港铁中环站 K 出口, 港铁香港站 A2 出口 继续阅读
Restaurant Business Hours: Monday - Wednesday 07:30am - 12:00am Thursday & Friday 07:30 - 01:00am Saturday 11:00am - 11:00pm Sunday 11:00am - 7:00pm Public Holidays 11:00am - 11:00pm 继续阅读
07:30 - 00:00
07:30 - 01:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 19:00
11:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通
安格斯牛肉 炸魚及薯片
食记 (28)
等级3 2016-08-02
4492 浏览
黎親Alfie 10 個有9 個都會吃呢度嘅fish & chips, 等我今日黎寫寫佢其他味菜啦~Alfie 都算貴價,吃個fish & chips 都幾百, 無計, 係置地入面會平得去邊。。。但Alfie 是約會見客嘅好地點。今次叫嘅係roasted pork belly. 一客有兩條pork belly 卷住上, $300. 用刀叉切開卜卜脆, 質地似中式d 燒乳豬。 入口, 好。 好。味! 脆卜卜表面但入面d 肉係超級嫩口, 一點兒也不乾, 而家塊pork belly 肥瘦平均,忍唔住一口接一口吃鬼晒佢~下次黎Alfie 可以試試呢個菜 继续阅读
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Alfie’s is a modern British restaurant located in Prince's Building, the result of a partnership between Alfred Dunhill and the KEE private members club. Opening in 2010, it serves breakfast, lunch, drinks and dinner. If you don't know the exact location and accessing from the ground level, it may be quite difficult to find it as the entrance is in fact via the Alfred Dunhill store, and going up a flight of stairs to the first level. There is another entrance on the first level but again it can be easily missed.Although I haven't been to the restaurant before, in fact the place is not new to me. For those of you who have been a customer of UK wine merchant BBR you may know that they used to have a shop at that same location. When I was studying for my WSET Level 4 it was where I spent a lot of weekends doing wine tasting. Time really flies...The decoration is a modern British bar on one side with some dining tables on the other. A bit noisy but should be expected from such a setting, we had a decent table looking over the footbridge between Prince's Building and Alexander House which is reasonably comfortable. The night was also not too busy.On the food I ordered Tomato Soup with mozzarella and Ivy ordered Pumpkin and Lemongrass Soup with prawn skewer, which were quite nice. I liked the sourdough very much but because we did order quite a lot I could not take another slice. Appetizer for sharing was Prawn and Dorset Crab Cocktail, as well as Seared Hokkaido Scallops. Frankly both were not particularly impressive, and the scallops were simply too salty for me. There were also some liver sausages(?) accompanying the scallops which reminded me a bit of those Chinese ones...The mains we had the signature Fish and Chips, as well as Roasted Barbarie Duck Breast. While some friends were saying the fish and chips were some of the best in town, I found them a bit too oily for my liking (sorry!) and the tartare sauce is also not sour enough to balance the oiliness of the fish. A credit to Alfie's for using fresh halibut, however. The duck breast was only just so-so. Overall on the food it was quite disappointing. I had two glasses of Newton Vineyard Chardonnay from Napa, which were typical California Chardonnay with good oakiness and body, and did pair quite well with the dishes ordered.The service was nice in general, with the serving of wine and water, speed in serving dishes, cleaning up and checking in with us on the food quality all done professionally and up to standard. The waitress did offer to take a photo for Ivy and me which I thought was one good touch.Finally on the price. It was a full meal and we could barely move afterwards, as each dish was of quite big portion. Total $1,591 for two, considering the food quality and everything, not very good value over money.My overall rating for the restaurant is 48/100. 继续阅读
