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食记 (10)
等级4 2010-12-12
841 浏览
如果不是公司的聖誕週年聚餐,也沒有機會來到China Tee Club這類高檔的會所。樓下就是知名的唐裝名店「上海攤」,自己也不熟悉高檔時裝和上流社交界的新聞,據知兩店的老闆,就是那位在社交新聞版裡常見的鄧先生,當晚的聚餐Party也是有其主題,這裡主談餐廳的服務和味道,也就略過不談。不是自己臉上貼金,現在工作的機構對食的方面也不吝嗇,未來主餐之前,也飲用了一些香檳和白酒,作為門外漢的我,看其幼細而直身的氣泡,清新怡人之餘,甚有鬆弛身心的效果,白酒方面算是大路,因為弄不清酒類的供應單位,這一Part也就到此為止。見同事向侍者拿些麵包作小吃之用,亦有辦煮碗,主要是用加了提子乾或香草的麥包,味道不過不失,要讚的是侍應們對我們的要求,多數有求必應。到了主餐時間,每人可以在套餐中選了四道,看介紹這裡以英國菜為主打,以我們「舊顧主」的飲食文化來論說..........說實話也乏善足陳。我選了的煙肉焗蠔酥盒還算不俗,暖身而鬆化的千層酥皮,內裡的餡料就是欠了一點明顯特色。同事選的煙三文魚蕃茄湯看賣相不俗,沒喝過之下也作不得準。以前的我,一定會選羊架作main course,不過如遇著另一些心頭之好,也可以將就一下;改選了燒釀火雞火腿這聖誕必備的「圖騰物」,基於食材所限,其質感也多是嚡身,配合那粟子釀餡、燒汁和Cranberry Sauce來伴吃,總算完成。至於羊架.............同事給了一小件給我,印象也不太深。自己點了傳統的英式聖誔布甸,也是預料之內「甜到漏」味道,淋上吉士汁後,還是多了一重香滑感,同事點的是Creme Brulee,這一味不難在另處吃到,上面多了一些「裝飾」,不吃得都看得。配合咖啡一杯,也代表完成了這一個年度。若以攪Event來說,這裡可選對題。最後多謝我公司請了我吃了這一頓晚餐,以見識層面來說,總算是增廣見聞。若以味道層面,論吃美味的西餐,總有不少適合的選擇。 继续阅读
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等级3 2010-03-11
467 浏览
Came here for lunch and was greeted and seated nicely. Service was good right off the bat offering to hang my coat and gave me a glass of warm water while I waited for my friend. Atmosphere was amazing - its like I'm in a 'period' film of some sort, with the slow moving fans in the ceiling and the shutter windows that oversee Pedder Street. Tiled flooring and cafe like furniture really hit the spot. A great getaway spot for lunch/afternoon tea from the bustling Central.Food: Ordered what seemed popular/recommended which was the Hainanese Chicken Rice. The soup was so tasty ! It was this nice brothy fish soup with generous amounts of medium tough tofu and chunks of cooked tomatoes. Delish! The chicken was up to standard, coming with 3 sauces - the ginger; the tangy chili; and the deep dark soy sauces. They were supposed to come de-boned, but I found some bone in some of my chicken...so not entirely I suppose. The chicken however came with pretty thick/fatty skin - which some people would love, but for cholesterol's sake, I tend to stay away from. I wished it was a thinner/skinnier chicken so I could have the guilty pleasure of having some. As for the rice - very good - it was not entirely uni-colored, hues of white and pale yellow all around. Lighter than the usual Hainanese chicken rice. Overall big recommend on this dish.Service: Great service! Even for lunch, the manager would come around and ask how everyone's doing and how the meal's going, which is a nice personal touch. All the staff were very friendly and all smiles . Sizing it up: Very unique place to come for lunch and afternoon tea. Its a members only club, so you need to come with a member or buy the membership for $1000 and get it back in $100 cash vouchers. I'd suggest this if you work in Central - nice place to have a meeting. Just the atmosphere and friendly service makes me want to come again. I can't vouch for the rest of the menu, but sticking to their longstanding dishes would be safe. 继续阅读
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等级2 2009-10-17
317 浏览
