10-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station; 中環站D2出口,步行半山扶手電梯10分鐘 continue reading
中環蘇豪一帶有唔少充滿異國風情嘅餐廳,當然唔少得意大利菜啦!Uncle Pizza, Pasta & Grill製作極具特色嘅手工薄餅🍕,薄餅傳統得嚟又不失創意呢,又有獨創火山爐烤雞翼,蜜糖脆皮豬手,自家製玉桂蘋果卷,快啲嚟食啦! continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
11:00 - 23:45
11:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 23:45
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (554)
This pizza restaurant is located around the upper middle part of the Central-Mid level escalator, I like it because you’ll be able to escape the crowds gathered downstairs. Perfect for guests who enjoy a quiet and comfortable meal. All the pizzas on the menu were named with a specific Uncle nickname, I was tempted by Uncle Gail as it’s handwritten on the chalkboard at the door. So here it is: Uncle Gail, alternatively known as the Duck Duck Mango. Each slice has at least one or more than one pieces of roasted French smoked duck breast, a generous spoonful of mango salsa, and is topped with a mountain of arugula. The crust is baked with cheddar cheese, at which the bread part is at medium thickness: soft on the inside, and crunchy on the edges. Allow me to call this a FLAVOUR BOMB, the gist is the mango salsa: it’s a very refreshing and delicious mixture of diced mango and raw onions, plus a lot of cilantro and some additional herbs. The taste is superb on its own, and is further elevated by the spicy/ bitter kick from the bouquet of fresh arugula. As one of the staff recommends, pumpkin soup is a new addition in 2024 and it’s not printed on the menu yet. It’s pretty good and they sprinkle a lot of dried parsley on the soup. Ended my lunch with a hot cup of coffee, here they serve very simple long black (with a layer of crema), in a small cup. A little pity because I wasn’t able to meet “Uncle” this time, however I overheard from his apprentices that he has been extending his pizza influences and there’s another brand new pizza shop somewhere nearby. Guess I’ve to revisit to ask Uncle for more details haha. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-16
蘇豪一帶唔係得酒吧咁簡單嘅,好多隱世餐廳喺街巷上,其中呢間老細好好招呼,盡量令食客賓至如歸,雖然細細間,嘢食dum一聲咁因為新年後啱啱開返,所以未有pizza提供,第二日先有,唯有嗌其他嘢啦佢地嘅凱撒沙律,都已經好唔簡單,沙律菜非常爽口,麵包碎唔會乾好好口感,沙律醬唔會得個酸字,感覺好舒服撈啲芝士碎層次更豐富,煙三文魚大大塊,唔會鹹到喧賓奪主啱啱好炸蠔係嚟緊會加喺menu嘅前菜,老細見我地唔知揀咩好就推介呢味,見新年每人送多粒蠔啱啱上菜,就提我地即食就係最佳時機,一咬果然好鮮綿,油溫嚴謹拿捏之下,煉成最好嘅炸蠔,醬汁方面都係自家製,用煎煙肉逼出嚟嘅油脂製成,香滑到點得乾乾淨淨卡邦尼亦係欣賞廚師功力嘅好選擇,每一條意粉都可以煮得爽彈掛汁蛋加醬汁濃而不膩,芝士、菇同煙肉粒嘅比例完美配合意粉嘅份量,啖啖美味層出不窮老細見我地食得咁滿足,叫我地like佢地社交平台,就送件cheesecake畀我地作結,件蛋糕一啲都唔滯,勁香cream cheese味,呢間太完美喇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
