食记 (6)
等级3 2011-04-05
42 浏览
first of all, we came to cyberport is because we're supporting my beloved dance teacher and some fellow classmates on their Dancing Hope show. this is show for the tragedy in japan. it's not about fund-raising, but to let people understand the importance of cherishing everything, every moment around you through touching dance moves and drama and singing.back to the lunch we had. we went up to the food court cuz that'll be the most convenient, and we can also get to watch the dancers doing their rehearsals up there.for food we've decided to have pizza and pasta.we ordered a small Americana pizza (10"), and Linguine with Duck Breast, Bell Peppers in Creamy Tomato Sauce.the toppings include mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, pepperoni, meat, cheese, and tomato sauce. i liked the bread crust a lot, it's not too thick for being a thick-crust-pizza and it's just the right thickness to me, with a slight crunch..mm...yummy xdand i liked how the combination of the toppings makes the pizza rich yet simple. it won't be like full of toppings on it that you can barely taste the bread and have toppings falling all over when you eat, but it's not plain as well. i think it manages to give a rich flavor and topping, yet also gives a hint of simpleness and plainness ;]the pasta's not bad too ;> it has lots of bell peppers and shredded duck breast in it, so it won't be a very plain linguine in creamy tomato sauce. if i really have to pick on something about it, i'd say i might want the texture of the duck breast meat a little bit more smooth, but it's actually pretty good already, so that doesn't matter a lot.the lunch sets included drinks and dessert. however, if you want to have coffee for your drink, an extra $4 has to be paid.i'd paid that extra $4 for the coffee tho cuz i don't feel like drinking soft drinks at that moment.the coffee's not bad, it's pretty okaythis cream-filled little roll is the dessert. there's a pretty strong aroma of cinnamon from it. It's a pretty nice little dessert. other than being filled with cream, it actually has jam in it too, so it won't taste too creamy and sort of have a balance between the flavors x)In overall, i think it serves a satisfactory quality for food court, actually pretty good indeed. I'll definitely consider eating at this place again when i visit the arcade in cyberport ;] 继续阅读
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今天約朋去了數碼港參觀及影相,聽說數碼港內也有不少好的食肆,正好順道試一下, 先逛一會數碼港的商場及在室外閒逛一圈後,又是找個地方吃午飯的時侯了,去了位於商場頂層的 Food Court 佳餚小廚, 佳餚小廚有多國菜式供應,中、日、意、印、星馬及中式酒家也有,菜式可謂品種繁多,最啱多心又為食的朋友。 雖然佳餚小厨只是 Food Court, 但環境非常乾淨整潔,天然光透過玻璃天幕照下來,涼着冷氣曬太陽的感覺好正,我最愛坐在玻璃圍欄旁的梳化椅,不單舒服而且可俯瞰樓下的大堂,座位不密集而且假日人流不多,最適合跟朋友一齊 hea 吓。逛了一圈看過有甚麽食物選擇,見到炒意粉賣相不錯,便決定要了兩客扁意粉,加上十蚊轉了套餐,包一碗羅宋湯及一杯汽水,在櫃枱等了五分鐘左右便煑好可拿走了,大家都想試多一種款式,所以用碟分成一半方便大家分享。煙肉香磨菇扁意粉配蕃茄忌亷汁這碟意粉主要的材料有煙肉、辣肉腸、磨菰片和青紅辣椒,扁意粉(Linguine)煑得有 Al Dente 的感覺,這汁煑得濃稠度適中而且份量剛好,每條扁平的意粉上都黐着醬汁,但不會成碟都浸着醬汁,味道及用料都交足貨了。蕃茄忌亷汁鷄肉扁意粉兩碟的意粉汁都是一樣,所以味道也差不多,這碟主要材料是用鷄肉,不過蕃茄及青、紅椒椒等蔬菜份量較多,適合愛保持美好身材的飲食男女,感覺兩款都很好食,不過個人敕較喜歡食辣肉腸,所以較喜歡第一款。這個 Food Court 的價錢不算平宜,但食物及環境都不錯,其實都幾抵食,而且是在數碼港內較經濟的食肆,而且食物選擇頗多,值得專誠來參觀及試食。 继续阅读
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等级4 2008-09-04
3 浏览
周末下午,天空陰霾密佈,奴隸獸建議去『數碼港』逛逛,主人竟然欣然答應。數碼港商場給我們一種空洞及靜悄悄的感覺,不過,既來之,則安之。搵食去也。見大多數食店都沒有什麼顧客,心中有一種毛毛的感覺。最後還是幫襯了 Food Court。主人點了一份午市套餐:雞串標併牛串標花生香茅汁飯配忌廉西蘭花湯 + 熱咖啡(HK$35 + HK$4.0):忌廉西蘭花湯,賣相看似麥皮,最初感覺好味極有限,怎知飲落香滑非常,西蘭花味道濃郁,令奴隸獸擊節讚賞。至於雞串燒及牛串燒味道只屬OK,不過配著五香肉丁炒飯,著實令我們有些驚喜。 继续阅读
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等级4 2008-06-29
2 浏览
15/6/2008師兄婚禮在數碼港舉行,結束了便醫肚。(沒有吃午餐啊! >.<)要了下午茶餐,五香肉丁公仔麵,熱檸茶。公眾假期沒有沙爹牛肉和炸菜肉絲,很失望呢!味道如何?就是平常茶餐廳的味道啊,普普通通,沒有特別。 (五香肉丁公仔麵還有甚麼可以特別......)朋友點的炸魚,竟然要等候三十分鐘之多,這個food court的效率…… =.= 继续阅读
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等级3 2008-06-08
8 浏览
依個food court只會係平日lunch先多人,都唔知佢地有冇得賺。黎到先買飛再等叫號碼,通常食中式午飯,但獻汁比較濃,有時或會多油,不過30蚊有湯有茶已算好好。想要食多d飯,就要叫日式大碗飯,因為份量較多,味道OK!不過較好食既係意粉,無論白汁定茄汁都整得唔錯,不過唔會好大碟,而且唔好叫辣汁,好似加左五香肉丁d辣油,好肥膩!另外個雜菜湯又係辣既,而且好難飲!個food court係玻璃天幕底下,間中有雀仔飛過。最驚個商場成日播"始終有你"首歌,好鬼煩,仲慘過聽到d阿姐大叫號碼!有一d單腳餐桌好唔穩陣,好危險。數碼港唯一平價之選,已好過轉手之前。 继续阅读
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