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等级3 2015-04-25
4938 浏览
3月過後,又嚟到得閒死唔得閒病嘅月份,原因好簡單,又係趕deadline 應付auditor 嘅時間。 老闆為咗要安撫我哋,所以專誠請客帶我哋嚟到Alfie's by Kee.入到餐廳,感覺唔錯,滿場只見洋人跟笑聲,幾relex. set lunch嘅價錢唔算貴,2 course 係$290, 3 course 係$340. 以地段及價格嚟睇, 都算合理。 但若包括食物質素嘅話,就有少少遜色。我哋點咗4set 3 course. Salad, Spring chicken, White snapper fish 同 desert.先講salad, 好好味,意大利黑醋好濃郁,配搭鮮果,菜同nuts一流,係近期食過最好食嘅salad, 令我好期待main course.Main course, 我點咗Spring chicken, 另同事就點咗white snapper fish. Spring chicken 食落好juicy, 又冇咩骨,所以食起嚟唔太麻煩,我仲可切啲同同事一齊分享,太好啦!但嚟到white snapper fish, 令我哋有幾大嘅失望。 首先魚唔太有味道,而且似overcook, 唔滑口, 老闆都有微言!好彩後嚟上嘅something sweet - orange posset with passionfruit 挽回不少失地。賣相好精緻,味道清晰, 帶有清新橙味嘅奶凍配上酸甜passionfruit sauce, 即時醒哂, 再飲埋杯coffee, 呢餐lunch 圓滿結束。整體嚟講,alfie's 環境relex, 令人感到自在,唔太焗促。 但部分菜式雖再改善。 anyway, 多謝老闆嘅辛勞中的一點甜 继续阅读
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等级3 2014-11-19
7801 浏览
Ambience was comfortable enough and service was polite and attentive.we had a set lunch at $300 per person for appetizer, main course and coffee. A bit pricey considering the food.Pumpkin soup wasn't hot enough and was too sweet and creamy. However, teh crabmeat and avocado on garlic toast was good, light and refreshing.the main course as the same. the beef cheeks were so soft and tender and was salted just right. teh crispy bits provided the perfect texture.But the fish (with shrimp and clams) was bland and ordinary. 继续阅读
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等级4 2014-10-28
3704 浏览
1997年7月1日是香港回歸中國的日子,從那天起,香港正式踏進鄧小平打造的「一國兩制」軌道,對於香港人「馬照跑、舞照跳」生活模式的承諾,在回歸17年裡,相信香港人也感觸良多,特別是2014年!我喜歡到中環用膳,不過2014年9月28日是一個標誌。香港人開展了從未有過的抗爭之路,為爭取真普選而發動的「佔領中環」運動!選擇了英國品牌 — 「Alfred Dunhill」旗下的英式酒館餐廳「Alfie」,目的是為嚐一客心儀的 Fish & Chips ,吃飽了,方有力氣上路!「Alfie」深沉的木色、皮椅及皮沙發等,呈現英國人一貫的莊重,但又不不失自在的感覺!安坐「Alfie」,面前是中環主要道路與及交匯處,星期日的中午,時間好像被凝著了,特別的寧靜!女侍應先送來麵包,我挑了每樣一款,一啡一白!麵包香氣怡人,包心帶有我特別喜歡的筋性,尤其是啡色的!不過包邊實在太硬與韌了,只得放棄,好想將橢圓的包邊穿過玻璃窗,掛到對面路旁的樹枝上!在胡想之際,女侍應把 Fish & Chips 送來了!斜斜倚著薯條的炸魚,好像是在發嗲的少女,而三種顏色鮮艷的醬汁就仿如炸魚的花裙子,畫面甚為漂亮!炸魚的粉漿鬆脆、不油、入口輕盈,只是某端的彎角位置,粉漿略為厚身。切開炸魚,最愛看到內裡雪白、紋路清澈細緻的魚肉。比目魚的魚質入口糼細爽滑,還不時感到輕輕滲出的魚脂,滋潤柔美,Fish & Chips 果然達到美味的首選!炸薯條也是主角之一!薯條炸得脆薄透香,薯心軟綿,輕蘸茄汁加以點綴,味道更惹人喜愛,令我吃過不停!Fish & Chips 備有茄汁、青豆蓉和 Tartar Sauce 三款醬汁。當中最突出的是青豆蓉,它的綿滑的質感與豆香,令我想起英國既便宜又美味的青豆!我們還多加了一份菠菜 Side Dish。菠菜質感嫩滑可口之餘,又保持蔬菜原有的纖維感,唯醬汁味道稍為過鹹而已!Alfie's Muffin Burger 跟 Fish & Chips 也是 「Alfie」的招牌菜!Alfie's Muffin Burger 餡料包括和牛牛肉餅、卷心生菜、千島醬汁和 Lancashire Cheese,還有伴菜炸薯條。 牙齒一咬,隨即感受得到 Muffin 充滿彈性的討人質感,使我一振!伴隨 Muffin 而來和牛的濃香與滿溢的牛脂,再配合溶化的芝士,味蕾全給那份濃濃郁郁的味兒佔據。Alfie's Muffin Burger 用料真不遜,不過怕膩如我的朋友,緊記要與友人分享,否則難以負荷!順道一提的是 Alfie's Muffin Burger 的炸薯條較 Fish & Chips 的幼身,質感當然不及粗身的理想,不過味道同樣很不錯!置身「Alfie」,如同處於一個玻璃溫室內,無論眼看外間風雲變色、雷電交加、風狂雨暴,處境也是安然無恙。誰不願一輩子過著安穩閒逸的生活,無奈遇上大時代的沖擊,溫室的安然埋沒不了人性和良知,更驅使我們大步踏出溫室外,肩負作為一個香港人的使命,與大家風雨同路、並肩作戰!2014年9月28日傍晚,警方施放催淚彈驅散抗爭人士,一共87顆催淚彈和無數堅強抵擋的雨傘,一幕幕震撼的嚇人場面,令不少香港人心痛欲裂,及後的一切一切...........留下來給歷史定奪! 继续阅读
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