港铁葵芳站 D 出口, 步行约6分钟 继续阅读
07:00 - 00:00
食记 (12)
等级1 2018-10-06
497 浏览
其實食物ok亦算抵食。不過上次我地晚上10點幾左右去食,明明門牌同open rice都寫明收12點,而我地打算食半小時就走。點知落左單先同我地講佢地要收工,叫我地快d食完就走。 果陣仲係10點幾,我地質疑d姐姐點解門牌寫既關門時間係收凌晨12點,佢地話門牌時間係唔準確喎。結果野食一到,d姐姐全部望住我地仲係咁催我地走,最後我地頂唔順食左15分鐘就走左(果陣11點都未到)。其實我地都唔想阻人收工,所以先揀間收夜少少既餐廳去食飯,點知入左去仲要落完單先話要收工。 呢個經驗令我地對全記都卻步了。 继续阅读
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等级1 2018-06-02
439 浏览
星期6 來葵芳行街,想揾個清靜的地方食晚飯,眼見本店少人,便入內試試。我們二人飲熱水,卻原來要收每位3蚊茶錢。叫了$19瑤柱粥,只有一粒瑤柱,有如一碗白粥,極為可怕。另外叫了 燒腸粉,腸粉皮極厚,最後只可餘下腸粉皮無食。最後是蝦餃,味道平淡,$29只有3 隻,水準比以往差了,短期也不會再來,唯一好處只是少人。其實幾年前本人也有來過數次,水準也並非如此,希望佢會努力改善,回復以前一樣,否則只會令人愈來愈反感 继续阅读
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等级2 2018-02-14
299 浏览
門口貼住早餐孖寶任選兩個點心都係$32 ,食得多茶記早餐悶悶地都想轉下口味,而且選擇都唔算少一個人去飲茶係麻煩啲,最唔想就係同人塔枱,野食未到要你眼望我眼咁,而且店內位置唔太寬闊,最後決定外賣。落完單係門市等左起碼20 分鐘先有得拎,只能講點心專門店黎講算係有啲啲慢,不過摸上手又真係夠熱,即叫即蒸就由佢啦⋯⋯趕時間就要諗諗啦。瑤柱菜苗餃同干蒸牛肉燒賣牛肉燒賣即使去到茶樓都好少有得食,呢度有都算小驚喜,味道唔太差,唔會成口油/一堆粉味,菜苗餃就真係好普通,唔試都無損失 继续阅读
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等级1 2017-09-18
324 浏览
點心叫時先蒸,夠鮮,下午茶仲抵,$32兩個點心,配飯都得,好滿足對於大財團酒家點心,放係度蒸全日,點心走哂味,仲貴。值得推介的是棉花雞同黑松露鳳眼餃~Yummy 继续阅读
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等级4 2017-07-27
650 浏览
Not being very hungry, we decided to eat at this all day dim sum restaurant as there seemed to be room and we could just eat a few items.Menu is in Chinese only. There is no English. It's in the form of a check off paper. There is no 10% service charge but there is a $3 per person tea charge.Tea was served in a cup with a tea bag. That was odd. So, they apparently charge you for a tea bag.  Spring Rolls ($18). These were not only oily, but bland. Filling was a bit of pork and shrimp with cabbage.Two Different Types of Dumplings ($25). The two dumplings was shrimp dumplings and Chiu Chow style dumplings. The skin was very thick and it stuck to everything, thus making the filling fall out. Oddly, these dumplings were also under seasoned. Beef Balls ($18). The beef balls had way too much flour added because I could hardly taste the beef. It tasted like one bit ball of flour.Steamed Rice Rolls with Char Siu ($25). This rice roll was thick and clunky. The char siu was tough and dry.Braised Chicken Feet ($22). This was the oddest of all. I have never had chicken feel that had absolutely no flavor. When it appeared, the color looked lighter than normal as well. No matter where I go, even the really bad ones have some sort of flavor. It may be too salty but at least there is flavor. This was flavorless.Possibly the worst dim sum place I've ever been to. The food was tasteless. Then while eating I noticed a number of tiny flies and I remember a previous review mention this as well. I honestly won't be back. 继续阅读
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