港铁香港大学站 B1 出口, 步行约3分钟 继续阅读
12:00 - 20:00
12:00 - 20:00
12:00 - 20:00
食记 (15)
Exploring Sai Ying Pun, boyfriend and I came across Big Dog. A small little shop that served hotdogs and other snacks. It's super small but there are a few chairs along the wall.Menu is on located all over the walls and is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge. They have a lot of different hot dogs not just the classic one. The names of the hotdogs had interesting names such as Handsome & Beauty.Along with hotdogs, they also have various snacks.As we were there during afternoon tea time, they had a tea menu where you get a small classic hotdog  for $18 or small classic hotdog with fried siu mai for $25.  You can upgrade your hotdog to another flavor for an extra $5. We upgraded the hotdog and did the fried siu mai set ($30). The hotdog we chose was The Gangsta. This was crabmeat and cucumber with a wasabi lime sauce. The regular hotdog included a herbed pork sausage. The mini one they use for the tea set is just a regular small sausage that was a bit disappointing as it tasted just like the sausages they use at Ikea. So, perhaps we should have just forked out and had the regular one to truly know if the sausage was good. The toppings were ok and I did like the wasabi lime sauce. The siu mai, on the other hand, were disgusting. They were like lumps of flour that had been  deep fried. It was like eating cardboard.Will return again if in the area and try a regular sized ones to see if it's truly good. But from the mini version, it had potential. I would just stay away from the siu mai. 继续阅读
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等级3 2017-10-08
506 浏览
之前係雜誌見到介紹西環一間熱狗店,見近近地,放工便去試一試。沒想到被openrice地圖定位騙了,找了好一會才發現小店。雖然鋪位不大,但店內裝修別致,牆身亦貼滿雜誌介紹及餐牌。店內有約五個坐位供堂食,不過眼見大部份客人都是外賣居多,主要原因是開放式廚房加上近馬路,店內亦感覺不到冷氣,堂食就要有心理準備食到成身汗熱狗種類多,每款名稱夠特別,不過落單時將熱狗名喊出來多少有點不好意思熱狗即叫即整,夜晚時間7點店內沒有其他客人,只有一名店員下等待了約十分鐘。嘗試的是“泰陰公豬”熱狗,其實就是泰式口味。熱狗有前手臂一般長,拿到手時店主會問是否需切開,超級建議切開,因為熱狗醬料多,容易食到成手都係,最好切開方便進食,不過就少左成條熱狗拎住食既樂趣。個人口味,熱狗用的麵包無特別,醬料足但重口味,不知道是否因為是泰式味道而比較咸,一邊食一邊好口渴,幸好同時叫了薯條+飲品set解解渴。薯條岩岩炸起好味道,不過不失啦,總覺得食漢堡/熱狗一定要配薯條汽水先過癮 另外飲品點了柚子梳打,忘了拍照但極推介,柚子蜜+青檸汁味道好清新,應該加了少許鹽,如果叫set飲品可以試一試整體而言經過可以一試,支持小店 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-09-10
364 浏览
熱狗雖然是take away的, 但店內嘅裝潢亦十分精緻。熱狗是即叫即做, 所謂的特色熱狗, 就是在它的醬汁, 小辣而野味。西式潮人小店, 在這舊區中的小街屹立着, 位置遠離地鐵站, 如果不是經開此區, 也不會幫襯。 继续阅读
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呢隻擁有咁頂癮嘅名字嘅熱狗,可能係我食過最正嘅熱夠🌭即叫即整,鬆脆嘅包(我係唔會連埋個皮字一齊講嫁下),juicy 嘅腸,上面啲冬陰功醬真係冇得輸! (我勁愛冬陰功😍)好似可以加錢配薯條同嘢飲,薯條上面審左啲辣粉,再點埋茄汁,好正嫁都,但我唔記得影😂強力推介呢間熱狗店,不過店面都名副其實係好hot!any肥,Best hot dog ever! 继续阅读
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等级2 2017-04-14
435 浏览
今次去咗西環嘅一間熱狗店 我好鍾意食美式快餐漢堡包薯條pizza熱狗都係我嘅最愛位置方面一般般啦佢嚟地鐵站要行十分鐘仲要上斜路 都幾辛苦位置方面店舖都幾細但係擺設計正字而且同廚師距離好近可以交流可以傾下計喺廚師嘅推介之下我食咗佢哋嘅冬陰功熱狗 冬陰功醬味道好濃郁好好味 香腸味道都唔錯上面嘅肉碎都好好味只可惜肉碎太散食嘅時候成日跌落嚟仲食到成隻手好污糟因為個包都係醬汁但係冇辦法啦 都好難避免 但係 的確係好麻煩價錢方面都還好啦食一隻熱狗唔係好飽香港人都唔係好慣食一隻狗就當午餐所以佢咁嘅價錢相信都吸引唔到好多人去食所以大家都支持下呢啲小店啦如果鍾意食熱狗嘅就記得要去食啦 继续阅读
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