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食记 (34)
等级1 2008-08-28
115 浏览
This is basically my breakfast place, you will probably recognize me if you go there often enough in late morning.Anyhow, I would recommend their chicken salad with mandarin. Its definately a good healthy choice.Also their hot wraps are quite decentAs I m a "vege" coffee drinker (black coffee), stay away from it. Its seriously euro style chinese medicine. 继续阅读
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等级3 2008-08-24
58 浏览
today I had their VeryBerry crumble, which they've discontinued for a while before. Although it's small, it's actually quite filling. The crumbles ontop are no longer crunchy, but it's still quite good. The berry jam in the middle is quite a good match with the crumbles, only the oat base is a bit too buttery. However, I really want to complain their service. The Pret in Admirlty has WAY better services. The shop assistants here in Causeway Bay really have no manner. Please, show some respect for the customers. PLEASE. 继续阅读
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等级3 2008-08-05
15 浏览
2008年7月30號 - Pret A Manger香港銅鑼灣希慎道18號友邦中心地下4-6舖上個星期食得太豐富,又係時間節制少少,食返d清淡既餐單了,其實前果排減肥既日子都已經差唔多日日食pret a manger既salad同三文治,食到個人真係好乏味,今次想試下yogurt,所以一連三日都係食yogurt,o係pret就試左honey味同mango味,pcc就試左d-lite既blue berry味。個人覺得pret既yogurt好食過pcc既,首先就係pret既yogurt有穀物,同d yogurt撈埋一齊食真係唔錯,而且食落口個感覺都幾rich,唔會好似超市買返黎果d咁食落口咁豪無質感,雖然兩隻味都咁好食,不過如果要我簡,我諗我會鍾意honey多d,感覺上honey同d yogurt夾d。 继续阅读
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星期六日, 於銅鑼灣最佳悠閒早餐之選, 莫過於Pret A Manger, 只因為這perfect formula: Perfect Morning + Perfect Sandwich + Perfect View + Reasonable Price我最喜愛就是 Mango Greek Style Yogurt , Chicken Avocado Sandwich, Sun Dried Tomato & Egg Baguette, Latte....Pret A Manger供應的Sandwich是同類之中最好, 你一定要試試啊! 继续阅读
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等级3 2008-06-30
8 浏览
Iced cappuccino 上面也灑了 “星” 形裝飾, 很漂亮. 咖啡豆濃度是中等那種. 另外也試了新的 caramel latte. 上面的泡很滑, caramel 不會過份點也不會搶了咖啡味, 整杯咖啡是香滑而濃度偏柔的.也食了三文魚碎蛋包, 裡面有大塊生菜青瓜, 很爽很新鮮, 個包很軟熟. 继续阅读
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