.‼️❤️ 記得CLICK我PROFILE關注我呀 ❤️‼️.🍕 𝙵𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙸𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝙵𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚜 @ 🌟 Uncle Pizza, Pasta & Grill《👽食神大媽食西餐》.💁‍♀️ 圖片展示美食為:Uncle Jimmy HKD 168Stir-fried Prawns with Chilli & Garlic Chips HKD 118.👽 蘇豪區出名多用心經營嘅餐廳,而唔會動不動見到連鎖經營嘅餐廳,絕對係尋幽探店嘅好選擇。今次我哋呢就行行吓經過呢一間餐廳,俾佢個名吸引,所以其實下晝唔係特別肚餓都決定一於試吓啦!😝.🍕 淨係睇個名都已經知主打食PIZZA,咁就當然要叫黎試吓啦!所有PIZZA都係用親戚名黎命名,好搞笑,我哋就隨機揀咗呢一個「UNCLE JIMMY」。主要有挪威煙三文魚,捲成一朵花花咁,每一朵都好鮮美。餅底鬆脆好味,仲有車打芝士,超邪惡!.🦐 另外仲叫左「辣椒蒜片炒蝦仁」,本身以為係細細隻嘅蝦仔,估唔到上台原來係三隻大虎蝦!肉質鮮嫩,調味香辣濃郁,好惹味呢!.😌 呢間餐廳坐得好舒服又乾淨,食物嘅味道同品質都對得住個價錢,服務仲要好有熱誠,大家有機會記得去試下。.📍 中環蘇豪伊利近街25號地舖📲 +(852)2683-2188.‼️❤️ 記得CLICK我PROFILE關注我呀 ❤️‼️.💯 最真實的美食點評 ❤️ 歡迎報料 ❤️.꧁𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌ꕥ𖠌꧂. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
餐廳:Uncle Pizza, Pasta & Grill地點:中環伊利近街菜式:意大利菜餐牌:主餐牌除左Pizza,意粉,仲有前菜,沙律,湯,燒肉,意大利飯同甜品。Uncle Ken Romain Delight $168 加一Parma Ham, Sliced Strawberry & Argula Pizza分8寸同12寸,12寸比8寸貴$30。每款Pizza都改左個Uncle名,貫徹返個餐廳名。Pizza一客6件,Size唔算好大。餅底唔厚唔薄,濕潤度高,邊位就少少脆。配料有巴馬火腿,每片薄餅都有一片鹹香巴馬火腿,伴有新鮮士多啤梨切件,甜甜哋可以中和鹹味。本來係配無花果,落單時服務員都有提今日係用士多啤梨,都ok呀。薄餅中間放滿火箭菜,加左鹽花,味道少鹹。雖然冇拉絲芝士,不過唔會乾,帶適量番茄醬味,而餅底芝士味都幾濃。我一個人食晒成個pizza都唔會太滯。Baked Portabello with Meat Sauce & Chedder Cheese, Topped with Argula $98 加一另外點左呢款前菜,Baked Portabello with Meat Sauce & Chedder Cheese, Topped with Argula賣相不俗。一隻厚菇上面鋪左肉醬同大量芝士,面頭加上火箭菜,用香甜黑醋調味。隻菇又熱又多汁,配肉醬食好夾,另配一細兜肉醬等你自己加,主要係番茄醬味,芝士相對分量輕d,面頭灑上香草。今餐好飽呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-02
平時星期六日都好鍾意嚟中環呢一帶行一行,靠近半山呢邊人流冇咁迫,遊客少啲,環境都無咁嘈,而今日就揀咗呢一間Pizza店食午餐。~呢一間係因為見到網上面好多好評,所以都忍唔住嚟一次究竟。雖然係週末,但佢哋都有午市套餐,價錢都幾抵食。不過套餐就冇佢哋主打嘅Pizza,所以我同大嚿兩個人,就叫咗一個Pizza加一個套餐share。~Pizza款式眾多,三心兩意底下最後揀咗Uncle Wyman,裏面嘅主要材料有Cajun Chicken, Roasted Eggplant, Red Onion, Anchovies,Tomato Sauce & Cheddar Cheese等等,size方面就有8吋同埋12吋之分。不得不說成個Pizza都真係幾足料,雞肉大大塊,茄子柔嫩,加埋鹹鹹香香嘅提魚車打芝士,酸酸甜甜嘅蕃茄醬,仲有解膩嘅紅洋蔥,成個未到平衡得好好,餅底乾爽,底部綿密邊緣香脆,很不錯。~lunch set嘅大蝦蛋片沙律配檸檬油醋汁就擺盤好精緻,底下嘅沙律菜加咗黑醋同埋橄欖油,油潤酸甜中帶點清爽,加埋彈牙扎實Fried Shrimp,健康之餘,味道亦不錯。餐湯係蘑菇湯,頗濃郁,入邊加入咗奶油,奶滑奶滑的。~PS:另外餐廳有免費借用叉電器,幾貼心~~~Uncle Pizza, Pasta & Grill (中環)中環蘇豪伊利近街25號地舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)