港铁湾仔站 A2 出口, 步行约7分钟 继续阅读
10:30 - 22:00
10:30 - 22:00
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食记 (17)
On the way home by tram, I noticed a new restaurant had opened in the place where a fried chicken restaurant once was. 五指間蘭州牛肉麵 (English name: Wu Zhi Jian Beef Noodles) was what it was called. Taking a look, I realized it was a Chinese restaurant serving Northern Chinese food. But most interesting of all? 90% of the diners were Middle Eastern. There was a large sign with the Halal certifcate of authenticity that it served Halal food. Normally a Chinese noodle restaurant doesn't peak my interest but this place suddenly did.The interior was set up like a fast food restaurant. Ordering can be done at the counter or at the touch screen display near the entrance. You pick up your food when the number on your ticket is announced. Staff speak Mandarin but there are two who speak Cantonese and fairly good English.Menu is in English and Chinese with no 10% service charge. We ordered two drinks that were $10 each if you order food (otherwise it's $15). Boyfriend had the Sweet Fermented Oats (on the left) and I had the Sour Plum Drink ($10).  The sweet fermented oats was very sweet and reminded me of amazake except they use oats here instead of rice. Boyfriend loved it a lot. My sour plum drink was very different than the Taiwanese version in that it was more on the sweet side than sour which was quite nice over all. I never had it like this before.Langzhou Beef Noodles ($48) was the signature noodle so we gave it a try. Portion was large enough to share between us.  From the photo it looked spicy but the staff said it wasn't spicy as the chilli oil is an optional addition that can be found at the condiment corner where you also get free water. Boyfriend added a bit of the chilli oil and it was SUPER spicy. The kind that really sticks to you. The noodles were very smooth and chewy. The soup was a clear beef broth. It was topped with slices of daikon and beef.  The beef was very good. Hearty beef flavor and very tender. Not chewy at all. The daikon took up the flavour of the soup well.Boyfriend ahd the Chinese Hamburger with Cumin Beef ($32). We've had this several times in Hong Kong and it was always disappointing. But here it was not! A very crispy flakey pastry that wasn't oily.Inside is was filled with a mince beef that was heavily seasoned. It was slightly spicy but not so much I couldn't handle it.We also shared  a plate of Boiled Beef Dumplings ($48). You get twelve so quite a decent portion. It came with black vinegar for dipping. The dumplings were not a large