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提供新鲜的寿司和生鱼片。旨在让食客享受现代的传统日本餐饮体验。 继续阅读
11:30 - 22:00
Visa Master 现金 美国运通 银联
食记 (16)
等级4 2021-12-30
3697 浏览
Have been looking forward to the opening of shiro, didn’t got the chance to try it in quarry bay at earlier stage and now it is finally reopened in pacific place. It was an ad hoc lunch hence no booking was made, we waited for 15 minutes before getting a seat, which was acceptable. Yet there are many available tables and not all customers are served timely.We ordered deluxe sashimi set and deluxe sushi set. Sashimi was okay, to be honest I didn’t expect shirako to be served during lunch, what a surprise (in a good way) However sushi rice was really unacceptable not to mention its sourness are neglectable, we doubt that they were using Japanese rice even after the manager came and reassured us. The shape and texture are almost identical to Chinese rice like 金鳳米, which failed all the good ingredients and sashimi. EPIC FAILThe lunch reminded me a restaurant in UK named Yo! Sushi. 继续阅读
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等级3 2021-11-15
2699 浏览
其實係PP我對餐廳真係無乜大期望🤣,曾經有幾年都在這邊上班,這麼多年都是差不多的餐廳組合。今天第一次來到shiro吃lunch,慶祝朋友生日,我點了銀鱈魚西京燒定食,整體味道是不錯的~ 當然、在PP吃lunch基本上預了有點overpriced,環境服務也是不錯的,所以我覺得整體是ok的。 继续阅读
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你到太古廣場好耐食都想試下呢間壽司店佢裝修完之後就 有個站新現代嘅裝修啦咁就嚟試下啦又二百蚊喺有壽司呀我marcus咩呀熟食都有因為我就揀咗個午餐壽司套餐有十件壽司朋友就見咗個由銀雪魚燒得好似好入味 壽司十件都算新鮮不過驚喜就冇乜啦前菜有海蜇都冇乜特別 只係得個咖啡或茶 午餐都算多人不過裝修完破壞都係多位置嘅有卡位 做嘢食可以話係一半都死段可以啦以佢嘅價錢嚟講唔太貴分量都多 質素都ok佢冇啲高級食材不過都係新鮮好味商場嚟講都算可以接受 继续阅读
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等级4 2021-10-06
2077 浏览
i got out of this restaurant within 15 mins from the time with my order in placed.. there were somebody very unprofessional (late-mid age guy) whom taken my order ; he cannot define what are the differences between - Tuna toro vs Salmon belly , so then when the sushi came with not the tuna toro sushi i requested for , that came with the salmon sushi , i asked him to have a look at the dish ,then he told me there no different as they are both fish.. he's totally lacking of knowledge of all ingredients of the menu..he didn't even apologize for the wrong order taken ,that really blow my mind i paid for some of the right orders then left the shop straight... 继续阅读
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收工一肚冤氣,去太古廣場想食好啲慰勞吓自己姐,點鬼知原來甲級商場都有劣質餐廳😑我哋每人叫咗個set dinner,沙律尚算清爽,壽司就……我哋都唔知講乜好,甲級商場加明將質素😟到主菜,最好食係有兩款嘅,分別係中華沙律和日式酸菜(送飯食果啲呀!)。而個牛肉烏冬(佢話係澳洲和牛….)嘅牛肉叫做正常啲,嫩口嘅🤓總括而言:無下次完 继续阅读
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