖啡味不足夠,朱古力像朱古力粉,差了一點。 继续阅读
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每個weekend我至愛嘅chocolate latte arts, 一值想讚d staffs好好人, 每星期為我設計d latte arts真令人好開心 all day breakfast好味因為個排包熱辣好脆同個蘑菇好爽彈牙!!Tea time嘅辛辣麵同出前一丁餐好味又抵制食!!再加hazelnut latte arts, 每次去都影相, 好開心 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-11-25
224 浏览
We were hankering for a coffee in Sheung Wan and, as so many cafes close (for some reason) on Sunday, we ended up chancing upon Soft Aroma.  Normally, we choose unflavoured coffees, but we were intrigued by the cornflake latte and fancied the cinnamon latte.  The barista was friendly and told us to sit down.The cinnamon latte was really delicious and had a good spuma on top.  They actually made the shape of a cat in 3D - impressive foam work.  The cornflake latte came out with frosted flakes on top and was actually, despite our reservations, pretty good.  I mentioned to the barista that it was unusual, but worked quite well, and he explained that it is an old Hong Kong-style drink.  Well, in the end, we didn't go to our planned cafe, but Soft Aroma stood in for it very well.  We would certainly return if we were in the area. 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-09-21
180 浏览
中午時份, 來到這裡, 沒有多少想吃東西的感覺, 只是想來再一次感受這個咖啡。點了一杯Latte, 不用等上多久, 店員便遞上來。雖然拉花圖案沒有怎樣的, 但已慢慢感覺到香的存在。外觀之, 表面奶白如雪中混入了扭條的咖啡紋。縱使只是簡單圖案, 也都紋理清晰, 相信拉花技巧的基本功, 高低快慢都拿捏得準。入口奶泡幼滑, 沒有多少奶味, 但咖啡味道香濃。雖不如espresso的酸苦複雜, 但也有香濃咖啡而滑溜的質感, 綿滑的後段亦有咖啡豆的味道一定在延長, 感覺很好。這還是值得再來一試的。 继续阅读
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等级1 2013-09-03
145 浏览
I had my first climbing competition in Hong Kong this past Sunday.  It started early so to wake myself up (I had not slept well the night before) I got myself some caffeine on the way.  Soft Aroma was practically next to the MTR station, so in I went.No Piccolo here either...so I got the small Cappuccino.  I never know what to make of espresso drinks in varying sizes: sometimes they adjust the amount of espresso to keep the proportion, sometimes they don't.  I'd be damned if I ended up with 3oz. of coffee drowned in 13oz. of milk.  So...I got small.The verdict: it was just okay.  I felt like the drink was lacking in a few places: temperature, texture, and, frankly, coffee.  It tasted more like warmed milk, just slightly nutty and bitter.  Maybe it was just a bit mild for my liking.Service was friendly and the atmosphere was sufficiently welcoming so it's not a bad place to hang out.  Didn't get a chance to try their food, and maybe that's where they shine. 继续阅读
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