Tucked away up on the 1st floor of the Pedder Building (above Shanghai Tang), this is a "private member's club" (but only costs HKD1000 to join and they give the amount back to you in food coupons) that upon entrance looks like an oasis in the middle of buzzling Central.Slow rotating fans, tiled floors, wooden furniture, booth seats (though try to avoid these as the seat backs are straight wooden and very uncomfortable), stained glass window. Decoration-wise, a smaller and less luxurious, but no less refined version of the Verandah in Repulse Bay. Wonderful atmosphere. Try to get a window table overlooking Pedder Street.The restaurant is only open for lunch and for early dinner (it closes at 8pm), Mon-Sat. On weekday at lunch time this place is usually completely full and you need to book a couple of days in advance. Otherwise, it is pretty quiet.Lunch - stick to the dishes that have been on their menu for a while. My favourite is Hainan chicken rice. The rice has a very rich chicken flavour and I like their fish+tomato+beancurd soup. The costs are quite high, for the standard Malaysian/SE Asian staple that you can get anywhere else. But supposedly, you pay for the setting.Tea - only had tea here once before. The scones are not very impressive. The tea, if you order it separately, is not particularly good value as a selection are tea bags and not loose leaves.Never had dinner here before. But did stop by in the late afternoon for cocktails and snacks (salmon gravlax - good, duck in rice paper rolls - very bad).All in all, OK for lunch (though not cheap), food so so. But because of the relaxing atmosphere, the best thing to do is if you have a small informal meeting in the afternoon (too noisy during lunch), or if you are a gentleman/ lady of leisure, if you are tired while shopping in Central and want to take a break, come here for a cocktail. While their food is not amazing, their signature cocktails are good. Try the Mandarin Cosmopolitan or the Mandarin Lemongrass martini - but check that their regular barman is around (older, very short grey hair, tall), as the other waiters who stand in for him don't seem to mix the cocktails quite right. 继续阅读
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等级3 2007-04-16
192 浏览
Last Saturday, I invited 3 ex-colleauges (with one of them's wife who's expecting a baby in July) to China Tee Club.We ordered a Chinese Tea Set for 2 & an English Tea Set for 2 & a Hot Chocolate.Deocr is nice as i've always like "special decor"... very old English style & laid-back too But the food is just so-so... not to mention the 'below standard service' >Personally, i don't like putting on airs but would love to be treated properly in a restaurant as i'm a nice customer who never make unnecessary complaints~~!!But, unfortunately, here, service is - not prompt, not attentive, not friendly...The only staff who was working here on Saturday is that smiled is the lady at the cashier counter!!So, if u r looking for excellent service, try to avoid this place...I will come for dinner & see if they have made any improvement... maybe next week??ps. the good thing is it's just above Red Chamber Cigar Shop... so, after tea, i could go there for a little relief... :-)SP 继续阅读
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等级4 2007-01-23
147 浏览
一直都很想拜訪這特色懷舊Tea House,某公眾假期和男友摸門釘,今次和High Tea孖寶結伴前來,試了這裡的Tea Set for 1 ($111蚊)。Tea Set味道出乎意料的差,底層的香蕉味蛋糕媽媽話頂籠屬嘉頓水準,蛋沙律和煙三文魚buns亦見粗糙大路,啲buns十足十雜牌嘜出品。蛋沙律味道尚可,煙三文魚媽媽阻止我吃,因為她說樣子不新鮮。Scones最似自家出品,但口感乾淨淨,一樣水準以下。頂層的那件朱古力蛋糕塗了厚厚的朱古力icing,賣相十個cheap,味道同莎莉蛋糕差唔多,chocolate chips曲奇令我聯想起Chips Ahoy,大家可想已知這Tea Set是何等無誠意!飲品更精彩,我的English Breakfast算最好,起碼用茶葉;媽媽的熱朱古力奶($40)就超唔掂,一點朱古力味也沒有,媽媽說美心的熱華田都好味過佢多多聲。High Tea孖寶席間一邊向我投以埋怨的目光,一邊說很懷念Robuchon的蛋糕和croissants,唉,今次也不得不承認來China Tee Club是一個非常不智的決定。加上這裡裝修開始殘舊,布cushion非常梅,就只有遊客和一些懷舊的人會喜歡。 继续阅读
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