Restaurant: 10 Shanghai

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

4-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
This 7000ft. Huaiyang cuisine restaurant is in a grand decoration. It is inspired by the trend of 30-50s old Shanghai. The chef is good at slicing. And there will be live music every weekend. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 17:00
18:00 - 23:30
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 23:30
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 00:00
11:30 - 17:00
18:00 - 00:00
11:30 - 17:00
18:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:30
18:00 - 00:00
*Lunch Last Order: 14:30 Afternoon Last Order: 16:30 Dinner Last Order: Sun - Thu 22:30, Fri, Sat & PH 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (255)
Level4 2024-03-13
用餐日期:2024/03/10用餐時段:午餐用餐費用(每人): $472.5餐廳環境:環境整潔乾淨 冷氣足 檯與檯之間闊落 坐得舒服服務:服務員服務態度正常味道:和朋友慶祝生日 4人點了餐前小食+1壺茶+3前菜+3主菜+2點心+2甜品1-餐前小食$20: 入座時已有的 味道一般 不推薦2-茶芥:本選了菊花 上錯了龍井 味道正常3-前菜選了3款:十里香蔥雞(半隻)+蘇式燻魚+涼拌胡椒萵筍蟶子3.1-十里香蔥雞(半隻)$218: 這個很受朋友們歡迎 雞肉夠新鮮夠滑夠香味道好 推薦3.2-蘇式燻魚$118: 這個炸得夠香脆可口 推薦3.3-涼拌胡椒萵筍蟶子$188: 這個萵筍爽脆 蟶子新鮮 涼拌有胡淑麻油香味 味道清爽開胃 推薦4-主食選了黃金蝦球+蘆筍海參炒帶子+新豬肉乾煸四季豆4.1-黃金蝦球$298: 份量足 蝦球很大粒很彈牙 蝦肉外包滿了咸蛋黃 味道超級好 愛蝦的超推薦點這道菜4.2-蘆筍海參炒帶子$288:蘆筍夠爽脆 帶子新鮮 海參有點過稔 味道不錯 如海參煮得不過稔更好 4.3-新豬肉乾煸四季豆$148: 這個四季豆炒得香口味道不錯 推薦5-點心選了金牌小籠包+鮮肉鍋貼5.1-金牌小籠包(五件)$78: 這小龍包皮過厚味道一般 不推薦5.2-鮮肉鍋貼(四件)$68: 這鍋貼皮很厚 皮底煎的不夠香脆味道一般 不推薦6-甜品選了棗泥鍋餅+雪綿豆沙香蕉6.1-棗泥鍋餅$78: 這個鍋餅皮不算厚 內有不少棗泥 鍋餅上有不少白砂糖 整體味道不錯 但有白砂糖在上的都偏甜 如白砂糖可分開上少甜些會更好 6.2-雪綿豆沙香蕉(四件)$80: 這個是很大的蛋白炸球內有少量的豆沙+白蕉 整體味道不好 不推薦總結:這家環境舒適 前菜主菜味道不錯 星期日和朋友慶祝生日下午1點半入場坐到4點多才離開 入座沒限時是加分的地方 整體是適合朋友/家座聚會的好場所 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友有心,新年前一齊聚一聚選擇了食他們的午市套餐。當然有很多不同菜式可以選擇而份量亦都相當十足。Friends were thoughtful enough that we got together before Chinese New Year and chose to have their set lunch. There are many different dishes to choose from and the portions are quite generous.食物上碟都算精緻,味道相當不錯,就算小丑亦都不太油膩。由於我們忙於傾偈,服務員亦相當細心取回食物,當我們食到差不多便上下一道菜。The presentation was quite exquisite, taste is to my liking and not too oily even for stir fry dishes. Since we were busy chatting, the waiter took the food back very attentively. When we were done eating, he served the next dish.這間食府整體都算不錯,唯獨是我對這個環境覺得比較嘈吵,不太適合大群組聯誼聚會又或是商務午餐。This restaurant is generally good, but I think the environment is noisy and not suitable for large group social gatherings or business luncheon. Service/服務 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Cleanliness/清潔度 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Taste/味道 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Ambiance/氣氛 👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-25
星期六屋企親戚齊人加有人生日,所以選擇這間又靚又好食嘅食肆. 預先訂了枱,是日星期六下午12:00 已經full 唒,都幾旺場.裝修格局high , 暗燈,有數張卡位, 多中枱,大枱少,坐得舒服. 洗手間也很干淨, 職員位位有禮,友善和服務好.👍👍食物質素好,選擇咗好多點心食, 樣樣都唔差,但真係值得推介係鮑魚糯米燒賣,爆汁牛肉餅,酥炸鳳尾魚,原桶黑豆腐花(熱),陳醋海蜇頭,梅菜燒肉餅,香蔥家常餅,全部都好好食⋯⋯ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-23
dessert: I had the pleasure of trying their signature Mango Pomelo Sago, and it was a true delight. The sweetness of ripe mangoes combined with the tanginess of pomelo created a symphony of flavors that danced on my palate. The addition of sago pearls added a delightful texture, making every spoonful a heavenly experience. Huaiyang Sketch,:This traditional dish showcased the culinary prowess of the chefs at R-十里洋場. The tender slices of braised pork belly melted in my mouth, releasing a burst of savory flavors with every bite. The dish was expertly seasoned, with the rich aroma of soy sauce and spices infusing every morsel. Snowy Bean Paste and Banana: This innovative creation caught my eye, andI was curious to see how the flavors would come together. To my delight, it was a match made in heaven. The creamy bean paste provided a smooth and velvety base, while the sweetness of the banana added a delightful contrast. Topped with a sprinkle of snow-like shaved ice, it was a refreshing and light dessert that was the perfect ending to my meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-25
餐廳的裝修瑰麗高雅,環境舒適寧靜又別緻,坐得舒適。商務午市套餐$398/1位,由於是會員有買一送一。點心三拼(金牌小籠包,螞蟻上樹春卷、蒸素菜餃)小籠包皮薄餡靚,充滿湯汁,味道鮮美;螞蟻上樹春卷炸得又乾身,香口惹味;素菜餃子皮很軟身,味道素雅不油膩。蟹肉冬蓉羹。這湯羹真係正!冬蓉羹口感香滑,稠厚度剛剛好,味道鮮美,啖啖蟹肉鮮味,正!清炒江蘇河蝦仁這蝦仁份量十足,炒得十分爽口彈牙,加上浙醋,味道唔單寡。獅子頭濃油赤醬,獅子頭口感軟滑,沒有太多肥膏,惹味香滑,配上冬茹和筍片,送飯一流。十景楊州炒飯這楊州炒飯真材實料,啖啖有蝦肉旦絲,飯粒粒粒分明,完全夠味也不油膩,正!夠薑芝麻湯圓這湯圓真香滑,湯圓皮很薄,芝麻餡味道香蓤,滿滿芝麻味,加上輕甜的薑水,驅寒又味美。這一天午餐買一送一,正! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)