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11:30 - 22:00
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食记 (55)
等级4 2017-01-04
993 浏览
During toughly work, i would like to go down and take a coffee break,,which i go to the nearest one..I had ordered a Rose latte, the one i love so much The Rose latte it is hot enough and quite rich rose taste.and a small pieces of brownie is provided... 继续阅读
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等级3 2016-12-02
1245 浏览
If you don't like waiting, just don't go there. Luckily, after the morning office training, I have around 2 hours for lunch so I picked HABITU to spend my lunch time alone. I went in before 12:30pm so I don't actually have to wait. When I was seated, there were many people coming in for lunch so if you want to come and dine here without waiting, place call and book a table first otherwise you will have to leave with empty hands. I ordered a set lunch, the salmon pizza, which is a chef recommendation. The set comes with salad/ soup, a main course and coffee/tea. This is the green pea soup with carrots. It tastes quite fresh and creamy. But it would be better if it comes with a piece of onion bread.Then, here comes the main course. It is a bit disappointing. I don't mean that it doesn't taste good. But  it is not hot enough when it arrived at my table. I guess one of the possible reasons is that there are not enough waiters/waitresses serving the customers. My pizza has been sitting in the open-kitchen for some time before it was delivered to me. I was sitting right opposite the open-kitchen so I could see clearly what has been going on. There are only 2 people serving in the restaurant. I saw some people even went to get the utensils that they needed rather than waiting to be served.As mentioned, the set goes with a drink. But it only includes the most basic drinks, like white/black coffee or lemon tea/water. So if you want to try something else, like me, (I order the special coffee of the period, Rose Latte), you have to pay the surcharge. It's only $13 this time so it worths more than it costs. I would highly recommend this.After all, it would be better if there is enough manpower serving customers. Their service and food is not bad just that it would be better if there is someone to take the orders and deliver the food timely. 继续阅读
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等级2 2016-08-03
3222 浏览
話晒黎到Habitu,  當要要叫咖啡飲。用東亞既flyer world飲品有得買一送一。Cafe Rosa($49)本來小妹以為係咁意加幾片玫瑰上去就叫Cafe Rosa,  gimmick野, 幻覺黎架者, 嚇我唔到既。點知飲落有驚喜,咖啡味混合玫瑰香,加上奶量足,好滑好match。Cafe Caramel($49 - 信用卡買一送一優惠)呢杯Caramel就略嫌火候過左少少, 面個層焦糖頗硬,幾難扑碎,攪到咖啡無乜甜味。主菜買一送一叫左扇貝蕎麥蛋餅($158)同炸魚薯條($158 - 星期一至三主菜買一送一優惠)。扇貝非常彈牙,個汁同個甜甜地既蛋餅好夾,唔會搶左對方既味道,與其話係蕎麥味,我反而覺得似朱古力味,份量略少,幾好食。千祈唔好睇小炸魚薯條, 要煮得好唔係咁簡單,首先要d油夠新, 其次係要炸得均匀,最後就要魚肉夠厚夠滑,唔係整到好似空氣魚柳咁,層皮仲厚過肉。呢碟真係別出心裁,完全無燶,皮脆肉滑,魚肉貼住晒脆皮,非常香口,份量亦好大,一個人應該食唔晒,最好兩人同行。食咁多好野連加一都係$249咋,係中環真係好難得。 继续阅读
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等级2 2016-06-28
2738 浏览
Food is so so, service and time management is bad. Worst Habitu dining i have ever experienced. Guys, come on. Habitu is a group but why the management is that bad here? I came with 4 other colleagues because of a Buy 4 Get 1 Free coupon. Ordered 1 set lunch but only delivered 4 main course, while we have had 5 soups... The missing course was the all-day breakfast. After 4 rounds of follow-up in an hour, all the shop assistants hid in around the bar and not coming for offering solutions to us until we asked for it. Set lunch is all HK$100 up with 10% service charge. We have orderd one of each set on the meau, including a vegetarian all-day breakfast, pasta with small clams in spicy sauce, a pizza with truffle dips and cheese, risotto with soft shell crab, roasted chicken with artichoke. Appearance on each dish is satisfactory but the proportion is slightly small as a main course. I only took pictures of the best looking three -Roasted chicken with artichoke - HK$168 (most expensive on the set lunch menu); the piece of chicken was fair but artichoke was too hard and tasted a bit overcookedPizza with truffle dips and cheese ~HK$120 (forgot price); smelled good but taste was normal and unsurprisingRisotto with soft shell crab ~HK$120 (forgot price); risotto was good and the sauce was optimum, but my colleagues said the crab was a bit too hardMoreover, the most ridiculous thing is that we had to add HK$16 for 'upgrading' our coffee/tea to cold coffee and iced lemon tea!! I understand there might be a standard in getting cold beverage on set lunch but I think the shop assistant/ wait should remind the customers on such a big extra cost?Highly not recommended this restaurant - simply no next time.   继续阅读
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等级2 2016-06-18
2254 浏览
蘭桂坊呢間餐廳每逢星期一至三主菜買一送一好適合中環友放工同同事食飯✌🏻️自已帶酒仲免開瓶費👍🏻因為買一送一關係主菜都揀咗最貴果幾款平時黎食午餐就食得多晚飯都係第一次出奇地兩個同事都異口同聲話好好食牛同魚真係冇得頂😌不過最搞笑係個龍蝦意粉竟然係辣嘅可能我哋自己又冇睇清楚個餐牌寫咩材料啦但係如果買一送一又無乜所謂嘅埋單每人百零蚊又好坐算係咁啦😆P.S. 不過有個小小嘅缺點就係十點就收如果想繼續吹水就要轉場啦😁 继续阅读
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