08:00 - 20:00
10:00 - 19:00
食记 (4)
等级4 2014-06-16
638 浏览
早前,在 Openrice 新餐廳資料中,找到一間坐落於上環荷李活道的咖啡店 Java Java Coffee and Tea Lounge, 實質位置是祺安大廈隔離!好的!一於找個週末去這裡嘆杯咖啡吧! 那個週末的早上,當我走到 Java Java,門外放置雲石小圓桌及盆栽,給人愜意的感覺!  走入去彌漫一股咖啡香!香氣提神!  型格的裝潢跟門外完全不一樣風格!  讓食客有一個寫意空間享受咖啡!店方認真週到!連洗手間也有!令我感到意外! 細看之下,原來店子售賣旅遊書及一些可愛吊飾! 這裡除了咖啡之外,還有供應 burger、bagel、muffin, 茶、奶昔、果汁、甜品...等。食物種類算是多元化! 作為早餐的話,也有不少選擇! 我尚未決定選擇什麼咖啡?店員先遞上一杯清水,讓我可清一清喉嚨。感覺服務不錯! 我的有機早餐 Organic Herbal Coffee & Organic Egg Muffin! Organic Herbal Coffee 有機蒲公英香草咖啡 $40聽老闆講,這款咖啡用上蒲公英的根部!  最緊要不含咖啡因!同樣,充滿咖啡的香氣!咖啡香誘人!  女咖啡師一絲不苟,悉心弄好咖啡!每個工序製作認真!見到表面賣相精美的心形拉花,我完全感受到她的認真及誠意! 咖啡師好手勢!值得一讚!表面奶泡部份打得細膩!沖調的溫度很適合入口!而且很順喉!合我口味! 其實!我想食 Veggie Burger ,不過!要早上 10:00 後才供應! 只好日後有機會來試!Organic Egg Muffin 有機雞蛋鬆餅 $40 即叫即弄!等上大約 5 分鐘!選用有機雞蛋!  相信貴就是貴在蛋來源!上枱時香氣四溢,實在惹人垂涎!  芝士帶鹹香味道濃郁!有機雞蛋剛剛熟!蛋香卻不及芝士香!蛋下有一塊火腿,Muffin 富麥香!內裡鬆軟底部香脆!整體簡單配搭有不俗的火花!令人回味! 幫襯了一次,仍然意猶未盡!想嚐試其甜品!  可是甜品款式不多! Apple Crumble $36女店員問我需不需要烘熱?!我認為烘熱應該會更香吧!  經烘熱後的Apple Crumble,的確散發玉桂香!略嫌面層以麵粉、糖及牛油所製成的餅皮,變得濕濕腍腍!食慾大減!  蘋果粒份量交足貨!帶點清爽!玉桂亦放得恰到好處!配合得宜! 继续阅读
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Came in for breakfast on Labor Day as many of the other places around were closed and my sister had been wanting to try! A few things before you go! Due to the cramped new location there isn't much room and you have to get your own food from the counter when it's a little busier! Also you pay first! These aren't bad things! We ordered:Latte - this was delicious and will be main reason for coming again. Smooth, strong, perfect! Very generous size also so well worth it! Definately recommend! Protein shake - with a whole banana, protein powder and soy milk this was a big winner! Tasted great! Not too strong but really creamySalmon & egg muffin - this one I could do without, was a little disappointing without a roasted bun and the egg seemed microwaved so probably won't have that again.. Turkey cranberry baguette - this was really really good! Definitely a highlight!y sister loved it! Not too much salad but just enough, a decent amount of cranberry, heaps of Turkey on a lightly toasted baguette! It's not huge but filling and tastes great!! Recommend! I'll definitely come back! 继续阅读
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等级2 2014-04-27
812 浏览
I was feeling like cake and as my normal go-to 'heirloom' is closed for renovations I had to find a new place, being just around the corner Java Java seemed a good choice! I walked in and as I was craving thick, muddy chocolate cake I saw they had one piece left and quickly ordered it then went and sat outside! The weather was beautiful and sunny so sitting out the front reading while slowly eating my cake was just perfect, there were little flowers on the table and watching the people walk by was nice.. The mood is perfect, no rushing, no stress!Chocolate cake $36 - When I first bit into the cake it was really nice, chocolatey but not sickening and not too sweet. The cake was moist but not too dense, and the piece was the perfect size for one.. It had little chocolate balls on the top which were really good to contrast the texture of the fudgey icing to the lightly spongy cake! All in all I was really happy and think if I'm getting cake for one this is a far better option!! Would I recommend it? Yes! I'd like to come back and try the rest of the things on the menu too!! 继续阅读
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等级3 2014-04-25
379 浏览
上個週末約了好友流連上環,行到累時就隨便找了一間Café吃東西,走著走著就到了 Java 了。Ham & Cheese Baguette $48麪包除了ham & cheese外,還有蕃茄及生菜,很fresh。Bagel & Smoked Salmon $58很有咬口的Bagel夾著薄薄的煙三文魚及蕃茄伴著沙律醬,味道不錯,但如餡料多一點會更完美。Hot Café Mocha $38熱朱古力咖啡很不錯,咖啡入口順滑帶著淡淡的朱古力味,不會過甜,滿有咖啡香。 继续阅读
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