
Ivan The Kozak
6-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Ivan The Kozak is a traditional Russian and Ukranian restaurant that offers Hong Kong a real taste of Eastern European cuisine. Apart from food, the restaurant also has 20 different kinds of Russian vodka, Czech wine, Austria beer and Hungary red wine. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.







About Reward Scheme
Review (479)
Level2 2024-08-07
呢間餐廳早喺接近七八年前舊舖已經食過~ 仲記得老闆係烏克蘭人 會出嚟同你打招呼請你飲voka🧊 舊舖時有得Show off佢嘅voka Corner 一整個房間竟然係酒嘅雪櫃 真係好懷念好壯觀!再次到訪新鋪 未見老闆蹤影 不過一樣好喜歡呢種烏克蘭小屋嘅裝修🖼️🕯️ 以及每一種家常飯 好有親切感🇺🇦➊ Stewed Venison 古法宮廷焙鹿肉w/ Onions, Mushrooms, Bell Peppers & Tomatoes Honey & Red wine Sauce 🍯🍷 成個菜式都有蔬菜嘅清甜 薯仔配紅酒汁亦食到要清盤😋➋ Ox Tongue w/ Cheese in Clay Pot 招牌芝士焗牛舌盅*呢個必食!牛舌有咬口得嚟亦都煮到非常軟!🫕 芝士加蘑菇醬汁,配搭酥皮,簡直係超級上癮嘅口味➌ Ukrainian Borscht 傳統烏克蘭羅宋湯 🥘大量Beetroot! 啖啖蔬菜 湯面加上酸忌廉 非常清甜。‣ 曾經有烏克蘭朋友講過:serve with room temperature, not too cold not too hot, so this is good for your body health! ➍ Potato & Mushroom Pierogi 傳統蘑菇薯仔餃子薯仔蓉非常幼細 加入洋蔥同埋蘑菇包入餃子内 口感非常豐富 配搭淡淡嘅Sour Cream 非常天然*呢個有種特別嘅吸引力 係我個人推介 #Pierogies ➎ Ukrainian Honey Cake 烏克蘭風味蜂蜜蛋糕大癲!完全係比想像中嘅好食100,000倍!🥹🤍軟滑嘅 Sour Cream + Honey + Walnuts 好香好滑勁好食喺外國住嘅時候,其實食兔肉食鹿肉真係非常common~呢啲都係野外可以拎到嘅食材,配料亦都有好多天然嘅農業食材。所以大部份烏克蘭家鄉菜都配撘農地耕種所得到嘅:薯仔、蕃茄、蘑菇、洋蔥、青紅椒、蜜糖etc. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-01
同朋友諗住食飯 慶祝生日見依家餐廳幾特別,就諗住book位啦 但係我發現去到book咗位同未book位係冇分別 咁我book位係為咩?初頭我都以為如果食物可以補救到我都算啦 點知一嚟個湯係凍嘅 啲食物都係凍嘅。,你叫我點簡其他餐牌其他嘢食。好笑,我話俾員工聽你串錯咗我朋友個生日名脾 佢就同我講我分下晝寫嘅..我心諗你用Maka筆 已經唔啱㗎啦個蛋糕寫字 如果有人食咗落肚會點呢?仲要同我講分上下晝寫咁關咩事呢其實,上下晝會分開會唔同啲??仲話同我個friend講,我會寫隻碟喺個蛋糕度,我而家係俾朋友驚喜 ,而家啲驚喜咩都冇!仲話送件蛋糕俾我乞兒啊 ??吾需要啦 謝謝 …仲要個客未走講個客吾岩 不知所謂…. 以為試下個招牌,點知都係失望。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-17
Loved the deco of the restaurant. There’s a feeling of entering into another country once you stepped outside of the lift. This restaurant has been around for a long time in Central and they’ve moved to this place for a few years I think.The traditional Borscht soup was much redder than the ones we usually had in HK. The red colour came from the beetroot. We’d ordered the ox tongue with cheese & mushroom sauce and the braised duck breast with apple. Both are their signature dishes. I didn’t expect the way the 2 dishes being presented was so similar. If I knew ahead of time, I would have ordered a different dish 😊. They both came in a beautiful traditional patterned porcelain container with lid. Rice was underneath the ox tongue and there potatoes along with apples in the duck breast dish. The ox tongue was so tender and flavourful. The duck breast was comparatively harder.The chef’s dessert was similar to a Portuguese serradura, while instead of condensed milk and Marie biscuit, this East-European dessert was having cake crumbs together with whipped cream. My friend and I found the cake crumbs not sticking to the cream as much and hence making it easier to choke. The taste was good though. For the drink, we picked flower honey, one with rose and another one with osmanthus. The sweet and delightful floral smell lingered and they’re not too sweet. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-27
今次終於畀我試到正宗既紅菜頭羅宋湯喇落哂全部sour cream仲有個三文魚子醬薄餅都好食,魚子醬夠鹹,薄餅又薄又香。小麥汽水飲落去好爽口。希望之後有機會試下黑海魚子醬。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-26
少見的東歐菜,門口前有裝飾物,還有很多打氣的MEMO。這是香港首間烏克蘭餐廳,內裡也很有格調,相信晚上來回更有氣氛。餐牌封面是皮製封面 ,有不同菜色特,主菜不是飯麵類 。傳統烏克蘭羅宋湯$78材料豐富,紅菜頭味鮮甜,牛肉味也突出,染紅的薯仔也不錯 。芝士蒜蓉包$68作為拌菜,份量不多,勝在芝士飽肚,蒜香和芝士的鹹香度剛剛好,麵包軟身,不需咬到很用力。傳統蘑菇薯仔餃子$88蘑菇味相對較輕,感較多,是一款比較易飽的菜。傳統椰菜雞牛卷$98,有些似我們的港式鮮竹卷,雞牛味道勢均力敵,都好食。 馳名基輔炸雞排 $198最期待的主菜來了,一開始以為是酥脆外皮,原來是有分量的面包皮,還前面很漂亮,雞肉的顏色粉粉的也不錯,牛油意外地不太感覺到,不會膩。 總括而言 食物味道挺好的 而然味道挺好的,是價錢有點小貴,可考慮特別日子來慶祝。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)