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主打每日供應新鮮手製意大利麵,利用時令食材創作不同菜式,並將地道的意式風味帶到香港。餐廳氣氛舒適輕鬆,更可用美酒配搭意大利麵。 继续阅读
11:00 - 22:30
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:00
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食记 (370)
等级1 2024-04-15
0 浏览
首先,我地叫咗個二人餐,前菜味道一般般,但係佢個前菜肉丸真係凍到成個磚頭咁,之後啲嘢食又冇乜特別,但之前佢主菜到咗,本身見openrice咁多好評,我都好期待,但係佢又令我失望了 佢個大蝦黑幼麵一個暖暖地,但牛肉千層面真係冰,佢個蝦唔係好腥,但係似係冰鮮蝦,比薩莉亞嘅蜆肉意粉仲多沙,之後我仲試咗佢個千層麵,唔可以話唔好味,只可以話冇味,淡到令我懷疑我係咪食緊健康餐,都唔緊要,食到甜品,啲人話佢個tiramisu好似好好食咁,食完我只覺得Chateriase嘅更有性價比,食咗我570,完全唔知點評價 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-04-01
280 浏览
💰 Total $248 HKD/ 2人~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~早兩日晏晝喺沙田行完街就入左位於新城市一期二樓嘅Pici食飯,Pici係Pirata集團旗下嘅其中一間餐廳,主打手工意大利粉,該集團嘅另一間餐廳The Pizza Project之前我都出過post。今次係我第二次食Pici,選擇佢嘅原因除左佢出色嘅意大利麵之外,更係因為佢哋有提供無麩質意大利麵。但好可惜地,今次嘅體驗係失望。先係餐廳送上嘅麵包,麵包食落個質感係ok,但佢係凍嘅😓希望餐廳可以係送出麵包前先加熱一下。到上個main嘅時候,食左一啖發現係「生」嘅... 份通心粉係未煮熟🥲我地反映左之後經理都立刻煮過一份俾我地,希望今次係個別事件。~~~~~~~~~~~~食物介紹~~~~~~~~~~~~🤩布袋芝士 ($98 HKD)呢個係我每次來都必叫嘅一個starter,簡單開胃好味,burrta cheese配上新鮮嘅火箭菜同車厘茄🍅,再淋上橄欖油🫒,十分之夾嘅配搭。每次都一口氣清曬成碟。但如果可以再加上少少黑醋,相信會更吸引。🤩🐂牛面頰肉醬直通心粉 (Gluten-free)($150 HKD)若果大家係想食gluten-free嘅食物,落order個陣同staff講聲,佢哋就會拎份gluten-free menu俾大家。我哋就決定左試呢個牛面頰肉醬直通心粉。撇除第一次碟通心粉係未熟透嘅問題,第二次個通心粉口感係唔錯嘅,唔會一咬就散,食落都係彈牙嘅,個肉醬牛味幾濃,調味啱啱好,唔會重味食完口渴。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🙈希望可以改善凍麵包嘅問題🍝適合鐘意食意粉/ 需要gluten-free嘅人士💰性價比ok 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-03-28
165 浏览
꧁ 𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐢 ꧂ 📍 Hong Kong | Sha Tin地址:沙田正街18號新城市廣場一期2樓251號舖好味指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇崔珉豪黎左香港食pici,搞到我都好想再食🤣所以趁呢排收工冇野做就去左食🥰💰Set for 1 $258Homemade Meatballs (2pcs) - (4/5)肉丸質感唔會好實,反而幾鬆化,但又保持住少少肉既質感係到!所以口感唔錯!肉丸上面勁多cheese好正😍蕃茄醬又唔會太酸!所以好好味😋Lasagna Classica +$15 - (5/5)呢個肉醬千層麵超正🥹有3層薄薄既麵塊,麵塊完全唔硬。中間夾住好多蕃茄碎牛同勁多cheese!食落勁幸福🥹呢個焗完出黎d邊邊係脆卜卜好好食!!!重要係!!佢係即刻焗完就拎出黎!所以係超級熱🥹真係超正🥹🥹🥹🥹Tiramisu +$30 -(4.5/5)呢個tiramisu超級正,因為佢既芝士味好突出好濃郁!質感好creamy🥰手指餅既濕潤程度同可可粉既份量剛好,係espresso 同酒味唔係幾突出。不過都已經超好食🤎 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-02-15
735 浏览
Get ready to dive into a world of Italian goodness with a special focus on handmade pasta that's stealing hearts left and right. Let me give you the rundown on why this cozy eatery has become my latest obsession. Specializing in the fine art of handmade pasta, PICI takes you on a journey to the heart of Italy's culinary tradition. Imagine slurping up strands of perfectly textured pasta that have been lovingly kneaded and rolled by skilled hands.Step inside, and you'll instantly feel the warm embrace of a place that knows how to combine sophistication with a laid-back ambiance. The atmosphere is cozy, inviting you to unwind and savor every moment. With al fresco seating that lets you soak in the surroundings, PICI is the ideal spot for a leisurely meal that transports you straight to the Italian countryside. This time we ordered the tasting menu, consisting of 2 starters, 3 pastas and also 2 desserts.Burrata Cheese is a delightful symphony of flavors, featuring cherry tomatoes, olive oil, and a peppery rocket arugula. Next up, the Tuna Tartare brings a refreshing twist with creamy avocado and zesty pickled red onions, all brought together by the house dressing.The Orecchiette 'Nduja is a fiery creation that combines Malian sausage and spicy n'duja with cherry tomatoes, delivering a punch of flavor that's both bold and comforting. The Lasagna Classica – layers of blissful bleet racu, velvety bechamel, and the perfect Parmesan sprinkle.Now, brace yourselves for the crescendo of this culinary symphony – the Pappardelle Beef Cheek. Prepare for a taste explosion as you indulge in beef cheek ragu slow-cooked for a remarkable 8 hours, infused with the essence of onion, carrot, and celery. This dish is a masterpiece of patience and dedication, and each forkful is a journey through depths of flavor that will leave you craving more.We ended the meal with the signature desserts - The Tiramisu and the Panna Cotta. Very fullfilling! 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-02-11
611 浏览
首先恭祝大家龍年行大運,身體健康🎉Pici嘅手工意粉有幾出名,相信唔使我多講呢幾日食咗好多中式團年飯,年糕,蘿蔔糕; 所以突然好想食返餐西餐 - 食意粉🍝是日年初二,所以佢哋有假日午餐,$198一位;有前菜,意大利麵,甜品同飲品;咁嘅節日咁嘅價錢,唔算好進取👍我揀咗parma ham作為前菜, 齋食有啲鹹; 而main dish就揀咗Strozzapreti mussels and saffron, 真係未見過咁細隻嘅青口😅,但手工意粉真係幾出色 - 調味剛剛好,咬落彈牙有口感甜品就揀咗tiramisu, 正常發揮不過不失 继续阅读
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