港铁长沙湾站 B 出口, 步行约8分钟 继续阅读
07:30 - 17:00
18:00 - 00:00
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食记 (4)
等级4 2015-01-16
680 浏览
又在等小友放學。趁有時間花多點腳程走到接近荔枝角一帶找吃。原本是要到一間街坊式點心小店去吃一盅兩件,但去到後才發現太早還沒開門。此時環顧四周,有點心供應的地方就只有這裡。點心癮已被挑起的我也沒有第二個選擇了....今天早上胃囗大開,也就不客氣的要了三碟。若吃不完的話,就帶走給小友品嚐好啦....好久好久沒在茶樓內點炸春卷。今天在此要了一客,餡裡頭用的是蝦肉為主的海鮮材料。剛炸起的它入口還是熱呼呼的極度燙嘴。海鮮餡在熱力的散發底下咬進口香氣是迫人的。說回那外皮,是脆而不油的。此外標榜著"蒜茸春卷"的它確是有頗濃的蒜香....不要看它一碟有四大條以為一個人會吃不完,怎知食著食著轉眼間就清碟....潮州粉果又是相當的不俗 ---- 皮雖甚厚但卻不濕不太黏蠻"乾爽";餡是塞得滿滿的,花生、肉碎、葛粒及蔥粒皆齊備甚是豐富。是一道既飽肚又美味的小點....春蛋燒賣內的蛋是漲卜卜的十分飽滿。冒著爆膽固醇的我也忍不住連吞三粒;墊底的肉感覺十分紥實,沒有餿酸味之外還存在著肉常有的甜香...初頭還以為一個人會吃不完要打包....怎料最後竟有些意猶未盡的感覺.... 继续阅读
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等级1 2014-07-06
1435 浏览
This place is on my street so my family likes to come here for Sunday morning tea. We just order a bunch of dim sum so I've never tried their other dishes.First of all, the decor is very typical of a local eatery and you have to clean your bowls, cups, chopsticks, etc with hot water, but I gave it a 4 just because of the flat screen TVs and free wifi (the password is on a poster on the wall). The service is good and by good I mean quick. Their menu has both Chinese and English names for each item plus a few pictures. As with all dim sum menus you pencil in your order on the little form. The first couple dishes come within 10 min and rest follow quickly enough that you've always got something on the table. There's actually a shop window at the front where they steam dumplings so people don't have to come in if they just want dim sum for takeaway. They have cheaper prices for takeaway.So the two things I always order when I'm having dim sum are har gow and siu mai. MYK's har gow is pretty standard but their siu mai is really good. Succulent chunks of tender pork and several little shrimps and chopped mushrooms topped with some kind of black fish roe (not expensive caviar). It's definitely one of the top 3 siu mai I've eaten.I also like their shrimp siu mai and fried glutinous rice dumplings with pork inside. But they do have some interesting fusion dishes. The one I really love is like a fishcake wrapped in beancurd skin. It's fried so the skin is crispy while the fish inside is juicy and the honey wasabi sauce is just heaven. I know it sounds like a strange combination but trust me it's delicious. The only thing I've tried that I wouldn't recommend is their spring rolls. They have too little filling and too much wrapper.Prices and serving size vary. Some dim sum are $15 for two pieces. Others are $18-20 for three or $20-22 for four pieces. On the menu it says in parentheses (but in Chinese) for each item how many pieces you'll get. Overall, the dim sum is good and it's excellent value for money. I really like MYK and it's one of the few local places that my family goes to regularly. 继续阅读
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等级1 2014-03-23
2056 浏览
d老友話青山道小巴站開左間雞煲叫埋我去試,事先聲明本人並 不太好有骨的食品,但d老友喜歡食,咁就唯有陪吓佢地啦~! 點 知食完之後,我都係隱唔住要寫寫食評。我地一行4人,大約8 點多去到,我望一望價錢$138/ 任飲任食,價錢都ok wor 。坐底之後店員就問我地食幾辣,老友話中辣,我心想雞我又唔係 點食唔關我事啦~~ 但d 老友即刻話,lee 度除左雞,仲有其他打 邊爐野食 gar,隨即比左張點菜紙我睇,一睇張紙,基本既牛肉有啦,丸、菜等等既野都有,最有驚喜既係有”花膠”,你冇睇錯 ~~係花膠 仲任叫 ,咁特別梗係點吓黎試啦,未試過丫 ma~! 除左以上 既,仲有d熟食 / 餐前小點任食(食 buffet咁丫)講返野食先,前菜食左原個切四份既蕃茄莎律好好味又開胃,我又夾左 D 拍青瓜好爽脆,仲有好多款,不過我冇食過就唔講喇,至於雞既份量都算足夠,我試左一兩件~~好入味辣度足夠(中辣),牛肉四五塊一碟碟出~~薄薄一片滾兩滾就食得都算OK~~ 到主題喇~~"花膠" 三四片一碟厚身D女士話好正我覺得食落口感又唔錯~~值得推薦~~另外,任飲我以為只係得汽水,原來啤酒都係任飲,對於我 lee d 酒鬼黎講真係一大福音 。講返食物,打邊爐既配料都 ok,花 膠雞煲又真係幾過癮,最後仲有甜品送,我要左個焦糖炖蛋,嘩 又要比多個讚 ,面一片薄薄微暖既糖衣加上軟滑既炖蛋,真係好好味,可以比得上酒店既水準。綜合黎講,係坐位與坐位間迫左d,但係食物、提供既飲品同甜 品都有返咁上下水準, lee 個價錢真係抵食,值得推介。 继续阅读
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等级4 2013-12-24
1429 浏览
係深水埗區想飲茶, 點知間酒樓竟然比人包咗…………唯有轉埸, 見到一間店細細地,見到d價錢幾平,有位就入去試,點知原來係下午茶的價錢……..咁就唔好比我地啦,有d欺騙成份間輔唔係好大, 大約10多張柗, 坐到算ok 見到d點心紙, 好多都係得兩件,如人少係不錯, 可以試多幾款, 但今次有成8個人, 就覺得有d貴…….蝦鮫 -皮薄,蝦新鮮,好鮮味牛肉 - ok一般春卷 -細細條, 好鬆化, 蝦好新鮮腐皮卷 - 又係細細件,好鬆化流沙煎堆 - 幾香口, 不過有d甜蛋散 - 鬆化菠棻鮫 - 皮薄, 肉都蝦幾爽口魚肉卷 - 幾特別, 外腐皮卷,褭面魚肉,個汁有d wasabi, 外脆魚肉彈牙, 個汁好味芝士大蝦伊麵底 - 唔夠芝士味, 因老人家食,叫佢煮唸d……….最後都係無煮唸…….  继续阅读
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