4-min walk from Exit C, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Charcoal Grilled Bavette Signature Whole Roasted Chicken, Glazed Green Peas Lobster Linguine, Lobster Sauce Fresh Baked Madeleines, Chocolate Mousse Duck leg confit
Review (61)
Level4 2024-04-02
Bistro Du Vin @bistroduvin.hk 📍:西環加多近街39-41號地下A號舖🚗:堅尼地城地鐵C出口 步行4分鐘📞:+852 2824-3010💲:~HKD300/head for lunchFood quality✔️:3 course, Duck liver mousse with apricot jelly, mussels in white wine sauce, freshly baked madeleine with chocolate mousse👌🏼:ratatouille linguine, grilled mackerel, roasted beetroot & bell pepper in romesco sauce 總結:😋$250食個lunch好似好貴咁 但以呢間法國菜質素同服務 都算幾抵食🤣😋成餐最好食就係鴨肝慕絲 要另外加$40但絕對值得 杏桃果醬配埋鴨肝好夾 加上去吐司上食 停唔到口 如果畀多幾塊就更完美😋第二驚喜係麵包🥯熱上鬆軟 配牛油🧈正😋瑪德蓮相信大家都唔陌生 貝殻形狀咁可愛呢幾年都愈嚟愈common見到 但呢間係我食過最好食嘅瑪德蓮 非常簡單咁配埋朱古力慕絲 但就係簡單地美味😋白酒青口真係好典型嘅法國菜 白酒味好出仲加埋洋蔥🧅蕃茄同香草 令到陣味唔會好寡 😋餐廳員工好nice同友好 唔係行服務得好標準路線🤔主菜嘅兩款反而有點失色 分別係linguine同mackerel 唔錯嘅但略微有點普通👌🏼🤔法國菜普遍都精緻優雅 呢間餐廳雖然唔係好奢華極至嘅路線 食物無論係視覺上定口感上都未去到wow嘅感覺 但佢有種淡淡低調奢華感 冇咩餐廳有呢種feel 幾特別🙆🏼‍♀️😨個人覺得環境同佢風格唔太夾 外面有櫥窗設計幾靚 但入面黑白雙格地板同埋放上石頭?酒櫃嘅設計好不倫不類 如果簡單啲低調啲唔好太浮誇可能會觀念舒服啲🙊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-26
由內而外都散發出一種外國既感覺, 食物選擇唔算多, 不過淨係見到啲名都已經覺得好吸引, 因為一早卜左位既關係仲可以預留到門口角落既位置俾我地自成一角🤣Baby Squid A La Plancha 🦑 ($160)彈牙鮮味既魷魚仔用左簡單既酸酸地既醬汁去調味幾開胃🤤Mussels ($360)細細隻既青口雖然有得啖啖肉咁食, 但係個牛油味香濃既湯汁令到成個餸生色不少😎Roasted Chicken 🐓 ($600)原隻燒雞望落勁吸引, 如果有需要影相既話會等你影完相再幫你切開👍🏽 雞肉每一部分都好Juicy, 連雞胸既部分都嫩滑, 配菜吸曬啲雞油都好😋 不過因為烹調需時, 所以建議一早預訂左先🥰Lobster Linguine 🦞 ($290)龍蝦肉幾彈牙爽口, 意粉軟硬度適中, 味道正常冇特別🤓Grand Marnier Soufflé 🥧($210)即叫即整既Soufflé空氣感十足, 不過啲糖未完全融化曬食到啲糖粒😅呢度既氣氛同環境都好有法式小酒館既感覺, 不過可能因為太忙出現左甩單既情況🫣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-18
🇭🇰Bistro Du Vin·呢間我好耐之前已經嚟過一次食lunch😚今次夜晚再嚟啲嘢一樣都係咁好食🤤·beef tartare signature $220 l snails poitou-charentes aop $140 l classic onion soup $110前菜方面我就最鍾意佢個牛肉tartare 佢呢一個牛肉質感好好 好新鮮 而且調味都剛剛好🐮之後佢個snails都唔錯🐌不過佢個洋蔥湯就唔係平時飲落好濃嗰種黎既 佢係似日式嘅洋蔥湯多啲 飲落比較稀 我自己就冇咁鍾意🧅🤣🤣·roasted chicken signature $600 l bouchot mussels $290之後佢個雞我超鍾意😍😍佢係超嫩 肉質好好 而且佢係片走左啲肥膏 連雞皮都好好食🐤😋之後佢個青口都唔錯 佢啲青口質感好好 入晒味 隔離啲薯條都好好味🍟😈·madeleines signature $140佢個madeleine今次一樣都係咁好味🤩佢係勁香蛋味同埋橙味 新鮮焗出嚟軟綿綿超正😌之後佢個朱古力雪糕都勁有驚喜 佢係超濃朱古力味 有少少苦 好夾個madeleine😎😎·#rbyeat#rby西餐 #rbycelebrations#rby堅尼地城·📍西環堅尼地城爹核士街1號地下D號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-14
The clams were very fresh (presented in Le Creuset pot) and the soup was so yummy. I saved some sour dough to soak up the soup and also drinking it all up!The roasted threadfin was very nice too. Cooked just right. Love the sauce. For French cooking, the essence is in the sauce!The madeleine was hot from the oven. Even the sun was shining when it’s presented 🌞I prefer eating that as is, rather than pairing it with the chocolate ice cream, as the chocolate flavour was strong and would cover the light orange peel flavour from the madeleine.French songs were playing, while those were R&Bs and rock. I think it’d be better if it’s playing more traditional French music to better fit in with the French bistro environment. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-29
紅色嘅大門嘅Bistro Du Vin非常容易搵倒,入面樓底高,空間感十足。Crispy Suckling Pig $320乳豬個皮卜卜脆,肉質嫩滑,不過肥膏亦都唔少,食到第二舊就會有啲膩,所以佢會配個炒洋蔥。洋蔥有好重嘅檸檬味,可以解咗油膩嘅感覺,好啱同乳豬一齊食👍🏼Chicken in Red Wine $290有半隻雞嘅份量,雞肉好入味,完全吸收哂湯嘅精華。佢會配埋個薯蓉,可以連埋啲湯汁一齊食。Lobster Bisque $180超濃嘅龍蝦味! 起碼有半隻龍蝦肉嘅份量 湯底又唔會太過潔身,好飲👍🏼Snial $180法式蝸牛嘅肉質比平時食開嘅有口感,唔會話係一坺嘢咁樣。蕃茜醬汁有好重嘅牛油味,無論係點蝸牛食或者點麵包食都好好食。*係張枱細咗啲,有啲啲野食要食完先上得菜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)