港铁筲箕湾站 A2 出口, 步行约4分钟 继续阅读
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主打火鍋放題,按所選的套餐配搭雞煲、海鮮和肥牛;另有惹味的小菜可供單點,而指定時段則供應各式點心,適合多人一起共享美食。 继续阅读
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
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食记 (133)
等级2 2023-11-24
838 浏览
真係食最平果個火鍋任食已經足夠,$29x個餐係不需要的,其他食物係手機落單,只有刺身係填紙仔,今次第三次黎食,刺身佢會比多過你填個數,可能冇乜人叫🥶,另外,牛肉質數都好一般,你諗下係同你屋企打差唔多,成班職員圍埋吹水時間多,最後食個杯雪糕係熔左再雪番的,已同經理反映,佢冇換比我,我都冇所謂了,總結性價平唔高,食最平得啦! 继续阅读
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等级3 2023-09-06
984 浏览
喜亭軒 (筲箕灣)筲箕灣筲箕灣道393號形薈1樓1號舖✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿呢間係筲箕灣形薈開左一段時間。終於食到啦⋯⋯佢啲點心唔錯呀。不過我睇到個單張仲想幫襯埋夜晚。有雞煲食。我飲飲茶都聞到人哋lunch都食雞煲呀。味道勁正。聞都已經想食。😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋點心🥧😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋總結🤓其實都算好有水準嘅餐廳。總算幾好食呀👍大家可以值得一試。我要幫襯埋夜晚。 继续阅读
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📍喜亭軒🧭筲箕灣筲箕灣道393號形薈1樓1號舖去筲箕灣 #喜亭軒 食個便飯😂⭐️白灼花竹蝦新鮮花竹仔,白灼又甜又好味⭐️三文魚刺身純粹過下口癮😂💯薑蔥炒花蟹勁大碟!啲蟹拉過油好香口,個汁都好惹味,如果多啲蔥就好了😂⭐️蒜香骨排骨雖小但味道出色!啲炸蒜好香好好味⭐️清蒸油彬剛剛熟,正!又香又滑⭐️雲耳蒸雞好鍾意食雲耳蒸雞!估唔到都幾滑,仲要雞皮勁厚😋💯酥炸生蠔依度係兩份炸生蠔,真心驚喜,個炸粉超薄,勁鬆脆可口⭐️菜膽雞最後黎個菜膽雞,相比都係鍾意蒸雞多啲雖然佢係主打雞煲火鍋,估唔到小菜咁出色👍🏻#MFJ筲箕灣 #MFJ中菜#mfoodjournal #foodie #hkfoodie #foodblog #hkfoodblog #chinesefood #chinesecuisine #shaukeiwanfood #相機食先 #筲箕灣美食 #中菜 继续阅读
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等级1 2023-07-05
973 浏览
侍應服務態度差,五分鐘內,過來兩三次問「想食咩」來催落單,但當時只係黃昏6:15左右,已有客坐嘅枱少於十張,而且只有一兩個人;落單時,我們講菜名,覆單時侍應覆號碼,但講錯又又唔認錯。唉!😤😤 他們真可憐!😩😩 继续阅读
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等级4 2023-07-02
827 浏览
"As long as no need to queue, I don't mind to eat anything." That's what I told my family regarding afternoon tea suggestion. My family suggested to go yumcha at a hotpot restaurant nearby. As expected, there wasn't a queue outside the restaurant. Surprisingly they gave afternoon tea promotion even on weekend and in fact pretty cheap. Let's see how's their food quality.Char siu Mexican bun came first. Crispy topping with a thin dough. Char siu stuffing wasn't too sweet or saucey. Served in warm which best to eat right after served.Crunchy rice roll was freshly made. Thin and slippery on the outside while wrapping with a crunchy deep fried dough. Rice roll was also sprinkled with few spring onions which gave.some freshness. Soy sauce drizzled on top gave a hint of saltiness, plus to keep it moist even when it's cold. Prawn vegetables dumplings were best to eat it right after served so as to prevent sticky thick wrapper. Wrapping was so soft that better scoop it with a spoon and chopstick instead of picking up with a pair of chopstick. It was steamy hot inside that better separated into bites. Prawn was big compare with the dumpling size while vegetables weren't as much. It's better stuffed with diced vegetables for the freshness and the crunch.Egg white fried rice was topped with crispy scallops. It was a pretty dry dish, rice was light and loose. It wasn't soggy, combining with the red rice, it gave multiple grainy texture. With the crunchy zucchini, crispy scallops and the egg white, it was a wholesome dish. Dace fish ball wasn't my cup of tea but my family commented not bad. Good that sprinkled with generous white pepper and mixed well with quite amount of coriander, it didn't taste fishy. It was quite bouncy. Last but not least, boiled vegetables for some freshness. Fresh vegetables and cooked just right. Nothing special but in a big serving. Restaurant was very spacious. Ceiling was high that even it was busy, it didn't sound noisy. Tables were designed for hotpot that there was a stove controller underneath which kind of blocking your legs while sitting. Overall, food was in reasonable price, not much waiting is needed which good for big group yumcha and allowed to sit long without pressure. 继续阅读
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