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食记 (6)
等级1 2024-05-25
0 浏览
我平時放工都會去PURE做gym, 經過呢間 Nood, 做做下gym成日都聞到佢地食物既香味。今日試左佢地兩樣野食1) 牛油果醬慢煮雞胸卷 ( 4.5/5)我見身邊都好多人叫佢地既wrap, 所以今次就試下佢! 佢哋嘅牛油果醬慢煮雞胸卷,雞胸肉好嫩滑,加埋新鮮嘅濃郁嘅牛油果醬(係有蕃茄味,外國果Guacamole),牛油果醬配住雞胸肉好好食! 而且份量好大,又夠多雞胸肉補足蛋白質~2) 開心果杏仁乳酪 (5/5)呢個真係好好食! 平時我都好中意食開心果味既野食,第一啖入口好似食緊開心果醬,開心果味好濃郁,而杏仁又好脆,加埋乳酪好滑,好豐富嘅層次感~ 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-05-23
0 浏览
平時成日去鰂魚涌PURE都見到呢間 Nood餐廳。今日終於第一次試呢間餐廳,真係好正啊!佢哋嘅慢煮雞胸凱撒沙律好好食,每一啖慢煮雞胸肉好軟好多汁,加埋新鮮嘅蔬菜同香濃嘅凱撒醬,黑椒味重嘅凱撒醬味道又好食,而且做完運動,慢煮雞胸肉蛋白質好足!!! 營養完美平衡到!! 我仲食左佢哋嘅士多啤梨百香果乳酪,呢個乳酪真係必試嘅(Cheat day) 甜品。呢個乳酪混合咗士多啤梨同百香果醬既chia seed,之前食chia seed 覺得好難入口,呢度呢個乳酪改變左我嘅睇法。每一啖都係水果嘅鮮甜同濃郁乳酪,真係好好好好食!! 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-05-19
23 浏览
I had Refueller and Peanut Butter with my friend. They were tasty and made me full after intensive weight training. I like Peanut Butter more, although it’s with higher kcal. It’s made with fresh fruits! The Himalayan salt inside makes peanut butter taste stronger and I like that. It’s mixed with vanilla, whole milk and banana. I would definitely drink once more. It would be great if they provide glass, instead of paper as container. 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-05-13
15 浏览
It is my first time visiting Nood at Quarrybay (PCCW). I used to going PP and Wan Chai branch for their salad or wrap (which were fantastic). This time I got a voucher and can redeem a smoothie. There’s a variety of choices. The respective protein and calories were found on the big board above counter. Good thing is there is a smaller note at side table showing their ingredients in detail. I decided to go for protein type after a short workout and picked “Breakfast Puff”. The counter was a bit busy during lunch hour and I waited for about 10 minutes. It came with a special design take-way cup. The pinky smoothie tasted a bit “energy drink” (if you know what I mean) probably because of the whey protein but still okay, I can tell the berry and banana inside. The price $80 may sound a bit expensive, but if you are looking for something to boost up protein and energy, I think it is still a good choice. It is too troublesome to buy and store all different ingredients at home and Nood make it fresh instead of pre-mix and bottled. There were a few tables and I managed to get a seat. Pity there’s no salad bar here. Environment not as spacious as Wan Chai, but suffice to have a quick rest. 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-05-09
25 浏览
最近去了太古坊的Nood Food,order了他們的Roasted Chicken with Guacamole Wrap做個下午餐。這間位於電訊盈科中心5樓Pure的餐廳提供了一個健康又美味的餐點選擇。我點的Roasted Chicken with Guacamole Wrap非常美味。烤雞肉的口感鮮嫩多汁,搭配著牛油果醬,為整個餐點增添了豐富的層次感。這款餐點的味道非常出色,每一口都帶來了滿滿的滿足感。另外,這道餐點也非常健康。Nood Food餐廳非常注重使用新鮮和健康的食材,讓人在享受美食的同時也能保持良好的飲食習慣。Roasted Chicken with Guacamole Wrap中的烤雞肉提供了豐富的蛋白質,而牛油果醬則富含健康的脂肪和營養素。最重要的是,這道餐點並不會讓人感到肥胖。相對於一些高熱量和油脂的食物,這個餐點提供了均衡的營養,讓人在享受美食的同時也能保持身材。這對於那些注重健康飲食的人來說是一個非常好的選擇。總而言之,Nood Food的Roasted Chicken with Guacamole Wrap是一道美味又健康的餐點。它的味道令人愉悅,而且不會讓人感到肥胖。如果你正在尋找一個健康又好吃的選擇,不妨到Nood Food試試這道Roasted Chicken with Guacamole Wrap。 继续阅读
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