港铁香港站 C 出口, 步行约4分钟 继续阅读
邻近中环街市的西式蚝吧,生蚝配上自家制鸡尾酒汁及红酒醋,另外亦供应多款西款菜肴。餐厅糅合西式及轻工业风格,如采用水泥地和砖墙设计。 继续阅读
12:00 - 23:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付宝 现金 银联 Apple Pay 微信支付
食记 (337)
等级2 2024-04-04
187 浏览
We went to the Feast Oyster Bar in Central for birthday celebration. During our visit, we were particularly impressed with the freshness of their oysters. Each one was plump, succulent, and bursting with flavor, demonstrating the restaurant's commitment to serving top-quality seafood.Apart from the oysters, the steak at Feast Oyster Bar is also worth mentioning. Cooked to perfection, the steak was tender, juicy, and seasoned just right, making it a truly satisfying dish for meat enthusiasts.Furthermore, the attentive and friendly service provided by the staff enhanced our dining experience. The waitstaff were knowledgeable about the menu and offered helpful suggestions, ensuring that we had a pleasant and memorable time at the restaurant.Overall, we were highly satisfied with our experience at Feast Oyster Bar. The combination of fresh oysters, delicious steak, and excellent service made for an exceptional dining outing. We would highly recommend this restaurant to seafood and steak lovers alike. 继续阅读
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During my recent visit to Feast Oyster Bar and Restaurant, I had a mixed dining experience. The restaurant's elegant decor initially created a positive impression, but there were some aspects that fell short of expectations. While the atmosphere was pleasant, there were areas that could benefit from improved cleanliness and attention to detail. The staff, although friendly, could benefit from additional training to enhance the overall customer service. 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-02-21
558 浏览
最近好想食生蠔,見到佢出生蠔放題,openrice book位仲有折,拿拿聲黎book 鋪頭有兩層,全部坐爆,客流量超多如果大家想好似其他蠔吧咁樣靜靜地坐喺度傾偈就冇可能㗎啦😓因為個環境真係超級嘈,講嘢都要靠嗌一坐低就走來問我哋要Sparking Water定係still Water,完全冇同我哋講要成70幾蚊一支,咁我哋當然以為係免費啦,點知佢水都要俾錢啫😓買單先見到佢哋收咗我150幾蚊水費😓(我哋認為收錢唔係問題重點係你要同我哋講要俾錢而唔係直接問我哋 要sparking定still)食放題居然係人手落單,但佢哋人手嚴重不足,成日都要等好耐先有人落嚟落order😥D蠔真係細,雖然食得放題都預左,但入面🈶沙真係頂唔順😡所謂生蠔放題,食到第三轉已經開始上得一半,叫一打上半打,叫佢加單就開始唔理人😡總研言之就係一間唔值得去嘅貴價蠔吧畀得起呢個錢不如正正經經去蠔吧食 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-02-15
417 浏览
I’ve been here twice with my two kids and it’s been a nice relaxing dinner for the whole family. The oysters are fresh, everything we ordered both times tasted good and the service was great each time. The first time we went was for Mother’s Day and we had the set menu. The 2nd time we went was from the a la cart menu. We’ve tried their bolognese pasta, lamb, and steak. The only item on their menu we didn’t really care for was their pizza because they were just baked flat breads so technically not really a true pizza. Everything else tasted great so that wouldn’t prevent us from returning in the future. The restaurant also has deals if you book from OpenRice which we did, so check that out. The location is also quite convenient in central. Would recommend. 继续阅读
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等级2 2024-01-08
831 浏览
食到一肚氣 今日下午同朋友來食 lunchLunch menu 上有一個最低價錢,然後有唔同 item 需要加上去,我地點餐時已經問侍應相關事情,但係個侍應解釋得完全唔清楚另外,中途侍應走過來問要唔要跟餐點飲品,結果原來普通檸檬茶都要加 $23 元我覺得一開始大家清清楚楚是沒有問題但有不少隱藏收費就令我地覺得感覺難受絕對沒有下一次 各位朋友都要非常小心,入餐廳之前需要看清楚餐牌,看清楚不同收費才入去如果唔係理虧只會係你自己,各位小心! 继续阅读
(以上食记乃用户个人意见 , 并不代表OpenRice之观点。)