size but the filling was juicy  and well seasoned. The wrapping was a bit thick but that is more common in Northern China. The food was very good and price was not expensive. The place was extremely clean with a lady there constantly cleaning tables. A lot of the diners ordered skewers as well which were done the Mainland Chinese way with plenty of spices. We didn't order them because I was afraid it might be too spicy but they did look good.  I can see why so many Middle Eastern people were dining here. It is difficult to find good and not expensive Chinese Halal food in Hong Kong. Something definitely worth recommending. 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-05-19
0 浏览
五指間蘭州牛肉麵 (灣仔)灣仔軒尼詩道298號地下A2號舖1. 紅燒牛肉麵:這道紅燒牛肉麵是一道非常經典的中式湯麵。麵條彈牙,湯頭濃郁,牛肉則燉得軟嫩入味。湯中還加入了一些香料和調味料,使得整道菜色香氣四溢,十分開胃。肉質鮮美,配上麵條一起入口,回味無窮。2. 牛肉水餃:這道牛肉水餃是一道傳統的中式小吃。餃子皮薄而有嚼勁,內餡則是用鮮嫩的牛肉和一些蔬菜混合而成。水餃煮熟後口感鮮美,牛肉的鮮香味道十分突出。搭配上一些醬料,更能提升整道菜的風味。3. 孜然牛肉肉夾饃:這款孜然牛肉肉夾饃是一道結合了中式和西式風味的創意料理。饃子皮鬆軟,內餡則是用孜然調味的牛肉,口感鮮嫩多汁。孜然的香氣能夠提升整道菜的風味,給人一種獨特的口感享受。4. 羊肉串3串:這道羊肉串是一道烤串類美食。羊肉串經過調味後,以火炭燒烤至金黃色,肉質香嫩多汁。烤制時,羊肉上的脂肪會融化,讓肉質更加鮮美。搭配上一些配菜和調味料,能夠增添整道菜的層次感和風味。5. 酸梅湯:這碗酸梅湯是一道清爽的湯品。湯中加入了酸梅,使得湯的口感帶有一絲酸味,十分開胃。這道湯還能夠提供一些維生素和礦物質,讓人在炎炎夏日中消暑解渴。6. 熱奶茶:這杯熱奶茶是一種受歡迎的飲品。茶葉的香氣和奶香融合在一起,味道濃郁而香甜。熱奶茶可以提供一些能量和舒緩壓力的效果,是一種適合在休閒時享用的飲品。 继续阅读
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等级1 2024-05-09
91 浏览
睇到食評話好,就去試吓。 點知中佐伏,首先人手不足,見到餐廳內枱上還有剩下來的碗筷無人收枱,衛生方面唔得, 一大碗辣椒油沾上一張紙,我去攞麵時問有冇其他辣椒油,然後店員比外賣的辣椒油。 我叫佐蘭州牛肉麵,湯底味道一般,酸梅湯味道更不用講了,我好不容易食上一半就走了。 完😩 继续阅读
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等级4 2024-05-09
85 浏览
五指間蘭州牛肉麵😘😘😘清真牛肉灣仔軒尼詩道、以綠白為主系色的小食店、以特色小食「蘭州」牛肉麵為主!灣仔街坊又多一間以「清真」認証的美食店!蘭州拉麵$48+百事可樂$7⋯鎮店主菜、燉煮過的牛肉配清湯底、湯清、蘿蔔片白、香菜和蒜苗綠、麵條黃亮、所以清甜、牛肉軟綿綿、入口溶化、麵條軟硬度剛好、有嚼口!😄鮮茄牛肉麵$55+熱奶茶$10⋯新鮮番茄熬製、濃濃香蕃茄湯、配牛腱、入晒味、軟腍腍、一片片舖上面、色澤艶麗、吸引眼球、飽肚滿足!👍🏻牛肉水餃$48/12隻⋯每粒餡料🈵️滿、「清真」牛肉、皮薄、size剛好、一口一粒、吃時沾點醋、帶出味蕾新感覺、正呀!❤️孜然牛肉肉夾饃$32⋯民間特色小食、牛肉孜然粉醃製、香炒餡料、放在夾饃內、兩底兩麵微煎金香、趁熱吃、餅酥肉香、爽而不膩👏🏻五指間蘭州牛肉麵灣仔軒尼詩道298號地下A2號舖港鐵灣仔站A2出口、步行約7分 继续阅读
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等级3 2024-05-07
96 浏览
今天來個羊肉串燒下午茶, 五指間蘭州牛肉麵主打蘭州牛肉拉麵, 今日我嘅目標唔係牛肉麵, 係佢哋嘅羊.....羊肉夾饃及羊肉串燒, 餐廳光猛, 空間感十足, 可用自助點餐機或到櫃檯落單。羊肉串燒 ($18/串)而家做緊買二送一優惠,  剛燒好, 熱騰騰的, 烤好的羊肉串撒上大量孜然辣椒鹽粉, 香香辣辣好惹味,  瘦肉之間夾雜了少許肥羊, 這是羊肉串燒羶香美味的靈魂,  加碼3串羊肉夾饃 ($32)羊夾饃饃餡料以半肥瘦羊肉碎加香茜、孜然、其他香料粉及醬油炒香放入夾饃內, 夾饃外層加芝麻煎得乾身香脆, 有層鬆化嘅酥皮, 內層卻是鬆軟的, 羊肉碎羶香嫩滑, 飽肚又美味。小食 ~ 滷香牛肉 ($22)相信這碟滷香牛肉配佢嘅蘭州拉麵才能呈現牛肉最美味嘅狀態, 牛肉本身嘅鹵水味唔係太強,我就混了一個鎮江陳醋加麻辣油做牛肉醬汁,  拈少許陳醋麻辣醬伴食, 酸香微辣又醒胃, 好味多了200分, 牛肉口感彈牙。凍甜杯子($10)主要以莜麥及酒麴發酵的, 有啲酒的醋酸味道, 微微的麥香、酸香及酒香, 似酒釀丸子的味道, 發酵程度應該比酒釀丸子嘅大米更強勁, 甜杯子放入冷水、冰塊及糖水, 入口冰凍涼快, 微微的酒香、發酵酸,  甜度恰到好處, 好飲, 呢杯特飲唔知會唔會有好多益生菌呢? 继续阅读
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